Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks MargCathfan for the info. It's nice to know something that's actually going on the set instead of analyzing the spoilers like crazy. (I still love you, Ali! :D)

MargCathfan[/b]]Glad to know that Scott Wilson is a really nice person. I'm not very familiar with him, but I have (sorta) liked him since my X Files days. LOL. I think we all know what you meant by saying something bad will happen to Sam. We were upset when we first heard about the spoilers. It's such a stupid move to kill off one of their best recurring characters! Unfortunately, what's done is done and I guess we ARE going to see him die. Sigh.
Can't wait for you to tell us about our couple and the episode highlights. Thanks again! :)

csigrillow[/b] about 7x04]Thanks Ali for the new spoilers, too. Greg gets hurt? Man, that's sad. I hope everything is all right. Poor Greggo...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

MargCathfan1 thanks again for the info.. its alright to post randomies here cuz coolcatz said we are the unorganized ship anyway lol! :lol:
For example, I'll post a random thing about King Baby cuz all the discussion here had me watching the episode again.. there goes my promise not to watch CSI. :p
At beginning, when Cath learned that Gil will also be in the case she was upset and all..I noticed this when Gil said, "well then he didn't roll himself over"

Catherine responded to him with an eye murder/sexage:

Hellooo Gil! if I a girl is staring at me like that I'd jump her. :lol: But he knows her too well I think that he just gives her the puppy eye look to appease her when she's upset.

MargCathfan1 said:
Hey guys, sorry to just insert myself into the conversation, lol, but I needed to make a little correction to something I had posted before and I have a couple new things...

I know on Monday I posted about the Catherine bar scene where she gets drugged. I was rereading it and realized I was way too vague. The bartender tells Catherine someone wants to buy her a drink, but she doesn't see anyone there and says no. She drinks her own drink from before, not the one some unseen person bought her. Sorry!

McFan[/b] Built to Kill]Oh noes, that guy who spiked Cath's drink must be an expert no? Cath refused the drink but she still got woozy. Hmm. And yay!! S-C-O-T-T! Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit to the set.

csigrillow[/b] 7x04]Yayz! btw do you have anymore info about the GC scene there?

Back to Compulsion..
* A JUDY sighting!!!! She even gets to "whack-a-mole".
Yay! Me too! Im a huge Judy fan, I am a fan of the Judy-Gil scenes actually but her scene with the swing shift hotties made me happy.. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks for all the info MargCathfan1 and looking forward to the highlights ;)

csigrillow said:
The spoilers are out for the 4th ep and it's called Fannysmackin! It seems poor Greg is going to take a beating literally. It looks like we’ll get at least one GC scene. They start out working a case together along with Brass.

all I'm going to say is what a title!! and I'm glad we've got a least a GC scene in there
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hottie_Cath said:
Hellooo Gil! if I a girl is staring at me like that I'd jump her. :lol: But he knows her too well I think that he just gives her the puppy eye look to appease her when she's upset.
I know I would jump her right there...well maybe not right there, but I'd certainly have my way with her as soon as we leave the crime scene. :lol:

He just has to give her those puppy eye looks, doesn't he? :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I'm not sure that's all what she wants ! :lol:

Well, I'm lost ! what epi are we talking about ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

LOL I wasn't saying those puppy eye looks were all she wated. I was saying that he couldn't resist giving her those. ;)

And I believe we were on Compulsion as I remember Judy was mentioned somewhere. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ Compulsion, i think, no G/C scenes in there what so ever :(

thanks for the update MargCathfan1 :) So if the drink that the mystery guy bought for her was declined, then my money is still on the bartender being the guy who drugged her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Well between now and the end of S5, there are only two note-worthy episodes. As far as I can remember, at least. :lol: So... are we still on Compulsion? Anybody has anything more to say before Spark of Life where there was some GC (I think!)?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ Not me. :D

Ah Spark of Life. The first thing I think about every time this episode is mentioned is the bunny which had made an appearance in the season one episode Blood Drops which is one of the best CSI episodes ever. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I just watch the pics on BI (love the last ones) and I'm not even sure to have seen this epi :rolleyes:
Still another very interesting post, it's not ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Margcathfan thanks for the new details and updates
Since cath was sitting there the whole time, I think the bartender was most probably the one who drugged her drink, maybe the drug needed some time to take effect

csigrillow Thanks for the new spoilers
I'm looking forward to the gil/cath/brass scene, have always loved their chemistry. But I'm also interested to find out if TMTB are also banning/controlling gil-brass interaction after gil's OOC behaviour in WTG or maybe they will just pretend that no such thing happened. Poor greg, first the explosion in the lab then the beating, I hope he won't end up with any side effects like he did after the explosion

