Ghost Whisperer

Well, since one of the actors is going to star in a different show next year, I would imagine that's the person who is leaving.
But if there's no shadow, isn't the person already dead?

Who's starring in a different show next yr?:confused: I'm behind on news I guess.:( Yes, I figured if there's no shadow then that persons dead. I also wondered why Rick was holding Melindas hand & not Jim? :)Grrrr these cliffhangers make me anxious. :lol:
Jay Mohr. I assume since he's the one who saw six people and five shadows, that he's the ghost.
As they're walking together, he's kind of apart from the rest of them. You can't tell if anyone is speaking TO him or THROUGH him.
You could see her mother's shadow as they were walking together, so I don't think it's her. Plus, Jim could see her mother.

Someone on another site said the shadow could be missing because the person is possessed. This would leave an opening for Jay to come back if his show flops.
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Well I don't think its Payne who may or may not be dead (reason below quote), But I know Jay is starring in a new comedy,
"Project Gary" Here is a descript of the show from the futon critic.

Jay Mohr and Paula Marshall in a comedy about Gary Barnes, a recently single painting contractor, and his controlling ex-wife, Allison, who face post-divorce mayhem after 15 years of marriage as they each embark on new relationships. He's the fun parent and she's the strict one. Together, they share custody of their two children - Louise, a politically correct and environmentally conscious 11-year-old, and Tom, their socially awkward 14-year-old son who is nervous around girls.

Charming and acerbic, Gary hasn't dated since the split, but finally connects with Vanessa, a single mother whose condo he was hired to paint. He dreads telling Allison about Vanessa because it doesn't adhere to her belief in their marriage counselor's book, "Rules for the Perfect Divorce." However, when Allison tells him that she's engaged to their shrink, all bets are off and Gary decides it's time to move forward. Now, in pursuit of post-marriage happiness, Gary must juggle his eclectic world of an ex-wife, their two kids, their shrink and his gorgeous new girlfriend.

Now this may or may not mean that payne is dead, see the catch is this, brand new comedy, could tank I would think that since they [GW and PG] are both on CBS that should the show fail, they might be able to fit him back in, I get this from watching the Youtube fineal Scene Now if he [Payne] were dead then Jim, Ned and Delia could see him or talk to him, or touch him and yet in this fineal scene vid you can clearly see they do just after Melinda invites her mother to join them. They are all laughing. It can't be Melinda because Payne can see her. BUT there is one that it could be Now this isn't a spoiler its just speculation on my part but at first I thought it might be Beth, (Which I am still not sure on even though you can see her shadow is clearly there). But if its one of the dark side ghosts playing a trick this might explain the missing shadow. But still leaves a clever ending as to who if anyone isn't showing up in the shadows.
Melinda's store up in flames?

From TV Guide online:

Universal Studios Fire Levels "New York City," Ghost Whisperer Town

The faux version of New York City that King Kong once called home and a New England-y lot that hosted Back to the Future's Hill Valley and TV's Ghost Whisperer went up in flames Sunday morning when a massive fire tore through the Universal Studios back lot in Universal City, Calif. The blaze began just before dawn on a sound stage and ultimately claimed at least one building and three blocks' worth of movie facades, while more than 100 firefighters and water-dropping helicopters battled the flames.

No injuries have been reported thus far. There are unconfirmed reports that some filming was going on at the time and that the studio's film vault was threatened. Sunday night's MTV Movie Awards will be held as planned at Universal's Gibson Theater.
Alright, a new season. As for the premiere, I thought it was pretty good, but they could've, at least, explained why Payne's shadow wasn't there.

I don't know about this new character Eli. I mean, I like how he can hear the ghosts, but doesn't see them.

I just didn't think he would be in so much of the show. I mean Payne was even shown that much. I'm not liking it, but that could change.

Now we see even less of her husband. I know there are rumors that he wants to leave the show, because they don't really use him, but I hope he doesn't leave. He's damn good-looking and I think Melinda needs him in her life.

But with this death rubs off, it will probably be the husband, though Love-Hewitt says 'things aren't always what they appear on the show'. So I guess we have to wait and see.
I found this site Ghost Whisperer 2008 Blog for those wondering (also this site has a video for a tear jerking episode).

First off, we wanted to clear up all the rumors that are circulating.

