Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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EricaSJ said:
GREG: I thought you and Grissom were tight.
GREG: Okay. Got it. Private.

I want to say thats from season five or three. But I'm not really sure.

Well I gotta jet got to much homework to do and need to stop focusing on CSI.

By the way whats up with this whole hotdog thing?
Rissa I love the banner you made. LOL. Cath and Gil always have fun in their own way, hehe. And welcome to our new home GrissCathfan. I've got to say it again...I REALLY love your avvie. :D

Dang I can't believe I forgot the hand scene considering the "May I Take Your Hand" title was a close second in our poll, after our current title. LOL. Anyway much love to the scene because really, in Catherine and Gil's relationship, Gil isn't the only one who give up something for the other. He uses his puppy dog eyes and begs a little, then Catherine just melts and does whatever he says. :lol: Apparently this isn't the only time. We'll see something similar in the later episode Unfriendly Skies. :)

And the boat scene. THE BOAT SCENE. The boat scene is a classic. Period.

No one wants to answer which episode my quote was from? *pouts*

ETA: Nope, CGF, not right. Sorry. Thanks for trying to answer, though. ;) I started handing out hotdogs for good ideas/behaviors after the episode Dog Eat Dog was aired. Thought it was fun considering Cath and Gil enjoyed having hotdog sandwiches together in To Halve and to Hold. ;)
I know I'm late but yeay for the new thread :D :D :D All the pics you have posted are great.

I adore the title its so true and topical :)

May i answer the quote? Is it from To Have And To Hold? (subtle hint Erica?) I love that episode, the chemistry between them was so fun and couplely.
I understand that now. *feels smart*

I love the boat scene as well. In fact I love that entire episode basically. Not my favorite but its a great episode.

Okay well if my answer is wrong then I guess it might have to be from one of the other seasons. Now I just have to figure out which episode and I'm home free. *goes to search*

Edit: Aww someone found it. Oh well I tried.
You got it right, CSIangel. The quote is from season one's To Halve and to Hold. Catherine gets Teri Miller back to help with the bones. Greg is curious about Gil and Teri and asks Catherine. She doesn't tell him anything. Good girl. :D And now it's your turn to come up with a new quote. :)

LOL for those who don't know yet, Catherine and Gil's fight about personal stuff in PMJ is the first time Gil's "condo" and big screen TV are mentioned. Catherine sure knows about quite some of his personal stuff, doesn't she?

Awe I'm sorry, CGF. I'm sure rebec would love to share her veggie burgers with you. And who knows? Maybe you're the one with the right answer next time!
Thanks Erica, but because i've already done one, CGF can have my go if she wants? :)

Isnt To Have And To Hold also the episode where they have the case where they find the bones, and Cath goes, "Do you want to suck on it to be sure?" :lol:

And i love the way she's concerned for his health, with the hep B shot. Anything to do with Gils help Cath always seems to know about :)
Dardeile said:
Back to Gil, also the phone call E took in consideration was really cute! When they talk on the phone they look like two teenagers...!

:lol: Couldn't you see them doing that thing where they're like "You hang up first"...."Nooooo, you hang up first"..."No, you first"..."Okay, we'll go at the same time, One...Two...Three..."
That was the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the post.
re: pmj and the goofy teenagers on the phone looks...what a great analogy. catherine always gets so giggly when gil compliments her or shows he's proud of her. you don't really see her do that anywhere else (and this is true even as recently as s6, remember "rock n roll").

as far as relationships go, gil and cath's relationship is the only one to have shown the depths of a true relationship. the ups, downs, lulls, fights, compromises that make up everything that makes up a relationship.
CSIangel17 said:
Thanks Erica, but because i've already done one, CGF can have my go if she wants? :)

You can take your turn. This may sound silly but I kinda want to earn it in away. Not being the best quote person I want to be able to be the first to get one and be able to then find a good one to put up. I know its silly but its me. I'll try to get your quote right hows that?

Seriously now I must go finish my homework like a good little wanna be CSI should do.
Thank you :) No, that makes total sense, and ugh dont even mention homework :lol:

Ok then next quote, just because its from one of my favourite ever G/C episodes:

CATHERINE: Why are you talking to yourself?
GIL: I'm trying a new technique.
CATHERINE: Is it working?
GIL: I have no idea.

coolcatz said:
as far as relationships go, gil and cath's relationship is the only one to have shown the depths of a true relationship. the ups, downs, lulls, fights, compromises that make up everything that makes up a relationship.

Thats so true, and thats why their realtionship will last through anything, even the lull they're having/had atm, and pretty soon TMTB will see that :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

CSIangel17 said:
Ok then next quote, just because its from one of my favourite ever G/C episodes:

CATHERINE: Why are you talking to yourself?
GIL: I'm trying a new technique.
CATHERINE: Is it working?
GIL: I have no idea.

Formalities :D :cool:

And we're on PMJ now, yeah? Ok, so this was the first case they had together, and they really do work well with each other. It's really hard for me to pick a favorite scene from this one, because there are so many moments that show the amazingness (is that a word? :lol:) of Gil and Catherine's relationship.

I love the 'married couple argument' in the parking lot. "What personal stuff?" I always say that after she says that, Gil should grab her, kiss her, and then say "That personal stuff" :devil:

The boat scene is priceless as well. Especially Cath's "He had to say it" under her breath at the end. So, so very Cath-like :)
Re: Gil &lt;3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Yep thats right :) Your go!

Yep PMJ was a great episode, i like the way that they defined their relationship early on in the series, and showed every aspect of how they relate to each other, just in that episode. It has everything from bits of comedy 'New Pet' to old married couple arguments.

And the bit where Cath goes 'oh alone?' when Gil says he goes to the restaurant for calamari, sounded to me like Catherine just wanted to make sure that if he wasnt taking her out to dinner that he wasnt taking anyone else out :)
CSIangel , I can't forget this quote : "Formalities" ;) one of the fav CG fans epi ...
I guess that everything has been said about this epi . So I wont do 5 pages . The famous bow tie scene , unforgetable and the best C/G romantic scene . IMO . About the quote, he's trying to do like Sofia !
And yes , sandersidle, we are very fast ! :)

So, I guess that I have to give you a new quote:
Cath: Never doubt,never look back . That's how I live my life.
Gil: I admire that.

------- edit ------
sorry, I didn't see your post littlesara1 !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

^yay i'll throw one in it's at the end of Strip Strangler when they're at the diner and everyone goes to get food...I love the grin on Gils face after he starts eating and when his tone when Sara asks who got the wheat toast and fruit. Good episode..ummmmmya..

GRISSOM: And that's because of you?

CATHERINE: Yes. I'm her mother. She mimics me.

GRISSOM: Well, then she'll be fine. I mean, look at you.

CATHERINE: You're just saying that to make me feel better.


I love this ep...I'll tell you why after some one gets this.
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