Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Gravy you haven't been in the Cozy Corner, have you? There's a more interesting spoiler there about a good doctor. LOL! :D
kaylyne I liked Bloodlines, its one of the eps I can watch over and over again. So shall we move on to Season 5, Viva Las Vegas? Or shall we discuss first why Gil and Cath aren't boring. ;)

27dayz said:
k these spoilers are sooo...sooo...terrible for lack of a better term! what has the world came to!!!!!! *gets a straight jacket and rocks back and forth sobbing*
what happened to the good ol' days when there was a gc scene in every episode, when they stole little glances, when they watched over each other, when gil got their daughter a chemlab, when he rejected sara's dinner invite, WHEN THEY HUGGED!!!!!!!!! it's not fair!

alright i think i'm done
Ah you nailed it! Thats what we're feeling also. And you know what I think TPTB should be given a straight jacket too. :lol:

cath4gil said:
great theories guys into the spoilers about the first couple of eppys, although I'm liking Sam's son aspect, even though I hate this storyline, also Gil has to be there to help Cath in the aftermath, they are best mates, if he doens't you might as well throw the CSI book right out the window!, wait a minute haven't they done that already ;)

Oh wow, you're quite optimistic. I dunno I have a feeling that the writers will screw up again and they won't make Gil know about Cath's ordeal. Somebody give me a prozac. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I'm still waiting for coolc's addition to our NMB discussion. :lol: But I think it's okay to me to start Viva Las Vegas. Quite interesting episode. Loved pissed-off Cath charging into Gil's office, haha. But the end sucked. Why do tPTB always do that to her? I mean sure, I was happy to see her and Chris break up, but did TPTB have to do it THAT way?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I don't remember much from Viva Las Vegas except for the Nick and Sara Dont-let-this-moment-pass-you-by-shes-gonna-getcha scenes there and the conversation between Cath and Vartann about men not hitting the bowl. lol!

CATHERINE: Why is it you guys can never hit the bowl?
DET. VARTANN: You know, if this guy took viagra, you're lucky he hit the floor
and not the ceiling.
(Det. Vartann looks up at the ceiling.)

Btw, for Gil's 50th birthday lets do what Graveshift and Anne on BlacktieAffair did. Lets post reasons why Gil and Cath are not boring and lets do it till we reach 50 reasons. :D Hows that? Or you want another topic?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ Me thinks the 50 idea is great. We can also compare the reasons here to the ones in the Cozy Corner. So, who want to be the first? ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Ok how about.. "Gil and Cath are not boring because..."

1. They go to the movies together.

In the season 3 episode A Night at the Movies, we see how Gil and Cath are enjoying their alone time together out of the lab. Their conversation here was really cute. Oh and Gil was still witty at that time, he was way happier here than in Season 6. And they look totally cute while eating their popcorn.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ That's a good start. :)

2. Gil is willing to walk Cath to the morgue.

In season one's Cool Change, Gil was there for Catherine when she was going into the morgue to get evidence from Holly's body. Although Catherine said he didn't need to, he still told her that he tought she might need him. Then Cath admitted it. It just showed how much Gil cared and wanted to be there for her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^i love that she admits she might need him. most of the time all people say is that he went to the morgue with her and they forget that when he explained why he was there that she admitted his reason was right.

3. cath is willing to soothe his wounds (gentle, gentle and bad to the bone)

are we done with bloodlines? geez, i really liked most of that episode very much.

ok, dtd. cath talking about her cupboard was funny, as was the scene in the drain when she looks at him and says "aren't we even going to draw straws?"

and, e, i will get my nmb thing up today, but i'm in and out cuz family is here.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

LMAO coolc, you confused Viva Las Vegas with Down the Drain. They are two different episodes. :lol: The cupboard was in VLV, the drain was in DtD. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*raises hand* - Can I do 2? Please!?
Reason #4: Their playful banter "Scared of you!" (from Eval Day)
Reason #5: He tells her secrets he's never told anyone before (Oh, you know what epi that's from!!!)

This is good! I need the fun CG moments to get my mind off depressing spoilers. I'll get my recap of VLV in a bit. Just want to say "VARTANN!!!!" *ducks out for now*

ETA: Back with a lengthy review-
Alrighty then: Viva Las Vegas: UGH! That always reminds me of the Elvis song. My mom’s a huge Elivs fan and it drives me nuts!!

· four different crime scenes – way too spread out IMO
· The new trainee – Chandra. Greg is SO itching to get out into the field. It’s quite interesting when looking back to this episode, just how exuberant he was, compared to his more “grown up” phase at the end of season 6.

· ---Chandra’s intro to Grissom---
GREG: Grissom ... I'd like to introduce you to Chandra Moore.
CHANDRA: Pleased to meet you, sir. I'm a fan.
(Gil is wearing his heat-sensing helmet)
Gil: You're hot.
CHANDRA: I-I'm sorry?
Gil: You're emanating heat. (Grissom takes the hat off.) This is a new infrared camera. It's good for looking at evidence in the dark. (to Greg) Did
you get her blood yet?
CHANDRA: My... ... why?
Gil: So many reasons.

· ---immediately followed by “the cupboard”—
CATH: Grissom! You can't possibly call that thing my office. It's a cupboard.
GIL: Catherine, have you met Chandra Moore? She'll be doing DNA while Greg's in the field.
CATH: Hello, I'm Catherine. (to Grissom) We need to talk.
GIL: Well, not now-- too much work. You have a suspicious death at the Palermo.

Oh the days when Gil actually had a personality!! *sigh*

· -- Cath/Vartann at the Palermo—
As Hottie mentioned – the “hitting the bowl” convo was so cute. It’s great how they’ve made Vartann into a decent, lovable character – not some bland, only-by-the-book cop. I’m glad he plays along with the fun banter.