EricaSJ said:
He just has to give her those puppy eye looks, doesn't he? :D
It's one of those things that he reserves specially for cath :lol:

Now back to the episode dicussion, I seriously can't remember if there was any GC in Spark of Life. Like ren said, after King Baby there really aren't many memorable episodes left in s5.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

rebec said:
Now back to the episode dicussion, I seriously can't remember if there was any GC in Spark of Life. Like ren said, after King Baby there really aren't many memorable episodes left in s5.
Went to check - not by rewatching the ep, noooo!!! can't do that anymore - went to Erica's Beyond Imagination to see if there was indeed any GC scene. Well, G & C shared in a team scene. Not GC really, I guess, unless Kaylyne comes up with something.

You know, it's bad when even the caps didn't jog my memory about the cases they were working on! When are we fast-forwarding to Weeping Willows? *taps foot impatiently* :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ren28 said:
When are we fast-forwarding to Weeping Willows? *taps foot impatiently* :p
Patience girl
*goes to look at the list of following episodes between*
Ok, I'm with you, Weeping Willows anyone? :D

ren28 said:
You know, it's bad when even the caps didn't jog my memory about the cases they were working on!
ITA, it's really sad because the cases are the main focus of the show and you know it's really going down when they don't leave you with an impression anymore. :( It has pretty much come to a stage where the actors and shippy scenes are the the things that are keeping the fans motivated
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

HOld your horses! There's a little more GC one-on-one in Spark of Life, so wait until I get to it!!! They're old-married-couplish, finishing the other's thoughts!

First of all, after two very dull episodes, I kind of liked this episode. The story wasn't all that great, but you had two separate cases that eventually converge into one. This eventually brings our two supervisors on an equal level and working nicely.

* --the beginning--
Gil finds the second body down the hill, and her eyes flutter open - CREEPY!!!

* --Greg in the hospital--
Greg, the newbie CSI, in charge of collecting trace from the burn victim. Oh so heartbreaking. Eric did a wonderful job in this compassionate, yet trying to keep his composure with the horrors that he's seeing for the first time.

* --Cath's case--
WARRICK: Why didn't they pull her out?
BRASS: They couldn't get in the backyard gate. Childproof lock.
CATH: No key, no access.
WARRICK: Her parents protected that kid to death.
CATH: Where the hell were they?
BRASS: Home.

Awwww Cath, don't jump to conclusions right away (yeah right!)

* --Cath/Warrick walk through the house--
The blood dripping onto the table - ewwwwwww! I'm amazed at how the actress (dead woman) never allowed her eyes to flinch, even when the light was shone directly onto them. Then you see Cath still in "mother mode" when she & Warrick go up the stairs:
WARRICK: Lots of pictures of the kid. Family revolved around the child, huh?
CATH: Yeah, way should be.

* --the search at the top of the hill--
GRISSOM: What's that?
SARA: Possible accelerant.
GRISSOM: Or possible martini.
SARA: I didn't think you could smell vodka.
GRISSOM: Well, that depends on how long it was distilled.
SARA: Cheap stuff.
GRISSOM: Ironically, the word for vodka comes from the Russian phrase zhizennia voda. "Water of life."

Oh Gil, stop using big words around Sara. She's already impressed with you (dumbass!)

* --another Cath wisecrack--
CATH: Let me guess: Gun was clean.
WARRICK: No, it was registered to Morgan Stewart.
NICK: So, what, we're looking at a murder-suicide? Guy kills his family and then turns the gun on himself?
WARRICK: Well, you know it's a possibility. Brass pulled his financials. Morgan Stewart was in debt up to his eyeballs. He was in danger of losing his house.
CATH: Never underestimate the fragility of the male ego.

Ahhh, that's my girl! Cut 'em down to size, hun! Love Nick & Warrick's expressions after that comment - like WTF?

* --Mia teaches--
MIA DICKERSON: You talk the talk, but did you know the frequency of that anomaly is one in every 250?
GRISSOM: I learn something new every day around here.

See Gil, even after knowing all of the big words, you still learn something else from a woman!

* --a pep talk for Greg--
GREG: Hey.
SOFIA: What's the problem?
GREG: Nothing. I'm fine.
SOFIA: You're not.
GREG: I feel like a wuss. Grissom told me I should take a break, and I did.
SOFIA Your burn victim.
GREG: How do you get an image like that out of your mind?
SOFIA: You go home. You, uh ... hug your cat, your dog, your pillow. You have a beer, you watch a movie, and then you come back tomorrow.
GREG: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
SOFIA: Rumor has it you used to be a pretty funny guy. Don't lose that.

