Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Liz , when I read your post, I said myself that all these rules to be followed were surely a little futile for you and I understand it . Believe me, you didn't offend anybody .
So, we all hope to see you on this thread and have fun with us .

Burked is a great epi but I watched it a long time ago ! can't remember why we see Sam in it :confused: can someone
light me ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylynn, i think cath knew walt and tony because of things she said. maybe just casually but she knew them.

ah, the butt watching scene. he actually looks as if he going to grab it at one point.

and anne, add spiders to teh dictionary. for a reference use caliente. and dang it, got my hair caught in the door again today.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Spiders. Of course :)

I loved the pictures you guys posted from Burked - great pics there.

And I love the Sam/Catherine interaction in that episode.

Also, there's some great shots of Burked in Erica's vid "Queen Of My Heart"
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

1CSIMfan said:
I'm not sure if Except not ALL fans, you know, there are SOME fans who don't care about anything but their own ship was a direct jab at a certain ship or not (although I'm thinking that it was) but it needs to stay out of this thread.

Take it to The Great Ship Debate CSI thread pinned near the top of the page. ;)

Let's keep it pleasant in here. :)
Actually it wasn't a direct jab at any ship. I was talking about a general situation. People here know very well that I even "comment" on some of the C/G shippers when I don't agree with them, too, and I'm probably the one with the least dislike to the ship you might be referring to. I might have said that I'm not into a particular ship in this thread, but I've never said anything against it. And with the comment above, I was just trying to be realistic. But if you think it's better not to talk about it in here, then I won't do it again.

liz, you are welcome in here and we'd love to see you post. Just don't violate the rules and you'll be fine.

Back to Burked. I can't believe I forgot the dummy scene. I like seeing the girls carry dummies through the lab, too. It looks just so funny, especially when Catherine does it because her figure is so small. :lol: And I absolutely love the scene with Cath and Gil killing the dummy. It was really cute.

Somehow I think Gil would love to be the dummy at this moment:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Cath: Honestly Gil...I told you he wasn't looking at my tush...

I too love the dummy scenes, for the same reason you do, Erica. Marg is tiny, and they give her a huge dummy and she's heaving it down the halls. It's hysterical.

It's nice having people in here who can draw the line and make sure we stick to it. Thanks guys for making this an awesome place to be :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

e and anne, i agree about the visual of marg carrying the dummy (same goes for jorja and the pole). the visual alone makes you laugh. maybe we should start a petition to bring back the dummy?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

maybe we should start a petition to bring back the dummy?
I'm with you on your bring back the dummy campaign.

The dummy scene looks really sexy. I can't remember what they did exactly to it.. did they take his clothes off?

liz we'd love to have you back here, and thanks for the info about the Billy interview that you posted last time. :)
Burked is a great epi but I watched it a long time ago ! can't remember why we see Sam
Sam was in the episode because his son was murdered.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hottie_Cath said:
maybe we should start a petition to bring back the dummy?
I'm with you on bring back the dummy campaign.

The dummy scene looks really sexy. I can't remember what they did exactly to it.. did take his clothes off?

liz we'd love to have you back here, and thanks for the info about the Billy interview that you posted last time. :)
Burked is a great epi but I watched it a long time ago ! can't remember why we see Sam
Sam was in the episode because his son was murdered.

They were adjusting the shirt so that they could see the button impressions.

And I'm all for bringing back the dummies

And do stay, Liz - no one's perfect with rules, and this is a place to enjoy GC - we'd love to have you here :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hehe. Are we talking about this scene?


It's just so cute and I laugh every time when I'm seeing a scene like that. Unfriendly Skies for example. Also, Catherine's line was cute, too. "Ooops, mind the dummy." :lol:

LOL. Did you see where her right hand was?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Thanks Anne. Cath and Gil learning how to unbutton shirts? That's so sexy. I probably watch this ep again.
LMAO! Yeah that was the first thing I saw. :devil: I wonder if there was a scene/ep where her hands wandered around Gil's body. I gotta think about those.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

her hand was the first thing i notice about that scene. she's hilarious. you gotta watch her hands, they are often in curious places.

ok, who is heading up bring back the dummy?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

That's hilarious. Most men would envy the dummy a lot, I bet.

As for the petiton, I'm in...The dummy must be in the opening credits. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Bring back the dummys? Ummm...don't we have enough dummys involved with CSI these days? *cough* Sorry.

As I said before, Burked is such a great episode from start to finish. We even got some Eddie moments:
SAM: She's the worst ... and he loved her the most. Can you believe it? CATH: Yeah, I do. (anyone else think of Eddie there?)
-and -
CATH: Been there. (after watching Curt & Bonnie fight in the hall of PD)

Great Cath/Gil moment even without Cath in the scene:
GRISSOM: (to Nick)See if Catherine's got some clear nail polish. It'll seal it off from the air, keep it from itching.

Notice how he first thinks of Cath there.

and then they finish each other's thoughts:
CATH: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
GIL: Whoever's prints are on the duct tape is missing an earring back. Who's the only other woman in the story?
CATH: She lives in Carson City.
GIL: She's here now.
CATH: She has access to Curt's truck.
GIL: We saw the fight in the police department.
CATH: "Hell hath no fury ... "
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Marg's great. Both her facial expressions and her body language can often make a scene without her saying a single word.

And Erica, ITA about that line. "Mind the dummy" LOL

You know, I bet the other people in those scenes probably thought watching Marg carry that dummy was pretty amusing too.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

liz19 said:
thankyou, you see i have a terminal lung disease and i have 9 months tops, so i dont follow the rules anywhere any more, i am sorry if i offended anyone. i will try to be more rules aware ok.

My dear, I am very sorry for your health issues. That has to suck.

However, I really don't see what that has to do with following or not following our very simple rules. Truly. That makes no sense. I have severe health issues, yet I follow the rules at any boards at which I post. Using health as an excuse for doing or not doing things is to me unacceptable.

Might I suggest that you take a few minutes and read the rules and other stickied posts. It'll help you get acquainted with how things run and make things run smoother. They're on the right side of the page. I'll be happy to answer any questions if you need any help and my email is

I hope that you find this a fun and welcoming place. The people here are friendly and pleasant. We work hard to keep it that way.

Happy posting.
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