George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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Ok, we can't let this thread go to the second page.

So this is what I've been thinking. We know Season 9 is gonna be rough on our Nicky, so I think when it becomes the darkest before the dawn for him, that is when Cassie should come and visit.

I think seeing her and how well she's doing after her ordeal, will do Nick a world of good and remind him why he does this job.

Ok, I really don't know what they have planned for Nick and how he's going to handle Warrick, but I still think they should do it.

This could really be a touching scene, just like when he saw her in the hospital.

Well, that's my two cents.
That's a good idea, Speedy! Have you been reading "Of Nightmares and Pinkie-Swears"?? :) It's a good one!

I think of all the cases that could be revisited, that's a good one to do, as opposed to anything else that might be coming up that can't be mentioned because it's a spoiler. :rolleyes: <-- rolling eyes at plot, not spoilers :lol:
I, for one, hope they show how Warrick's death has affected Nick because he was the closest of all of them to the guy. They were best buddies.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing Cassie back again to visit Nick because they made a such a strong connection at the hospital. That scene was very, very touching.

It was actually nice to see Nick in such a touching and powerful story because it showed a softer, less macho side to him instead of dealing with the Kristie Hopkin types.
That's a good idea, Speedy! Have you been reading "Of Nightmares and Pinkie-Swears"?? :) It's a good one!

:adore: Thanks, Smokey!

Yeah, the guy could sure stand to catch a break, that's for sure. Being stalked, tossed out of windows, threatened with guns, accused of killing your hooker-girlfriend, buried alive, losing Sara - give him a reason to not slit his wrists, for cryin' out loud.

His beautiful, lickable wrists . . . . :devil:
That's a good idea, Speedy! Have you been reading "Of Nightmares and Pinkie-Swears"?? :) It's a good one!

:adore: Thanks, Smokey!

Yeah, the guy could sure stand to catch a break, that's for sure. Being stalked, tossed out of windows, threatened with guns, accused of killing your hooker-girlfriend, buried alive, losing Sara - give him a reason to not slit his wrists, for cryin' out loud.

His beautiful, lickable wrists . . . . :devil:

Now I don't think he lost Sara. I mean you don't work with the same people forever, so I really don't think this would have as much an impact on him as losing Warrick. Those two were so much more like brothers. Now if Sara had died, that would be a different story, because then he lost a friend.

People you work with leave and you move on and it's not like he couldn't visit her or vice a versa. Now all that other stuff, yeah give a guy a break, but he does angst so well, that's why they have to put him in those scenerios. Besides Carol Mendelsohn said it best herself when asked why they chose George Eads to do the burying alive and she said basically: because he would give the most rawest performance." I couldn't agree more!

And no Smokey, I haven't read that fanfic. I usually don't read the one's on this thread, but I'm definitely going to check this one out. I looked at it briefly and it looks good. Boy Jacqui, it better be. :lol:
And no Smokey, I haven't read that fanfic. I usually don't read the one's on this thread, but I'm definitely going to check this one out. I looked at it briefly and it looks good. Boy Jacqui, it better be. :lol:

Well, it's basically everything you just asked for...and more! :lol:

His beautiful, lickable wrists . . . . :devil:

LOL...a new fetish!! :drool:
And no Smokey, I haven't read that fanfic. I usually don't read the one's on this thread, but I'm definitely going to check this one out. I looked at it briefly and it looks good. Boy Jacqui, it better be. :lol:

Well, it's basically everything you just asked for...and more! :lol:

His beautiful, lickable wrists . . . . :devil:

Lickable wrists-my writers' mind is a ticking...

I definitely would like to see Nick working through his grief and for us to see it. Great acting on GE's part.

I'd love another Gum Drops like story for Nick. That is still one of my favourite episodes of CSI. It was such a nice character development on Nick's part-seeing him connect so wonderfully with the victim.

Now as for romance. As long as she's not some 20 year old (no offense-Nick is just shy of 40), then I'm okay. The father/daughter romance was so over done with GSR. Least have them within 10 years of each other.

Or he could get with Mandy, but that's only in my fanfics.

Definitely be right in there solving Warrick's murder.
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Now I don't think he lost Sara. I mean you don't work with the same people forever, so I really don't think this would have as much an impact on him as losing Warrick. Those two were so much more like brothers. Now if Sara had died, that would be a different story, because then he lost a friend.