I really liked this scene. however, a big part of me keeps thinking this should have been a Cath and Greg scene. But I guess they needed at least a small Sofia appearance.

* --Cath/Hodges--
CATH: It's hard to look and not touch, isn't it?
HODGES: That poor kid has been working her tail off. Only fair, considering how DNA gets most of the glory these days.
CATH: Have something for me?
HODGES: Of course.....The dark hairs you found on Morgan Stewart's bed were not a match to his wife. Pretty bold, to bring another woman into his matrimonial bed.
Begging to get caught.
CATH: Well, so far, you haven't told me anything I didn't already know.
HODGES: This is the broken glass and paper found on the floor of the master bedroom.
CATH: Uh, looks like a thermometer.
HODGES: Yes, but what kind?
CATH: Do tell.
HODGES: Notice how the gradations are broken down by tenths of a degree?
CATH: Yes. And most thermometers aren't that specific.
HODGES: Correct. It's a BBT, a Basal Body Temperature thermometer, used by women to pinpoint a temperature spike that occurs ...
CATH: ... during ovulation. I know. It maximizes your chance of conception. So ... Corinne Stewart, I guess, was trying to have another baby.
HODGES: With no clue as to what her husband was doing when she was out of the house.

Is it just me, or does it seem that Hodges is trying to flirt with Cath every single time they're together. It's fun to see how Cath just humors him most of the time.

* --finally together--
CATH: Tara Matthews' DNA in Morgan Stewart's bed.
GRISSOM: We're working the same case.

Awwwww, maybe the divorce/separation is over? Gil's smirk is so cute. It's funny how their eyes light up again when they realize they're now working together. Up to this point, things between Cath & Gil seemed still a bit strained, or too formal. I think this is the point where things between the two are lightened up and they get back to being the cute couple they are.

* --they get caught up--
Ok, this scene's too long to post, but I love where the two teams talk out their cases for each other. The two supervisors and their seconds in command. Gil and Sara, Cath & Warrick. You see the old camraderie and easy flow of talking things out, each just jumping in and communicating as well as internally processing everything that's being said.

* --Here's your GC--
GRISSOM: You found a basal thermometer at the Stewart house?
CATH: Yeah. It was crushed on the master bedroom floor. Why?
GRISSOM: I found one in Tara Matthews' vanity drawer.
CATH: I was just looking at Corinne Stewart's autopsy report. Uh ... she had a tubal ligation, so ... she obviously wasn't trying to have kids.
GRISSOM: Tara was.

Ahhhhhhh! First of all...the glasses *thud*,'s so cute how Gil knocks on her door, even though he's halfway into her office by the time she looks up. Third...their smiles are back!!!

* --after a commercial break,the scene continues--
CATH: So it's been confirmed. Tara Matthews is pregnant.
GRISSOM: Third-degree burns on most of her body and she doesn't miscarry?
CATH: A mother's body is designed to protect her baby. I don't know, all that trauma and morphine ... it'll be a miracle if she brings it to term.
GRISSOM: Do we have any idea who the father is?
CATHERINE: Too early to tell. She's just a few weeks pregnant.
GRISSOM: Okay, we know that Morgan and Tara were having sex. The broken basal thermometer we found in the bedroom implies that she was trying to conceive with him, and not her husband.
CATH: Neal could've been shooting blanks.
GRISSOM: Well, medical records will confirm that.
CATH: And Neal and Morgan were best friends ...
GRISSOM: ... somebody she may have felt comfortable with.
CATHERINE: Neal catches Morgan in bed with his wife ... And now, he knows where the best friend keeps his gun.
GRISSOM: The glass in Neal's shoe just puts him at the scene. We didn't find any blood on the clothes we recovered from his house.
CATH: Clothes are easy to dump. The glass was an oversight; he didn't even know it was there.
GRISSOM: Or maybe he didn't kill anybody.
CATH: Which leaves Tara.
GRISSOM: There was no blood on her clothes either. At least nothing at the house. And the clothes she was wearing went up in flames.
CATH: Not everything.

**squee** my PureJoy is back!! And they're even having a sex talk!!

* --final scene--
The burned lady opens her eyes in the hospital - CREEPY (again)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
* --finally together--
CATH: Tara Matthews' DNA in Morgan Stewart's bed.
GRISSOM: We're working the same case.
I know this scene! Just didn't remember that it's from Spark of Life :lol: I have to agree with you kay , the looks on their faces, especially gil's boyish joy say it all...they are happy together :D

Gil's knock was just hilarious, there was no point in it since he was already barging into her office, not that she minded at all ;)

Hmmmm, seems like this wasn't too bad an episode after all :lol:
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