Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I agree, Hottie, it is strange that there's no big punchline. Seems like they have some revising they need to get too.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks for the spoiler csigrillow

That small part of the scene looks uninteresting to me with no punchline and all but I'll be optimistic and say that there will be one in the later part of the scene ;) I have faith in billy, marg and paul that they will make the scene a memorable one unless they are told not to do their thing :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

rebec said:
That small part of the scene looks uninteresting to me with no punchline and all
Maybe the present crop of writers have a real hard time getting a grip of those 3 characters and the way they relate to each other. We know from Way To Go that their vision of the Gil/Brass relationship is off, in relation to what we've been seeing on screen from as early as Season 1. And I suspect they don't know what to do about Cath/Gil either, given the ship that they've chosen to promote against all odds.

rebec said:
but I'll be optimistic and say that there will be one in the later part of the scene ;) I have faith in billy, marg and paul that they will make the scene a memorable one unless they are told not to do their thing :lol:
IF they are allowed the freedom to do their thing, we'll have one great scene. Even if there seems to be no punchline because the useless writers can't come up with one, left to their own devices, Billy, Marg and Paul will, through their wonderfully subtle acting skills, deliver what isn't in their lame lines... IF they are allowed the freedom to do their thing :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

gil was incredibly hypocrytical in this episode. his reactions were unwarranted by anything that happened. catherine did all she could to inform him of her possibly being compromised on this case and he wouldn't listen. but, he did let her continue to work the case. you know, i think nmb is the only time he's actually pulled her off the case and really meant it.

and i guess my fav humorous moment in this (if you can call any of the moments humorous) is the way cath rolls her eyes when lily is nagging her from behind. that was so perfect. and i so want that pool with the living room looking onto it.

and we cannot forget the mystery pic in this ep on her counter. the one that is most likely eddie but the body is too large. hmmmm.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
and i guess my fav humorous moment in this (if you can call any of the moments humorous) is the way cath rolls her eyes when lily is nagging her from behind. that was so perfect. and i so want that pool with the living room looking onto it.
Hey I loved that moment, too. Although it was supposed to be somehow angsty, they two looked cute. Just like normal mother and daughter. LOL. I think AngelEyez has made an icon from that scene with "eyeroll" written on it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I agree with you Coolc for Gil being hypocrytical . I remember I wrote somewhere that his reaction at the end of the epi was so hard because he was afraid and concerned for Cath but it was BEFORE the famous finale scene of WTG !
Now, I changed my mind cuz he's hypocrytical, he lies to his team (and his bestfriend) and he is with a subordinate . So, if someone have to shut his mouth about his lover choice, it's him .
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

e, that moment was so perfectly played. who hasn't done that to their mother before? that one little moment gave us incredible insite into the cath/lily relationship. i was very pleased to see it continuing in kkbb.

catherine, i didn't need another ep to make me think gil hypocrytical or a prick for his reaction. up to that point he'd been the one asking her to go out after a case. now she's making a joke (listen to her tone) and he gets all uptight about it. i hated the way this one ended. it let our yin/yang out of whack.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

here's my spoiler rant for the season! and it hasn't even started yet... :D

OKay so. I have to really thank Margcathfan for all of the stuff she's been feeding us from location shooting (oh and if you have the time go check out the Ka theater in MGM grand from the 14th to the 16th they'll be there next.) and i really think with all of our first hand info we'll be able to solve the case before we even see the episode! :D Also. Why are they trying to kill Sam it's not like Catherine hates him totally. ya she's like POd but anyone would be that way. So just on the record i think it's a bad descision if they do...but...wait wouldn't she get all of the money if he died...or would it be split between her and her mom? or her her mom and linds...oh god anyways. And what's the deal with all the Cath drama. That's what TMTB is trying to do to assure Cath/Marg fans that she's still there? Not for long the way they're going. I think they need to change they're attitude soon or they are not going to get the ratings to stay in the run...It pains me to say that but i feel that it is true. But on a high note..kinda..i think that if they don't listen to everyone that griped about gil and sara..can i say it..being together. they wil be facing alot more dissatisfaction about the unfortunate incedent and may change they're minds about how open it will be or if it will be there all together...i just really hope they fire sarah goldfinger! :devil: I'll get back if i have anything else i feel like ranting about. ;)

omfg this is long! lol
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I have to agree, although am trying to be positive about G/C, bobo is right GSR means he is being unprofessional especially by lying to everyone and Cath about it when he says he doesnt like liers.

But i can see why he would be a bit off with her in WW, because of everything that went on with Eddie i suppose he felt like he should have been there to protect her, but he wasnt so i guess he takes it out on her.

Anyway am hopeful for season 7, thanks for the spoilers CSIgrillow :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
catherine, i didn't need another ep to make me think gil hypocrytical or a prick for his reaction.
I dislike hypocritical gil too, it's very OOC of him. When it comes to cath he always seems to be more emotionally involved to some extent that he kind of loses abit of his cool. I don't know if that's a good thing but I think it's better than no reaction or a "I couldn't care less attitude" Just my two cents ;)

Psst CSIangel, bobo prefers people to call her catherine ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I have to agree, although am trying to be positive about G/C, bobo is right GSR means he is being unprofessional especially by lying to everyone and Cath about it when he says he doesnt like liers.

If you wish to discuss the merits - or lack there of - of a ship other than G/C, please do so in the appropriate forum - Great Ship Debate Thread

Many thanks ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I think coolc was referring to, as kaylyne pointed out, the end scene of Big Middle where Gil told Greg that he pfeferred someone who wouldn't judge him. I really don't think it has anything to do with WTG. There was a whole year between WW and WTG, I doubt the writers even gave a damn about what happened on the show a year ago. In fact, I think there's a difference between lying and not telling. As much as I don't like the relationship between Gil and Sara, I wouldn't call their not telling the team about it "lying". Maybe they'd tell if someone asked. Who knows? That's not the point anyway...back to the topic. As far as being a hypocrite, he said he'd like to have someone who wouldn't judge him, but how could he ask for that when he was actually the one judging someone else in Weeping Willows? I like that he held a higher standard on Catherine because that showed us that he cared about her more than he did other people. However, Catherine did nothing wrong. She just met the wrong person in the wrong place, but she got blame for that. What Catherine needed the most at the end of this episode was understanding and reassurance, but he gave her neither of them. Instead, he judged her and hurt her feelings. Comparing this scene with the one from Big Middle, all I can see is double standard.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Oops am sorry forensics girl *bows head in shame* shall i delete my post?

Rebec thanks for letting me know, sorry Catherine :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I agree Rebec, I think that indifference would have been worse but well, Cath try to talk with him, even try humour and he's a jerk ! but I have to say that I'm disappointed by Gil since WTG ;)

You don't have to be sorry , CSIangel ;)
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