· --leave it to Brass—
BRASS: Hey, Gil. Wait. You've got something stuck to your shoe….. Oh, no, it's just Sanders.

· --and some Greg one-liners—
GREG: I never seen this place with the lights on before. It's kind of like seeing a one-night stand in the morning for the first time. (Grissom glances back at Greg.) Beer goggles.

· --they’re late? Wonder why?—
SARA: You are so late. What happened to you?
NICK: I'm late?

This of course, a tongue-in-cheek reference to Jorja & George being fired for a week prior to the season. I thought the Nick/Sara storyline here (alien guy vs Elvis impersonator) was cute.

· --Cath & Doc –
DOC: The only other thing I found ... was a swollen ankle.
CATH: Well, you ever try shaking your ass in four-inch heels? (beat) Don't answer that.

Oh, this scene was SO cute. The looks between the two are hilarious. That’s what Ann Donahue was talking about – Marg is the greatest at those types of one-liners.

· --David freaks out—
While David is processing the “alien guy” he hears weird noises and thinks for a moment that it’s really an alien!!! Then Sara sneaks up on him & says they think it’s a hearing aid.

· --Cath vs Chandra (you know who’s always gonna win – eventually, right?)—
CATH: Blood standard, unknown urine, tell me it's the same guy. Now, Greg mentioned to you that my stuff gets done first, right?
CHANDRA: Yeah, well, in my lab, I decide what gets run and when. Unless Mr. Grissom tells me otherwise.
CATH: It's uh, quiet in here. Greg played music.
CHANDRA: Well, I find it distracting.

· --Back to Gil & Greg’s case—
The case wasn’t that great. The best part was watching how Gil teaches Greg. Then when Greg screws up:
GIL: So, Greg, how do you explain adhesive and toilet bowl cleanser on the gun?
GREG: I don't know. I can tell you the toilets in the club had blue water.
GIL: You inspected the toilet bowls for evidence?
GREG: Well, when you got to go, you got to go.
GIL: At a crime scene, Greg?
HODGES: Everybody knows you hold it.
GIL: You go across the street or next-door, somewhere other than the scene, until you've cleared the restroom. Did you clear the restroom?
GIL: Well, you could've flushed away evidence, wiped away fingerprints from the handle. Make sure you include this in your field notes.

Poor Greg. The worst part was having Hodges there at the time!!

· --Cath vs the victim’s boyfriend—
GEORGE CRAVEN: I need a lawyer.
CATH: I need your clothes.

Officially another time to mark down where Cath tells a guy to “strip”! (that makes three, right?)

· --Cath/the Rat part 1—
CHRIS BEZICH: You're busy. Am I gonna see you tonight?
CATH: I'm working late.
CHRIS: Me, too.

Oh yeah! We know what he’s working late at! The Rat Fink!! (What Marg movie did she use that phrase? Can’t remember)

· --Cath/Archie—
ARCHIE: I got the stripper's boyfriend on camera. …… If he just killed somebody, he's being really cool about it.
CATH: Yeah, and he didn't change his clothes from last night. I screened them for blood -- negative. And the tox report on Mr. Johnson confirms traces of triazelam in his blood.
ARCHIE: So golf ball salesman was too doped up to kill her. The boyfriend couldn't have bludgeoned her without getting blood on his clothes.

I just love when Cath works with the lab techs - Archie, Bobby, Jacqui, etc. She just has a great rapport with all of them.

· --Warrick’s case: the dead guy in the tub of water, minus the 50 grand he just won—
DANIEL HALBURT (the killer): He should have just showed me where the money was. It was in the bible.

· --Cath/Vartann return to the room—
VARTANN: Well, if Johnson was innocent, why'd he lie to us?
CATH: Try explaining this to your family back in Ohio.

* --Cath/the Rat: Part 2--
Oh C'mon! you know the scene. I don't need to tell you.

* --Gil & Greg: You failed--
GIL: You committed a fatal error, Greg. You compromised evidence at a crime scene. A judgment like that can cost us a conviction. In order to solo in the field, you have to successfully complete three proficiencies.
GREG: I failed this one.
GIL: Yeah. (Greg starts to leave)
GIL: But ... … Since you found a suitable replacement in the lab, I'm going to give you one more chance.
GREG: Thank you. Thank you.
(only to walk down the hall to see Chandra saying she quits. Poor Greg)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*giggles* oh well, i'm sorry. i just love my gil and cath scenes ok.

kaylene, great summary. i just loved how cath totally dismissed chandra. it's like "who the hell are you?" and back to her argument with gil. now why did he get her an office?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

ROFL! Love the Cath/Chandra scenes. Catherine was so cute when Chandra shut her up and she was chewing her cheeks (is that the right term? Excuse my poor English. LOL). Kudos to Jacqui for coming to Cath's rescue! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

OMG, I just read the spoilers . Do you all want to kill me with them

Erica , love the "difference" between our icons ! they always match together :) younger or older ! I know, not very exciting but after the spoilers, I need PureJoy thoughts :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ Hehe Catherine, you can always get PureJoy love from Graveyard Shift Home. ;) Seriously, do you guys think the spoilers somehow look like the mix of some of the graveshift fanfics? *giggles*

Reason #6: They fight like an old married couple.

Cath and Gil act just like an old married couple, as Ann Donahue stated. They do a lot of things married couples do, and fighting being one of them. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Don't worry, I know this site very well ;)

Reason #7: they always make up after a fight :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

These spoilers do remind me of quite a few fics I've read. They just need to start using some smutty parts out of some fics too :lol:
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