OKay so. I have to really thank Margcathfan for all of the stuff she's been feeding us from location shooting (oh and if you have the time go check out the Ka theater in MGM grand from the 14th to the 16th they'll be there next.) and i really think with all of our first hand info we'll be able to solve the case before we even see the episode!
Also. Why are they trying to kill Sam it's not like Catherine hates him totally. ya she's like POd but anyone would be that way. So just on the record i think it's a bad descision if they do...but...wait wouldn't she get all of the money if he died...or would it be split between her and her mom? or her her mom and linds...oh god anyways. And what's the deal with all the Cath drama. That's what TMTB is trying to do to assure Cath/Marg fans that she's still there? Not for long the way they're going. I think they need to change they're attitude soon or they are not going to get the ratings to stay in the run...It pains me to say that but i feel that it is true. But on a high note..kinda..i think that if they don't listen to everyone that griped about gil and sara..can i say it..being together. they wil be facing alot more dissatisfaction about the unfortunate incedent and may change they're minds about how open it will be or if it will be there all together...i just really hope they fire sarah goldfinger! :devil: I'll get back if i have anything else i feel like ranting about.