Ghost Whisperer

Okay Blog Info New and its fully loaded.

Much to the surprise of no one who pays attention to the TV rumor mill, David Conrad's Jim became the latest ghost on CBS's "Ghost Whisperer" as his Jim Clancy was killed off tonight, leaving wife Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) a widow. What does Conrad think of Jim's death and how will it impact his role on the series?
Rob Owen: Given your comments to me back during the first season, I assume you weren't surprised by this turn of events.
David Conrad: They said early on that everybody but Jennifer is expendable. They didn't say it that way, but they were like, "We're not going to lie you. It's definitely in our plans to kill you off in an exciting way." I was like, "Cool, it's all good." I figured I'd do a pilot and the fact that we're in our fourth season and I'll make it to the end of this one and it seems like I'm sort of in the plans for a fifth season if there is one, it's all gravy.

RO: What did you think of their approach to killing Jim?
DC: I liked the fact that it's not super-connected to the plot. I thought it was smart that it came out of nowhere.

RO: In next week's episode, your character does something we've never seen on "Ghost Whisperer." Is that how they'll keep you on the series?
DC: What happens next happens so quickly rather than happening slowly or piece meal. I think it would be more fun to drag it out: Where is he going? When will he come back and how will he manifest himself as someone else? ... It just sort of loses the audience's sense of how long do you wait before you give them the cake? The whole plot of the show changes. Things get a little more clouded by my issue. I wish that he'd visit her once in a while like Angel on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." ... I thought that would have been smarter and dragged it out longer. It's strange how they rush things. My only thought is I would drag it out a little, more foreplay.

RO: There's also a twist that seems like it can't possibly go on forever or end well. Have they given you any indication of how that will play out?
DC: I think they don't really know. Or if they do, they haven't told me.

RO: Ironically, it seems like your character has more to do on the show now that he's dead.
DC: Yeah, that's the crazy thing. When they kill you off, you work more! It's kind of like in retirement when you're busier than when you were at your job. At least for these four episodes, yeah, I've had more to do. I think they just don't know. Once they started the thing they didn't know how to back out of it or make it simpler or part of the greater whole. It just seems like when you've still got 11 episodes to go from the ones we're filming now, what do you do? But I do work more, which means I haven't been back to Pittsburgh that much.

RO: Do you expect to be a series regular next season?
DC: Nothing is definitive. They don't have a definitive answer because the show hasn't been picked up.

RO: But it seems likely the show will be renewed. The ratings are up.
DC: Best ever, actually.

RO: What are your future career plans? Do you want to do more TV? Movies? Theater?
DC: I don't know. It's a fluid time because there's no official answer about the fifth season. My agents are like, "We need an answer, guys."

Since I’ve received so much email about what’s happening on Ghost Whisperer, I thought I would pass along note from Ian Sander, Kim Moses and P.K. Simonds, the producers of the show, to the fans. My problem is I don't think the Jim (David Conrad) and Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) romance needed a reboot. You all have to let me know what you think after you've seen Friday's episode. Here's what...

This coming Friday night, a new episode of Ghost Whisperer will hit the air — it is very, very powerful. And, at the end of the episode, there is a big surprise.

But the key to Jim and Melinda's future (and the rest of Season 4) lies in the very next episode titled "Heart and Soul," which airs November 21. It's one of the most romantic episodes we've ever done. You will laugh and you will cry — tears of joy.

This new voyage of discovery in the Ghost Whisperer world will take Jim and Melinda's relationship to another level. It reboots their love story and gives them something few people ever get — a second chance at true love. Thanks for taking this journey with us!

For an exclusive look at "Heart & Soul" airing on Nov 21st go to the link above and click "Spoilers" and you can see it there.

Melinda is drawn to a man who is suffering from amnesia and she enthusiastically tries to help him regain his memory.
A mystery involving a wishing well uncovers information about the decades-old disappearance of a little girl, now haunting Sam..

Ep 410 Not available right now.... (Suppost to be called "Ball & Chain")

A 14-year-old ghost wants to get his divorced parents and estranged brother back together so they will finally discuss the real reason for his death...

EP 412 Not available right now... (Suppost to be called "This Joint's Haunted")

When Nikki pays a prolonged visit, Melinda fears that Sam will never reconnect with his true nature. Meanwhile, Melinda discovers a mysterious and vengeful contingent of ghosts at a local lake, where a financially distressed mortician had been secretly dumping bodies scheduled for cremation..
As Melinda and Sam decide to give dating a try, Melinda must also help the ghost of DEBORAH MARKS protect her teenage daughter from a supposedly bad-news boyfriend...
A sorority girl goes missing in the woods during a secret initiation ceremony, and Melinda is confronted with the uneasy spirit of a sad ghost who encountered tragedy during that same ritual 40 years ago..

Okay thats all I know for now, special thanks to the Blog site for the show.
I am hoping the mods forgive me as my last post is a tad long.

Tonights episode I wasn't sure how they were going to do it, it did leave me a touch unsure, but after watching it, they imo really nailed it, I loved this episode. The music at the wake was fitting, this would be something I would love if it were me. Melinda's grief and refusel to let Jim stay, trying to make him go into the light, JLH really out did herself on this you could really see the emotions.

I missed the ep or I just don't remember it where they said Jim had an older brother. I wish they would have shown more with his mother but I also understand the time restrictions, the cop who shot him and his pain over losing his step daughter and how she being dead blamed herself for Jim's death. At first I wasn't sure how they were going to play that out with the ep description but the producers were right nothing will be what it seems.

David as Jim wow got more work dead then he did alive, and wanting to learn how to do things as a ghost even playing with the alarm clock and lights, trying to move the eggs, and stubbornly refusing to leave his true love even when she tried to push him into the light. I don't by for a minute where he said he didn't really believe it about having to go into the light, not after all that Melinda has taught him, but his heart was in right place when he said it. Then at the end when he decided to jump into someone elses body, and it splits between the dead/alive guy and Jims face showed me yet again what the producers (of the blog) were saying when they said that nothing would be what it seemed.

As I said before if they would have went off course like they did with the show "Dead Zone" then I might have stopped watching, but the course they went I like the idea so far and if they plan to stay on this course while staying true to the shows format then I think this season will definitly be most interesting in a journey of love and death. I really loved this ep, so much that I taped it and plan on watching it again. I would give this episode a 9.5/10, the other .5 is because they interrupted it with commericals lol, it had everything you could want in a drama, grief, stubborness, love, and laughter all mixed pretty darn good. Can't wait for next weeks ep (see above post if you want to be spoiled).
^^^ I think it was the first episode of the show, where Melinda talks to Jim's brother at their wedding, and then you find out he's a ghost.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Jim entering another body, but that may be because that's how demons get around on "Supernatural"... :lol:
Okay I did miss it, I missed the pilot the first time around and missed his brother being there when I watched the repeat. Rodney Scott (Dan Clancy) is listed for that ep as a guest star. Well I am glad they don't go by age, cause in this episode last night Dan called Jim little brother, but Rodney was born 2-17-1978 and David was born 8-17-1967 :lol:

I did further looking and apparently Faith Clancy has changed since the first season. In season one she was played by Christine Baranski, But in the fourth Season she is played by Joanna Cassidy.
Despite all the naysaying, I decided to give the new plot direction a chance. I though it might jazz up the show.
I hated it! Jim had that creepy expression on his face the whole time, and all that makeup added to the creepiness.
Thought the eulogy at the funeral was beautiful, and then they broke into that stupid dance scene. Oh, and where was Melinda's mother?
Jim was killed because some guy was stressed out. Um, OK.
The body takeover is the stupidest thing. He should have convinced Melinda not to bury his body so quickly, and then he could have just repossessed it.
Cross over already.
goldnhart wrote: Thought the eulogy at the funeral was beautiful, and then they broke into that stupid dance scene. Oh, and where was Melinda's mother?
As to Melinda's mother I believe she probably wasn't there because of the fact that she too has the gift and can't or won't accept it, could be she was afraid of ghosts trying to talk to her during the wake, something I am sure that Melinda understood.
As to the dancing and music, that was how Jim was, not wanting people to mourn him but to celebrate his life, as I mentioned this is something I and many in my own family want or similar to it. If you want to cry go ahead and then laugh, joke, sing, dance, have fun, because that would be what I wanted. Seriously if I am able to look down and see my funeral and no one is respecting me this way, I am going to go ghostly Gibbs on them and slap them upside the head.

Okay anyway, here is some interesting info and some more further thoughts on the episode from me. Ratings: Ghost Whisperer Speaks To Another Season High - Nov 15, 2008 02:12 PM ET
8 pm/ET -- Ghost Whisperer saw 11.67 million total viewers (up six percent week-to-week) tune in for the big twist regarding Melinda's husband, Jim. That's good for yet another new season's best. (The big question, of course, is how many return next Friday.)

See this is what the producers are saying you can question and question and even guess what they [the writers] are going to do but nothing will be what it seems, while I liked the episode even if I hadn't I still wouldn't give up on it, I want to see where they are going with this. I noticed today alot of sites had people saying they weren't going to watch it further, said the same last week but ratings were up big this week, so we'll see what happens next week. Actually David does seem to be getting more work dead then he did alive on the show as he said in the last interview I posted (in the spoiler tag.) -- Even JLH said (as I previously posted)
"The important thing to always remember is that things are not as they seem on our show. We never do anything cut-and-dry. There are lots of opportunities for people to think that one thing is going to happen, and it actually turns out to be something else,"
"People should very much keep their eyes open and enjoy the ride into our big storyline for the season rather than try to guess what's going to happen and how," she added. "People don't have any idea what's coming. But it is going to be very cool."

Gotta admit watching Eli get use to his new gift is funny, Jim messing with his alarm, lights... Then the scene in the hospital, Kennedy brought the comedy, JLH brought the grief, Jim brought the emotion and the rest of the cast brought it together IMO. I am going to go rewatch the ep because I have a couple questions that I think I know the answers to (not about the journey just about what I saw and didn't see. :)
I've been surprised reading other places by how many people seem to hate Eli. I think he's cute! I miss Jay Mohr, but he series has been picked up, so we won't see him back this season, I guess.
I don't know about Eli yet. Jaimey Kennedy's acting seems a little... not so great so far. Like he's trying to hard or something.

I'm going to give the show at least a couple more episodes and see where they go with this. Currently, I'm not really liking what they've done, but I'll give them a chance at least. I mean, hell... it's just TV. I'm not going to get all up and arms about it. Once it stops being entertaining, I'll turn it off. :lol:
The last episode was sooo sad :(
I still don't like the fact thay killed Jim, but whatever...
We'll see how it all will end. :)
Well, even if things aren't what the 'seem', I'm still not happy they killed Jim. Because it 'seems' to me that he is dead.

I'll keep watching because I love the paranormal and I generally like the show.

My jury is still out on this Eli character. Right now, I don't really like him, but that could change. However, I did like the scene with Jim messing with him.

Great this is just what I needed, yet another show for me to stress over. :shifty: As if CSI didn't already do that. :lol:
Well, I've given it a third chance, and I officially hate the way the show has gone. The story line, the acting couldn't be more creepy and dreary. Oh, and boring.
Well, I'm not really sure how I felt about this episode. I don't really like the idea of Jim being in some other guy's body, but somehow I still found myself compelled by the episode. I guess I'll watch next week and see what I think then. I mean, currently I'm not loving the story arc, but I'm not hating it either. We'll see.
The ratings seem to be good for this ep. "Ghost Whisperer" taking a 7.2/13 for the hour." which according to makes GH number one for Friday Nov. 21st.

I liked the ep, and I have to admit that David Conrad was right he is doing alot more work now that his character is dead, I don't remember a time when Jim has had as many lines in two episodes back to back, and from the looks of the direction possibly more. Goodness when Jim was alive he was in the arena of being the supportive husband who is seen and heard but limitedly. In this case I like that while they do flash occassionally to "Sam" most of the time you are seeing Jim.

I mean I loved Andrea when the show started she was an awesome friend and honestly I had tears in my eyes when Melinda had to confirm that it was her that was dead and not her brother. But I kept on watching, I wasn't crazy at first about Delia or Rick, but they grew on my, then Eli comes into the picture and its back to the unsure, but he too is growing on me, he is comicial without trying to be, and his handling of his new gift is funny as all get out. Jim I loved dearly but in a way I like the way the show says they want to try and show how the two got together how their love story was built. Now it will be different sense he decided to borrow another mans body but I think in another respect its not so much about the story of Jim via the outside as much as possibly the inside his thoughts, feelings, and their love which has no physical body.

In this ep I can't say what it was that kept me glued to it, other then they are balancing out the drama and the humor they are trying to include all the characters on the show and they are bringing it. The fight between Delia and Melinda, then Delia and Ned, and Neds confession that Jim was like a father to him and then that there was no basketball clinic but rather him and Jim spending time together, and while Delia was a skeptic when she say Jim/Sam at the courts her belief fineally came to the front. Then that scene with her and Melinda when she brought him back, now that was funny. While I loved the idea of a happy couple who loved and supported each other, with friends and family, the fact is that isn't what this show was all about. It was always about seeing the ghost, helping them find peace and crossing them over. Again the loving happy couple was a great extra except for me it wasn't enough, maybe because the show had them being kind of too perfect a couple. I want to see how they came to be without flashbacks, I want to see this journey that maybe filled with blocks and stumbles, this Jim he is a skeptic he is a guy who unsure of himself, who has to learn all over again about himself, work, friends, etc. While I will love watching the Melinda/new Jim's journey I will also enjoy seeing this new Jim's realization of himself and his life.

I am not sure how they will do this with his ghost inside another person, maybe (and this is just my thoughts not a spoiler) Jim was suppost to take over Sams body I mean sam had serious family issues which thanks to Melinda was brought out and peace found. Another thing that always got me is the fact that you see Jim flatline, you see his wake, you see his ghost but what you don't see is his body, now she [Melinda] isn't visiting him at least not on screen, and his [Jim] mother left town so to say that Jim is well stored somewhere (ie a coma, etc) would be over the top. Maybe Jim's death was meant to be not only for the journey of him and Melinda, and Jim himself, but his way of helping others, while trying to keep true to the orginial reason it is on the air...

After watching Heart and Soul I decided that this storyline is imo well worth watching, just to see where the show goes with this, and how they keep to the premise of the show. I don't see them going the way of "Dead Zone" which was completely and utterly away from its premise. So yeah I am going to keep watching for the reasons I mentioned above and see how the entire season plays out, to stop now for me would mean missing something and if it turns out to be something great that happens, I don't want to curse myself because I seen the start of it, and missed the inbetween. I might not like some episodes, but heck how would that be different then when Jim was alive on the show. But this is JMO. :)