George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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Makes a Ward Girl very happy :)

Haha. Thanks for the enthusiasm! And Yoshi too :D It'll be a while before that one's ready but there's a new chapter of NLS up for the time being.

I think the Emmy people are misguided then...heh. Of course they're serious. I really hope that we don't have to wait until the end of CSI to see the actors recognised. And yeah, it's definitely an ensemble drama but GD *was* Nick and he deserves it for that. *sigh* oh well. I love the subtlety too Smokey. Hmm. More awards for CSI people...we should have a campaign...:p

Nat x
I have to agree about GD, but I've also noticed lately the more subtle aspects of his performances. That's what happens when you're capping and looking frame by frame. :lol:

I can actually see little eye movements, his jaw clenching, and other small facial characteristics. They're all things that can be lost in a flash of a moment on the show, but when you look at it in slow motion, it's actually quite amazing.

I don't do screen caps (although I enjoy yours :drool: ) but I have noticed the subtleties - my favorite has to be Gum Drops (no surprises there) and the intense chocolates and nostril-flaring every time they found a peice of bubble gum.

Jacqui, who is going to find a cold shower now . . .
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I don't do screen caps (although I enjoy yours :drool: ) but I have noticed the subtleties - my favorite has to be Gum Drops (no surprises there) and the intense chocolates and nostril-flaring every time they found a peice of bubble gum.

Jacqui, who is going to find a cold shower now . . .

:guffaw: I almost put "nostril flaring" in my first post, but I thought it would sound weird. I should have realized who my audience is! :lol: But yeah, I like that too.
:guffaw: I almost put "nostril flaring" in my first post, but I thought it would sound weird. I should have realized who my audience is! :lol: But yeah, I like that too.
Well, his nose is so cute! Who can resist? :D
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Soooo...for some reason I felt the need to go back to a previous avi for a while. :D
Hi gals! Can I ask a quick, random question? If anyone here visits/visited twop (television without pity)'s CSI site, why did they (Sobell) stop doing recaps of the episode after S5's finale, Grave Danger? It always puzzles me, it's like they stopped recapping at the height of the show's popularity!
Hi gals! Can I ask a quick, random question? If anyone here visits/visited twop (television without pity)'s CSI site, why did they (Sobell) stop doing recaps of the episode after S5's finale, Grave Danger? It always puzzles me, it's like they stopped recapping at the height of the show's popularity!

I'm not sure, but I really, really liked her work. She was hilarious!!!!
I didn't even know there was such a place. I'll have to check it out - thanks for the info!

I also have a quick, random question: Does anyone know what Nick's middle name is?
Hi gals! Can I ask a quick, random question? If anyone here visits/visited twop (television without pity)'s CSI site, why did they (Sobell) stop doing recaps of the episode after S5's finale, Grave Danger? It always puzzles me, it's like they stopped recapping at the height of the show's popularity!

I'm not sure, but I really, really liked her work. She was hilarious!!!!

I wrote to her at the time and asked why and she wrote back saying that the discussion board numbers were dropping, so when that happens they stop recapping the show.

She was very funny! And defended Nick to the hilt and once wrote that George Eads must have a good sense of humour given how badly his character was treated and that he was the 'writers bitch' because of all the bad things that happened to him.

And she had a Rage Diary thread for Nick because she felt he was being treated pretty shabbily by the other team members and theorized that nobody would take it as well as he did and surmised that he had a diary some where he was planning a huge attack on the lab. It went on for about a year before she stopped recapping and visitors would come on write very funny posts pretending they were Nick. And the joke was that nobody was supposed to know about the diary, but everyone did and wrote it in and then Nick would rant about people violating his 'prrecious diary' (think Lord of the Rings).

And the other running commentary was Nick's 'Day of Rage' where he planned to kill the lab with Grissom at the top of the list.

Here's a sample. I have couple of pages of the diary:

"Catherine and Sara have been spending an awful lot of time together recently, and now I know why why. I maged to eaves dro on one of their conversations and Catherine was giving Sara some helpful hints on avoiding stalkers and dealing with harassment in the workplace. There is only solution to this crisis; both of these spiteful bitches must DIE!!!

Love and kisses,


Dear Nicky,

Refer to my woman as a "bitch" again, and I'll just show you how good shot a 'minimalist' can be. We clear?


Dear Diary,

If I ever find out who dropped you into a cage full of hungry rabbits, I'll shoot first and ask questions later.


Dear Diary,

I'm so pissed off, I need to blow something up. OH wait there's Sara's car!

Love Nick

Dear Nicky,

Hot damn!! You finally did something right! Gil felt so sorry for me that he offered to give me rides to and from work. I'm so close now! Thank you!!!

Wish me luck,

Some of it was mean, but most of the time it was funny with Nick's plans for the Day of Rage always flopping! It was quite funny.
Thanks, myfuturecsi! That's just pretty... sad. I'm bummed that the CSI fandom is becoming pretty small and,well, not-so-frequently updated. Thank goodness this place and Nick's picture thread will always be here! And Nick's pic thread is always on fire!

Jacqui, twop is not very active now (that's being positive), but you can look through it's vast forum archive! The posters there are pretty snarky and witty and it's hilarious! (Not the best place for a Marg/Catherine fan though)
It's been a good while since I read anything on that site. It was absolutely hilarious. The 24 reviews were always good as well. (As were the Buffy - but you keep that one quiet lol).

I may have to go back and re-read.

Chipper this place is one of the best boards I've ever posted on - which is why I think it'll always be popular however the show(s) go. :)
It's been a good while since I read anything on that site. It was absolutely hilarious. The 24 reviews were always good as well. (As were the Buffy - but you keep that one quiet lol).

I may have to go back and re-read.

Chipper this place is one of the best boards I've ever posted on - which is why I think it'll always be popular however the show(s) go. :)

The Rage Diary of Nick Stokes was hilarious because while they were making fun of Nick-the underlying tone was that the guy never got treated with respect and therefore was ready to go postal on the entire lab.

Such as emphasized in this entry:



Nicky, no Snicky Stokes

Leslie started calling him Snicky as in Smart Nicky because in season five, she noticed that Nick was no longer the butt of the other CSI's jokes.

TWOP lost its founders in the past year, so the tone of the board has changed a bit and lost some of its snark. Plus the started covering sitcome-which they originally had declared they wouldn't do so I, personally, don't find them as funny as they used to be.

Not to mention since they were bought out by BRAVO, they are more reticent about the snark.

Leslie Sobell is an amazing writer, though, and her recaps always pointed the show's lack of character development, lack of balanced story lines and lack of screen time for characters such as our Nick while too much for Catherine.

There was one recap that cracked me up. Where during the episode of Crow's Feet when Catherine was snapping at Nick because he asked her if a certain aging product worked, Leslie wrote and I paraphrased

Nick looks up as if to say, "Lord give me patience!!!" Which really was what his facial expression said.
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