People you work with leave and you move on and it's not like he couldn't visit her or vice a versa. Now all that other stuff, yeah give a guy a break, but he does angst so well, that's why they have to put him in those scenerios. Besides Carol Mendelsohn said it best herself when asked why they chose George Eads to do the burying alive and she said basically: because he would give the most rawest performance." I couldn't agree more!

Oh, I agree - Warrick's death would tear him apart. Particularly since he was right *there*. He'll blame himself. I didn't mean to suggest Sara's leaving would've been as traumatic as the other events. I mentioned losing Sara only because these folks have worked so close together for eight years - even if he hadn't fought so hard to find MostlyDead!Sara, which you could tell was emotional for him, it sucks to lose someone you work close to. They really glossed over it, but there would definitely have been a Sara-shaped hole left in the department.

And by the way, I really hated his crass lines and impromptu "hug" of Grissom in Leaving Las Vegas. It seemed so forced and not what I'd expect of our sensitive Nicky at all.
And by the way, I really hated his crass lines and impromptu "hug" of Grissom in Leaving Las Vegas. It seemed so forced and not what I'd expect of our sensitive Nicky at all.

Now I found this scene funny. Nick was already talking to Catherine about Grissom and not coming back. Nick was jsut re-living his own comments to his family when he was talking to Grissom. And what's wrong with a hug to say goodbye to someone. Even if they are only going to be away for a few weeks. Nick is more touchy feely and emotional. Grissom was the one with the problem.

That was a stupid typical of the writers to keep portraying Nick as a dummy!

Now how do we know that this was all the writers doing. George himself may have had something to do with this. We all know he likes to re-write the lines and scenes sometimes. We also know that he plays Nick to be a little on the dense side. To me this was another example of Nick being dense about really what was happening with Grissom.

Just my 2cents worth :)
Now I found this scene funny. Nick was already talking to Catherine about Grissom and not coming back. Nick was jsut re-living his own comments to his family when he was talking to Grissom. And what's wrong with a hug to say goodbye to someone. Even if they are only going to be away for a few weeks. Nick is more touchy feely and emotional. Grissom was the one with the problem.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a hug, but didn't Nick think Grissom was leaving for good, and that's why he hugged him? It really didn't seem at all sincere to me, but maybe I'm not recalling the scene correctly - I've probably only seen it one time.
Hey guys,

Check out my new signature.

It came out of the cutest conversation, I had with my daughter.

She's never watched CSI in full, but when she was five she found a picture of George and kept it beside her because "Nick scares away the monsters under my bed."

Tonight she said, "I'm sad that Sara is leaving, but I hope George stays on the show forever and ever and ever because he's my favourite. I wish I could marry George."

"Honey when you were born he was 33 years old, that means he's 33 years older then you."

"Wow..then she said..I wish I could marry George Eads, but by the time I'm all grown up, he'll be really, really, really old or maybe he'll be already dead because he's already so old."

Remember she's eight. Anyone over 16 is old at this stage in her life.

Of course, being three years younger then George, I felt old hearing say that. I guess I need to ship off to the nursing home when I'm done with this post.

Course, if George Eads at 53 ever, ever so much as looks at my then twenty year old daughter in any lust-filled way, then he'll be in big trouble..because I'll be in full MAMA BEAR MODE and all fantasies of him will cease and desist!!!

Hee . . . I just got a chance to read this in full. What a cutie! Don't you love when your children turn their observations of age onto people who are not you?

In the car the other day my seven year old said, "Mom . . . I see some gray hairs . . . " Yeah, thanks for pointin' that out, buddy. :scream:

Course, if George Eads at 53 ever, ever so much as looks at my then twenty year old daughter in any lust-filled way, then he'll be in big trouble..because I'll be in full MAMA BEAR MODE and all fantasies of him will cease and desist!!!


If this happens you can re-direct him to me :angel: because I'm going to assume that even when he's 53, he'll still be hot!

Here's the link to the vid with interview for German RTL.

Thanks so much to Erica who posted main page of it in Marg's thread:)
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Thanks Deirdre. It was :drool:. Shot around Goodbye and Goodluck from the white open Nick shirt he's wearing. :luvlove:

They have some for the rest of the cast over on Your Tax dollars at Work. They just aren't all that nice to George/Nick over there so I prefer to wait till it comes over here to watch them. :bolian:

I'll have some caps up for it over in the Ward in a few. :)

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