Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

exactly. she did what a supervisor was supposed to do. but greg, well, he has a crush...

now back to ats. i love the footsie at the end.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Yeah, Greg definitely has a crush. Hehe. And Lynny, I think I know why Nick didn't get mad, too. :D

The footsie at the end? Did you mean Julie talking on TV?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

well about that time, yes. there are several eps where cath's foot is not quite where it should be, lol!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

EricaSJ said:
LOL. Funny that when something bad happens, Cath's always the one to blame. *shrugs* I understand why Nick and Sara were upset about the case in After the Show. It had been THEIR case after all, and it was important because of the promotion. But I still don't get why Cath got blamed in Nesting Dolls, because she did nothing wrong. Grr.
Yeah grr.. It was Ecklie who suspended Sara after all. I hate it whenever they turn the women against each other. Women get along!

Anyways, back on topic. The 'I got your back' line was very squee-worthy indeed. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

most definately. and i like how the ep ended with the two of them together talking about the kids and how they dealt with it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

csigrillow said:
No, Cath's foot is exactly where it should be :devil:
Oh? Where? Tell! :D

cofi, agreed. I hate it when they create conflicts between the girls and I'm really glad that Marg and Jorja fought for the peace that Cath and Sara deserved to have. Good for them. :)

ETA: Lynny I'm not stupid. I knew what was going on there. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*raises hand* is lost here!!!

no, i don't like conflict between sara and cath either. it is stupid. why don't the guys have conflict? oh wait, i know, man's world blah blah blah. that's why strippers make money.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

ok, e and goober you got some 'splainin to do.

now, back to the show, rather after the show... oh bite me.

we haven't have the legs cap yet. we need the legs cap, right?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Why does that ending of that first line remind me of a comedy thing?... Hmm,Oh well, .. You know if E was Tyg, I'd totally say that she's having my kids thing but E might slap me for that, so.. I'm going with "ner ner ne ner"

After The Show, :devil: Crap quit giving me ideas. Anyways, I really dunno what the next episode is after that, wait thats season 4 right?.. its griss vs the volcano, ain't that when she says, "Wait, that was you!"???
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Yup that's the one, Lynny. Great memory! :D I'm sorry though, Catherine already has me. You'd prefer Nicky instead of me anyway. Hah.

So, Grissom vs the Volcano already? Pinned down without asking? *wiggles eyebrows*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

oh, can we at least get the legs cap before we get to the pinned cap? you know something was UP again in that ep.
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