Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

The song voting - had to go with "ain't no sunshine" & "are you gonna be my girl". I like "ain't no sunshine" the best - I know, I know, I know, I know...

After the show - love this episode. Quite disturbing that it's based on a true story. The quy that played Howard Delhomme did a wonderful job.

Where to start?
* Just gotta say that it's fun to watch a pissed-off Sara. However, the scene that jumps out in my mind is the scene where Cath is teaching Sara:
SARA: Well?
CATH: The naked pictures weren't of Julie.
SARA: So, what? Delhomme fakes a bunch of nude pictures and sends them to his brother?
CATH: At this point I don't care why he did it. What do you have?
SARA: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If he raped her with a foreign object, it is not on this table.
SARA: Do you want me to leave you alone so you can do it yourself?
CATH: Look, the entire lab didn't need to see pictures of Julie's vagina plastered all over the screen.
SARA: So, Nick and I are the whole lab now? That's not it, Catherine, and you know it.
CATH: I saw the look in Howard's eye. I used to make my living off that look. He wanted me. We needed him. I decided to exploit that situation. And as angry as that made you, when you're in my shoes, you'll do the same thing.

* Now - the Top 10 all-time great GC moment:
CATH: You going to have my back?
GIL: I always have your back.
CATH: He wanted me. He's got me.

* and, of course:
GIL: You did good, Cath.
CATH: I had help.
GIL: How are things with you and Nick and Sara?
CATH: They're good. They're pros. All he had to do was stay quiet.
GIL: Unlike Robyn Knight, Julie Waters became Las Vegas' postmortem sweetheart. The media as moral conscience.
CATH: She couldn't get away from him and he couldn't get away from her.

* Also gotta mention - Cath in the interview room, one-on-one with Howard at the end. Doesn't flinch when he comes toward her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

awesome episode. great case. great writing (elizabeth devine, right? can we have her back, not just for cath but for decent cases please!!!!!!)

definately love the moment of you got my back. a lot of people have problems with cath's taking the lead in this ep but she was right. this guy would tell her what they needed to know and she had the background and the strength to handle his crap. it was the right decision. otherwise they would have gotten nowhere fast.

i would like to see another case with delhomme but he's in jail...

ok, song poll...pretty much the same as everyone else. i'm pulling up the lyrics to sittin single. btw, when you put the three songs from dead ringer together you get a story.

ah, the soap. well, i might put it in a fic if it helps me get thru this next chapter i've been working on for three freaking weeks. (thanks to everyone who has listened to my talking in circles during this)

yay! gravey got the thread title. good gravey!

and one more thing...i know i know iknow i know i know i know i know i know i know i know....
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*sneaks in*

Huh? How do you get a story from all three songs?..

*sneaks out before anyone can see her*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*grabs you before you get out* oh no you don't! you're stuck here now.

read the lyrics and you'll see. speaking of which...

I've seen men look at before
And they think, I don't see them
I'd like to think it makes me proud
But, I'm only.. fooling me

I know she'll be lookin' back
The minute I'm not there
While she pours herself on some stranger
I pour myself a drink somewhere

She's acting single
I'm drinking double
I hide my pain
I drown my troubles

My heart is breaking
Like the tiny bubbles
She's acting single
I'm drinking doubles

I know all she plans to do
But I don't know where or when
If I ask who that stranger was
She'll just say, "an old friend"

I'm not weak, I tell myself
I stay because I'm strong
The truth is, I'm not man enough
To stop her from doing me wrong

She's acting single
I'm drinking doubles
I hide my pain
I drown my troubles

My heart is breaking
Like the tiny bubbles
She's acting single
I'm drinking doubles

She's acting single
I'm drinking doubles
I hide my pain
I drown my troubles
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I can't believe I missed the start of the thread and we're already on page 4 :( but at least I know that Gil will be UP any time I drop by :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Dang, now "I know I know I know I know..." is filling my head again. :lol: Lynny, we've got quite a few great story tellers here, hehe.

Definitely love the Cath/Sara scene in AtS. That was awesome. I certainly would love to see another episode written by Elizabeth Devine. She's on my list of "the good writers". :lol: Kay is's quite disturbing to know that this episode was based on a true story. *shivers* And I agree that the guy who played the photographer was brilliant.

"I always have your back." Man, who can resist that?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

jeez, I remember when this thread was still in the single digits lol It's grown up so fast *tear*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ See, that's why you really need to come back more often and play with us. ;) We've got hilarious polls created by Hottie and coolc and funny discussion about the C/G episodes. Right now we're on After the Show. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

yes, we can even drink legally now. just four more and our insurance rates will drop.

oh yes, the guy playing delhomme was brilliant.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I totally missed out on the Jackpot discussion :( but I loved After the Show and of course the "going to have my back" line :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

where's hottie and our caps for this ep?

well, grillows, you need to go back and read everything and comment.

cath plays delhomme's attraction to her perfectly, getting him to tell her what she needs to know. and i love her going all protective over the vic.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Before we move on to another episode. Just wanted to comment and say that I absolutely love After the Show. It's amazing case. I was watching it again on UPN11 the other day, and it just...never ceases to amaze me. :lol: The case is so well written (Elizabeth Devine? We need more of her) and it's just so much more intriguing than the cases we've been having in Season 6 which have been truly disappointing in my opinion.

But After the Show and its You-Got-My-Back scene is just classic GC. I think Catherine would have been slightly surprised by saying that because it's definitely not like Gil to admit something like that. He has good judgement. If I recall correctly, he said he wanted someone who didn't judge him? Ha. Who judges Gil in this episode? I don't even think I have to mention the name.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

LOL Gravy, that's a very good example. But I think everyone of the graveyard shift, more or less, judges Gil. Even Catherine does. It's only natural that normal people judge others IMO because everyone has their own opinions and it's hard to fully accept thoughts that are different from our owns without judging others at some level. Gil doesn't judge...much. However, he does judge Catherine. We see that in Early Rollout, Weeping Willows and probably a few other episodes. I think the reason why he judges her but not his other team members is probably that he holds a higher standard on her which shows that he cares about her more than he does the others, shipwise or not.

Uh, I hope I'm making some sense here. LOL.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

You're making perfect sense, Erica, and that's exactly how I see it as well. Gil has pissed me off royally when he's judged Catherine (Weeping Willows is a perfect example for this). However, just as you say, there's a reason for him judging her: he cares, and I think it hurts him more to see her screw up for her sake more than for himself or the freakin' lab (using the lab as an excuse is just an... well... excuse).

And I hope I'm making sense, too. LOL

And E, I weren't exactly rooting for either Germany or Italy, I just didn't want Germany to win after their game against us. LOL
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Erica, you're making perfect sense to me, but a lot of people call me crazy so don't hold me on that.

And ww, it really does seem as if Gil uses the lab many times as an excuse. For the sake of the lab, blah blah blah. But we all know what he really means, regardless of whether it's about Catherine or anyone else for that matter.

He really does judge Catherine quite a bit and I agree that he really cares about her and most of the time, he's quite unhappy with whatever she's done when he does judge her. And people do judge Gil, some more so than others ;) :lol:
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