Read carefully: David Conrad is not, not, not leaving Ghost Whisperer. We love him - he is amazingly talented - we all have lots of fun together and he is an important part of the Ghost Whisperer family. But most of all, we here at Ghost Whisperer are very much aware of how all of you feel about him. Again, David is not leaving Ghost Whisperer. Are we clear?

We do, however, have some exciting and dramatic things in store for our beloved Jim and Melinda that we can't wait to share with you- it's all just around the corner. And, until then, please know you can always come here for the absolute truth.

Note this is also stated by TvGuide

Now I would like to add that they will kill Jim persae but it is unknown at this time if they will keep him that way or what they are planning to do, if you click the link to that blog site you can read the summeries of coming episodes.

Also there is an Ausiello interview with Whisperer's executive-producing team of P.K. Simonds, Ian Sander, and Kim Moses Regarding Jim/David and a big plot that they are planning.
Thanks for posting that Destiny.

I was definitely one that was concerned about them killing Jim. I was thinking, you've got to be kidding.

I'm to see he's not leaving the show and I can relax when I watch this weeks episode.
Okay I KNEW that was coming and yet they waited and made you think it was a cruel joke to pull on the viewers, only to hit you when you thought maybe they switched the eps around. I have to say that while it was a tear jerker it was to quick and easy and on a scale hit about an eight, because really I mean they needed just a bit more time on it. The previews for next week look like it might be alot better and hopefully it will explain alot more.

David Conrad Interview with Tv Guide and his 'future' on the show. May contain spoilers.
Well IMHO I think the show jumped the shark. Jim staying on the show as a ghost goes against everything the show is about. Jim and Melinda's (Living) relationship was a vital part of this show. I'll watch a few more eps and if Jim is really dead I am crossing over to another network.
According to the blog site that episode brought in the best ratings of the season at number 1. Also according to the site [blog] and I believe I can copy this out of a spoiler box sense it really doesn't say anything, while saying alot lol.
By now, many of you have probably seen last night's episode, "Imaginary Friends and Enemies"/Episode 406. We bet you were surprised! You likely have some strong opinions about it and if not concerned are at least curious and hopefully intrigued about where the story is headed. We can assure you that it's not what you're thinking; that would be too obvious. What happened last night is step one in a special journey that will only continue to get bigger and better. Keep watching next week and beyond to see were this is going. We promise you it will be a journey worth taking. Know that what's important to you is just as important to us... probably more so.

I don't think they jumped the shark on this one, I don't like how they waited then made it so that it looked like maybe they were just going to put him into a coma or some sort, while actually telling you what was going to happen (ie the doctor told her) then waiting and waiting then boom I have seen it happen how things can be fine and go south fast but this was too much, his mom wasn't mentioned, etc. Not to mention that instead of having her cross Owen over before Jim is shot they do it right then in the hospital, seemed more to interfere then help the scene.

I am only hoping that they don't slide and go to the side like "dead zone" did, that show started out so well, then suddenly the obsession on the end of the world and well I stopped watching it. From what I read in the interviews and the blog it doesn't seem like they will be going that direction and they are being careful that they don't slide. Now I think it would have been better if Jim could have been given more either a gift or what have you. Maybe they plan to have Jim help Melinda from the other side (no that isn't a spoiler JMO) I am not sure they could pull of the "who shot JR" thing with this show lol.

On another site JLH made this comment not long ago.
"The important thing to always remember is that things are not as they seem on our show. We never do anything cut-and-dry. There are lots of opportunities for people to think that one thing is going to happen, and it actually turns out to be something else," Hewitt, who declined to confirm reports about her on-screen husband's death, told TV Guide.

"People should very much keep their eyes open and enjoy the ride into our big storyline for the season rather than try to guess what's going to happen and how," she added. "People don't have any idea what's coming. But it is going to be very cool."

From the Blog Site
Melinda talks to a ghost that says she thinks she helped kill Melinda's husband. Jim begins to see how things work from the other side. While coping with dramatic changes in her personal life, Melinda struggles in helping a desperate teenage ghost because she no longer feels that her gift of talking to the dead is helpful.
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Ok, I knew he was dead, I was hoping he wasn't. I mean if things aren't always cut and dry on this show, then how are they going to kill Jim and bring him back?

Of course, he could still be alive and his soul is just outside of his body. Now if I could remember what this phenomenon is called.

*goes to google* Ok, he could be having an outer body experience.

