George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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I just rented Monte Walsh this weekend! I think it's a pretty good movie, and I am so not a fan of westerns.
The non George parts are of course a little dry (could that be cause I wasn't drooling? possibly) but the plot and characters are interesting, and the movie well done.
And George in a cowboy hat, or leather chaps, or scruff, or in the rain, or any combination of the above elements

I found it the perfect movie during which to crochet :rolleyes: I could follow happily along paying various amounts of attention equal to my interest level and then when Shorty showed up- full focus on the screen!
and what pray tell is wrong with the stache :)

It did not become him. I heard his staunch defense of his 'stache, and yes, I get it George, you're a man in Texas if you have one, but it did not become you.

Now as for the buzz - I know I'll get hate for this, but I don't like that either. I liked the longer hair - bring back the longer hair!!

Well first off I will say that George looks better with goatee and stache rather than just stache. But after a couple of episodes the stache was growing on me :)

Now as to the hair on top of the head. I love the buzz or the the hair he has now. Forget the long hair. It's doesn't suit him.

And Jacqui with no e we would never hate you. We are all respectful of others likes and dislikes :)
I think the long hair suited because his head is very sharp-for lack of a better description-so the long hair softened his look.

And is there anything else we could talk about besides his clothes....he looks good in a suit...
Actually, I thought the longer hair made him look older than he is.

Must stay with short hair or buzz.

Clothes, well who doesn't like the tight jeans. :drool: Shows off so much.

Come join us myfuturecsi in the add a line vegas style.
Well first off I will say that George looks better with goatee and stache rather than just stache. But after a couple of episodes the stache was growing on me :)

Now as to the hair on top of the head. I love the buzz or the the hair he has now. Forget the long hair. It's doesn't suit him.

Oh - the goatee is totally hot, I agree. And the shorter haircut I like too. I don't know if I've ever seen a buzz cut on any guy that I thought was becoming though. (I suspect if we lurk into my subconscious, we'll find that this has something to do with my family being affiliated in one way or another with army folk who always had buzz cuts. It's really dusty in there, though, so it's probably best to stay out.)

And Jacqui with no e we would never hate you. We are all respectful of others likes and dislikes :)

Jacquie (Is it reduntant to say "with an e"?) - one thing that I have noticed since I joined is just that - everyone is respectful and it makes this a very pleasant place to be. That, plus the existence of The Ward :devil:
I think the long hair suited because his head is very sharp-for lack of a better description-so the long hair softened his look.

And is there anything else we could talk about besides his clothes....he looks good in a suit...

I love when he wears the white buttoned up shirts....I don't know why...

Sometimes when Post Mortem is on and he's changing out of his suit in the locker room why he didn't just leave the shirt on with his jeans? Without the tie of course. know topless is always encouraged.

(Destiny, I thought if I said nothing at all I'd get hosed. So i figured topless means still have on bottoms.) :angel:
Come join us myfuturecsi in the add a line vegas style.

Don't distract her, Speedy! She has other business to attend to. Right?? :D

Jacqui, I didn't like the buzz at first either. That thick, dark hair (not long, tho) is what got me in the first place. But after staring at the pics in the ward, I'm a big fan now! :drool:
I'm a buzz or short hair person. Season 5 buzz and I loved it last season, I also loved it in season 1 when it was parted on the other side (Anonymous, Unfriendly Skies, Sex Lies and Larvea, and Fahrenheit 932). :luvlove: Just didn't like it at all long. Couldn't stand the stache in A Bullet Runs through It but for some reason it didn't seem as bad in Dog Eat Dog. (Don't ask I'm 40 and have no idea how my mind works! :lol:) As for scruff, that another thing all together - that I like on him.

Suit definitely - I would love Nick in court more often. :lol: Other than that it's like I said in the other thread. Last seasons wardrobe was really good but I could take a return to season 5 wardrobe. I loved all the tight t-shirts and button up shirts. :luvlove: I dislike the fact that since Grave Danger they've basically darkened up his wardrobe. He doesn't wear the brighter blues any more and last year was the first time he's worn red since then.

Princess, it's the fact the button up shirts give your mind something to do that makes us like them. :devil:

Jacquie (Is it reduntant to say "with an e"?) - one thing that I have noticed since I joined is just that - everyone is respectful and it makes this a very pleasant place to be. That, plus the existence of The Ward :devil:

Now we could always become our dept of redundancy :guffaw:

I've always found this board to be very respectful of others. I think it just goes to show what a great group of people TBonz and crew have put together. And no I'm not saying this because I'm a mod. It was like this well before I became a mod. My hubby participates in another board and the backstabbing that has gone on there recently :brickwall: and it was started by a mod.

And yes The Ward :devil: Not much else to say or we could get

Princess, it's the fact the button up shirts give your mind something to do that makes us like them. :devil:


And by doing something the mind wonders what it would be like to see him......topless :devil:

Those tight jeans :devil: cold shower is required :devil:

And yes blackflag Nick has been wearing darker colours since Grave Danger. I would love to know how much George has to say in his wardrobe choices.

I liked the season 8 hair the best because it didn't change. Now that we're talking hair again I'm sure George will do something this season :guffaw:
How did I forget about those tight jeans. We must have tight jeans. :devil: How about we make everybody happy and have tight jeans and dress shirts all of season 9. :drool: :luvlove: I do hope he gets back to wearing reds and blues, though. He looks good in reds and blues. :p

I did love the season 8 hair. Next to season 5's buzz season 8 is my favorite. :drool: Christopher has a Nick Stokes haircut right now. He said he wanted to see so I had to show him some season 8 caps. :lol: (It's almost exactly like the Monaco pics except his is strawberry blond.)

Jacquie (Is it reduntant to say "with an e"?) - one thing that I have noticed since I joined is just that - everyone is respectful and it makes this a very pleasant place to be. That, plus the existence of The Ward :devil:

Now we could always become our dept of redundancy :guffaw:

I've always found this board to be very respectful of others. I think it just goes to show what a great group of people TBonz and crew have put together. And no I'm not saying this because I'm a mod. It was like this well before I became a mod. My hubby participates in another board and the backstabbing that has gone on there recently :brickwall: and it was started by a mod.

And yes The Ward :devil: Not much else to say or we could get

Princess, it's the fact the button up shirts give your mind something to do that makes us like them. :devil:


And by doing something the mind wonders what it would be like to see him......topless :devil:

Those tight jeans :devil: cold shower is required :devil:

And yes blackflag Nick has been wearing darker colours since Grave Danger. I would love to know how much George has to say in his wardrobe choices.

I liked the season 8 hair the best because it didn't change. Now that we're talking hair again I'm sure George will do something this season :guffaw:

Well I don't think he can change his hair cause it picks up right after For Gedda.

And I don't know if his wardrobe has gotten all that darker....he's worn some white shirts and blues.

I wanna work in the wardrobe department at CSI.....the chances of seeing George without a shirt would be rather high :devil:
Okay somebody said something about adding a line Vegas style-I'm going to have a Nick moment and go "Uh..."

That's why I love Nick, he can be a bit daft at times, but still smart as a fox. Like in Nesting Dolls when he didn't get Warrick's joke about the best relationship with a woman is one where there is no talking and Catherine nearly nailed him while Nick sat up and when "Uh!"

Okay I'll try and start a conversation here and ask what is your favourite Nick 'dazed and confused' and 'did I just say that'? moment.

Me, I love King Baby with the 'Woobie' scene and the "Whose Your Daddy Scene" with Grissom-man that was funny.
Okay somebody said something about adding a line Vegas style-I'm going to have a Nick moment and go "Uh..."

Just never you mind. I'm afraid you'll go over there and kill him! :lol: We already killed Sara first thing.

It's in the Fan Fiction section of the DNA Files here. :)

That's why I love Nick, he can be a bit daft at times, but still smart as a fox. Like in Nesting Dolls when he didn't get Warrick's joke about the best relationship with a woman is one where there is no talking and Catherine nearly nailed him while Nick sat up and when "Uh!"

Okay I'll try and start a conversation here and ask what is your favourite Nick 'dazed and confused' and 'did I just say that'? moment.

Me, I love King Baby with the 'Woobie' scene and the "Whose Your Daddy Scene" with Grissom-man that was funny.

Off the top of my head, I like the scene in Play With Fire when Brass is telling Nick how he likes to record his dreams and Nick just looks up and kind of goes, "Hmm?" Then Brass laughs. I just love that one! :lol:
Okay I'll try and start a conversation here and ask what is your favourite Nick 'dazed and confused' and 'did I just say that'? moment.

This, I'll have to think about. I get distracted easily when it comes to Nick :devil:

Me, I love King Baby with the 'Woobie' scene

Can anyone tell a dazed and confuzzled Midwesterner what a "woobie" is? I've been wondering that since I saw that ep.
Can anyone tell a dazed and confuzzled Midwesterner what a "woobie" is? I've been wondering that since I saw that ep.
A woobie is a security blanket, some as children have that special doll, teddy bear, blanket that you just can not get them to let go of, because it makes them feel safe, that would be a woobie. If you read the comics "peanuts" you will see the one character always has his blanket again that would be his woobie, his security. ;)
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