Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

csigrillows, you really should cap more often.

e, you had the wrong answer on your quote.

everyone else your answers were correct.

natural chemistry. honestly you can't fake it. it's there or it isn't. dave/maddie on moonlighting is a great example. actually a perfect example. wanna know why? because there was tension between cybill and bruce at first, they didn't click BUT the chemistry was there from the start. so chemistry doesn't have to be because two actors immediately hit it off. they can have issues and still have that magic spark--if it is going to be there--from the start.

e, j/k you were correct, lol.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ Dang. You had me go all the way back to check the quote. How dare you fool me like that? HUH? I was so sure. LOL. By the way, in case you don't know, the case discussion was on Face Lift and no one posted about it but me. :lol: You really should say something since it was your idea to start the case discussion. :D

So, um, this week's episode is Fannysmackin'. I'll put this in spoiler tags to be safe.

No C/G of course. I guess we all figured that since they told their viewers what to expect. *shurgs* It's nice that we're going to see Greg get a big part, though.
And here's your new cap, guys.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

face lift? GNOMES! GNOMES! AND MORE GNOMES!!!! *remembers boredom fic and weird cath/sara thread gif* ah memories...

actually a good case. we see quite plainly that cath isn't the only one to get personally involved in cases. wth was gil thinking when he brought tammy's mother to see her through the window?

more greg is good, but not enough to make me watch. i wanna fannysmack someone.


gil: *to himself* i love when she wears "the world is your gyno" shorts to work.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LOL although I needed some time to get what it meant (pardon my English), that was so hilarious, and so true. Good job, coolc. :devil:

I love Face Lift. It shows that even St. Grissom makes mistakes. As I have said before, this mistake he makes (letting the parents meet the long lost daughter) is a quite big one because it actually caused a few more lives later in season two's And Then There Were None, including the girl's. And I'm glad to see Catherine giving him a lecture. Role reversal. LOL.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

hehe, sorry about that e. sometimes english phrases don't translate easily. but i'm glad you finally got it.

and GNOMES! i still love the GNOMES! actually i love how this case unfolded with tammy looking like a victim for quite a while. also i loved how gil and cath ended up working separate parts of the case only to find out exactly how connected they were.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

So, we're on Face Lift now? I think I've missed a few along the way. Sorry. Life keeps getting in my way.

So....Tammy Felton. A coniving little S.O.B. (at least she got her due in TTWN.)
Just one little phrase needed for this case summary:
GIL: "You and I have an appointment with our shrink."
*giggle* they go to couple's therapy. Awwwww. See, Cath is still trying to get his head up out of that microscope! Although, I think he needs a refresher course when he lets the parents see Tammy.
Love the convo:
CATH: What were you thinking?
GIL: I don't know. I wanted to observe them, I guess.
CATH: That woman hasn't seen her daughter in 21 years. You actually thought a glass wall would keep them apart?
GIL: I never thought about that.
CATH: I know. You're not good with people.
GIL: yeah.

One of the very few times we've really seen Gil screw up, with Cath there to reprimand him - in her own special way - and him acknowledging that he screwed up. If he had that conversation with anyone else but Catherine, he would not have admitted to his screw up. He would have found some scientific explanation for what he did.

Also of note: In a subtle way, Gil kind of asks Cath to strip (sort of). When they're at Tammy's house and need to test the gloves for uranium. Nick says he needs a darkroom. Gil glances at Cath and gives her a cue that they need her jacket. She takes her jacket off so they can use it as the darkroom.

I like at the end how Cath figures out that Tammy is playing a game with her. Tammy thinks she's got Cath eating out of her hand, until... CATH: "Then you shouldn't have any memories of me ... Tammy". (HA! Gotcha you little weasel!)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Um...No C/G? In the trailer there was one scene, but I guess they just put it in there for the hell of it, eh? Geez. I was so excited about it too, I don't know why. But...more Greggo? I'm up for that :lol:

I'm still waiting for more comments on my icons~! (not to force anyone, or pressure anyone, or possibly blackmail anyone. that's nonsense). :D Head over to my LJ (ehem Erica lol jk), and comment. :lol: :rolleyes:

Um...Face Lift? Can't miss that. I love the Tammy Felton case. It's just so interesting, had the vibe of the golden days or the good ol' days when TPTB were...TPTB. The GC chemistry is there, as was usual, and it's like...she got away, but in the end she didn't, you know? So it's like..."no criminal can get away from us here at CSI Vegas". Love it. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Face lift is really a good ep, mainly because we see again this difference between Cath and Gil: his deficit towards people, and she helping him in this task.
She's his right arm, the only one who he can be whole with.
It's so romantic...I'm feeling sappy today :lol.

And I'm so going to cap this :D

Cath:I know should be mad at Greg for putting a camera in the locking room...But something is stopping me from killing him.
Gil: I know what is it! Look at us, we are freaking GOOD on cam!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Nice caps everyone, so funny :D

Yep ITA Face Lift was a great episode, and i love how he so openly admits his flaws to Cath and also the continuity going forward to later on in season 1, i think its in Unfriendly Skies, when Gil asks her to get the peoples shoes and when she questions him, he says 'cause you're the people person right?" :)

She's his right arm, the only one who he can be whole with.

Dardeile that analogy is great, its so sweet and so true.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Catherine: Grissom, I don't care how educational you think it is - you are NOT printing my butt!

And I love Face Lift. Great episode for GC, plus you get the added bonus of it being a leadup to And Then There Were None.

Oh, and Fra...that is the best analogy!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^but marg let oprah print her butt!!!

honestly, cath would be the only one able to confront him about a mistake without getting her head bit off.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

coolcatz said:
honestly, cath would be the only one able to confront him about a mistake without getting her head bit off.
^ ITA. And I really think Catherine is also the only who can challenge Gil and stimulate him. IMO to challenge him isn't to prove him wrong or to keep asking questions he cannot answer, but to help him look at things from different points of view and to think from various angles. To me, Catherine is the only one who can do that to Gil without irritating him. Again, they have this unspeakable understanding and their different ways of thinking complement each other.

LOL. Looks like I wasn't the only one kept away from here by real life. I'm glad that we all have a life to worry about instead of spending the whole day sitting in front of the computer, though. Good luck to everyone. ;)

Who wants to cap this one?

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^yeah, she "stimulates" him like no one else stimulates him.

but on a serious note i think you make a very good point. they actually compliment each other nicely, mutually pushing the other to be better (important in a relationship, destructive relationships don't do that).


cath: i told you no more cameras, but did you listen? no. and now your neighbor has transfered it to film. you do realize sam's estate still has to go thru probate before i get any money. we can't pay her what she wants. and she said if we didn't pay her she was submitting it to sundance.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ ROFLMAO! Could be a really great indie, huh? :lol:

Yeah. I think compromise is a very important factor in a relationship and Catherine and Gil do it well. They know what one another's adherence is about and know when to let go. And because they are from completely different backgrounds, they learn a lot from each other. Apparently they've got same interests, too. They both quote Poe and Shakespeare and God knows who else. She knows how to take care of bugs and he's fascinated by everything related to showgirls/strippers. There are so many things that show us Catherine and Gil are so very same, but so very different at the same time. Definitely a perfect combination of yin and yang. :)

Next cap


Btw, has ren posted her quote yet?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

sorry, can't resist doing this one...


cath: *slaps gil* dumba$$!!

e, what was the phrase you used? mo qi? here again we see how that applies. i just don't get how people see they are opposites when in fact they are just two halves of the same whole.
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