This is just so stressful.
Well I have read comments about this episode on both Entertainment and and I must say it was not well received. There were hundreds of comments between the two of people feeling, angry, betrayed, saddened by Jims death and they ALL said they will stop watching the show. As I said I think TPTB made a huge mistake no matter where the story is heading (most will not stick around to find out). The point is people loved the relationship between Melinda and her (live) husband. If he is truly dead they will lose a lot of viewers.
I don't like where this is heading :(

Melinda is drawn to a man Sam/Jim who is suffering from amnesia and she enthusiastically tries to help him regain his memory

As Melinda and Sam/Jim decide to give dating a try, Melinda must also help the ghost of Deborah Marks protect her teenage daughter from a supposedly bad-news boyfriend...
What is wrong with where it is heading?
Jim and Sam are suppost to be the same person persae. There are many rumors out there that say that Jim may not have a funeral which if this is the case then I would have to guess that he is in a coma or some sort like that. If that is the case and from the rumors Jim is suppost to borrow Sam's body temporairly since Sam is only credited for a couple episodes. If this is the case, Jim could move out of sam's body into his own (should the docs fix everything) and in turn this gives DC more screen time.

The other rumor is that for some reason Jim walks up in someone elses body and says his name is Sam, and Melinda agree's to help him.

Either way I am not sure how they are going to go about this but once thing we do know is that David isn't going anywhere and I doubt the show is going to keep Jim dead forever.

--- Check this out From the TvGuide Interview ---
TV Guide: Rumors have been swirling that Jim, your character, is about to die and become one of those ghosts who constantly bother Melinda. I know you can't spoil it, but what can you tell fans about what happens to Jim?
David Conrad: I think they'll see a Jim like they've never seen before. I think he'll find out who his true self is, though it might take a long time. That's cryptic.

TV Guide: So there is some sort of event that changes his fate?
Conrad: [Thoughtfully] Well, Jim kind of blacks out... there's a strange blackout. And some-times, by forgetting, when you do re-member, you know things all the more. Like, people might say, "Oh, I forgot how much I love my wife." And then time goes by, and they realize just how much more they loved her, and at what cost.

TV Guide: As an actor, is the new story line going to be exciting to play?
Conrad: Yeah. It may bring out a muscle that I've never used before. It's going to be a completely new world for him. He's gonna wake up with new eyesalmost as if he's seeing things through someone else's eyes.

This it seems to me would go with the rumored spoilers out there.

I know fans weren't happy with David Conrad's characters death but when the actor is tired of the limited role and would like to have just a bit more one should not deny him that, especially considering that the only option would have been to give him some gift, in which he helps Melinda, which would then IMO jump the shark. - As to where this is headed in the interviews I posted above the show says that they are going in unique direction giving David/Jim more time and yet staying with the premise of the show. Hence why they are using the term "Love Transcends Death" the fact that the producers have said it will be a journey that will continue through the season. So for me I will watch the whole season, because even though we might get an idea of what they are going to do, as JLH said don't try to guess because it might not be what it seems.

David has made it clear while he likes the show, loves the cast, his role is kind of boring to him, which would only leave two options, Kill him off completely, or do what they are doing and open his role on the show more, and in turn take it to a new level while keeping with the orginial premise of the show. Besides I doubt they would go so heavily on the baby talk and the hormones if they didn't have something in store that as they said wouldn't be what it seemed. - Come to think of it, the black world (as I call it) was never ended they are still out there trying to harm Mel and what she does, maybe this with Jim can also be used to help her with that. See the problem is there were rumors that before this season David Conrad (who like the producers deny) made an ultimatum of give me a bigger role or kill me off so I can leave the show. So to me this is a big role and he gets to stay, he gets to be there for Mel and their love as it states will Transcend death.

I have to agree with JLH and the two producers trying to figure it out without seeing it first (ie the whole season) takes a lot of energy and twists and turns something this show has had a little of but putting it on a bigger scale is something that at least interests me. - Again if they pull a "Dead Zone" then yeah I would say enough is enough too but I don't think from what they have said that they will be going that route. The big bosses promise not to betray the fans, and while it might not make sense at first it seems to me that it has to actually be watched until the end of the season to full go "Okay I thought that but damn it had a twist I didn't see coming". Lets hope that is the case. But if fans leave the journey before they really get into it, then how do you really know if you liked the whole plot or not. *Shrug*.

Okay then long enough and carefully typed out so as not to reveal any spoilers in examples and opinion. :lol: