George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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^Your Tax Dollars At Work-that place is falling apart now that GSR is going bye bye!!!

No they haven't been nice to George or Nick. When Nick got the promotion they went nuts over there. So I stay away from them.

My daughter did another another funny Nick shlick.

When she was four, she snuck down stairs and watched Grave Danger-I had no idea until I heard the sobbing from behind the couch and then three weeks afterwards all I heard was "Is Nick out of the box?" "Why was Nick in the box?"

Now she's eight and she watched a bit of it again and I showed her the clip on the DVD on how they did it and she said, "Ewwww..I wouldn't want be in a box with grass hoppers, that's gross!"

She came into the kitchen later and said, "Mom watch me be "Nick in the Box" She lies down on the floor and starts kicking and screaming, "I want my mommy!!!! Help Get me out!!!! Help!!!!" Then she flops her head to the side with her tongue out and says in a creaky voice "I'm dead! The ants killed me!!! Blaaaaaaah" and closes her eyes.

I said, "Oh god, you need to go to drama classes!!!"

I read somewhere that George said he was a really dramatic and real ham when he was a kid and now I understand what he means!
Ahhhh Monte Walsh, very much a movie for a quiet weekend afternoon. Not especially partial to westerns I have to say, but George more than made up for it....leather chaps :thumbsup:

Story line is ok although quite sad, George's character Shorty ends up on the wrong side of the tracks. I'll say no more. The cast otherwise is also really good, Isabella Rossellini stars and you'll also see another CSI guy in there, Rex Linn who plays Tripp in Miami :)
Monte Walsh, huh? Well lets see. I feel its a bit of stretch for George to play this role. I mean come on, a Texan playing a cowboy? Its just not believable :p

The movie is actually funny at times. For someone that's called Shorty in the film, he sure can be cocky at times.

All that scruff? :drool:

The man on a horse? :drool:

Dirty Shorty? :drool:

Hmmm, not really telling you much about the story, huh? Too bad!!!!! You gotta see it for yourself.

There is one part in the movie that you won't soon forget and I'm not telling what happens in it or who is in it. :p
I don't own it, but I rented it. It's a pretty good story. And man...geeze Louise...if there's anything better than George as a cop it's George as a cowboy! The caps are worth the price of the DVD alone! <---thinks Smokey as she wonders why she doesn't own it! :lol: I may have to remedy that!

It's one that I enjoy watching him in, moreso than "Just a Walk in the Park".
Yup George was very good in Monte Walsh :) Oh did anyone mention how good he looked on a horse or in leather chaps :drool: and I agree Smokey you do need to add it to your collection. One of these days I need to cap it, The Spring and Evel. Although I don't think I will be able to do justice to the caps that allmaple did of Monte. If nobody has seen them they are available at Texan Charm. Babs has some good ones also :)
Now, I cannot stand looking at Evel pics, so I will not be watching that or capping it! :lol:
Oh Evel isn't that bad. The commentary is quite good. You learn a lot about George :)

I don't know. I can't seem to get past the hair. :eek: Maybe I'll rent it for the commentary and just listen and not watch. :lol:

I kinda feel left out. I haven't seen anything but CSI and 1 episode of ER. The last time TBS (I think) showed his episodes I forgot about them and the one I did turn into was the same one I'd already seen! :( I may have seen bits and pieces of The Spring because the story sounds familiar (and I love SF) but I don't know for sure. :alienblush:

I guess George would be the perfect thing to use that Blockbuster gift card we got for (last) Christmas from my Aunt on. :D

Now, I cannot stand looking at Evel pics, so I will not be watching that or capping it! :lol:

I'm with Smokey - I don't know what's worse, that mullet or the pornstache.

Although if the commentary is good I wouldn't have a problem with just closing my eyes and listening to his voice ;)
I rented both Monte Walsh and Evel from Netflix earlier this year. I couldn't really get through Monte Walsh for some reason. If it was just a disc of George's scenes then that would have been better.

Now Evel is a different story......I watched it the first time with the commentary

Then many months later I was at the grocerey store with my mom and we were at the checkout lanes...well at the front are these racks of dvds that are below $10 and Evel was one of them so I got it.

It's a fun's worth owning it just to see his hair
I never liked Evel Knieval (childhood trauma-don't want to talk about being used by childhood boyfriend as launch pad) and I won't watch the movie cause of it and seeing George in a mullet makes me think of Billy Ray Cyrus who sings on Hannah Montanna, 'I want my mullet back!!!"

I liked the moustache! It was hot!!! I loved the long hair too, he was so cute and a little puppy that you just wanted to gather in your arms and cuddle..
Oh long hair, stache, or blond for me. :lol:

And Princess, a disc of just his scenes would be awesome, especially from CSI episodes. :adore:
and what pray tell is wrong with the stache :)

It did not become him. I heard his staunch defense of his 'stache, and yes, I get it George, you're a man in Texas if you have one, but it did not become you.

Now as for the buzz - I know I'll get hate for this, but I don't like that either. I liked the longer hair - bring back the longer hair!!
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