George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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Awwww...Nicky had a security he suck his thumb like Linus did?

I love that moment because Nick kind of blurted out and then he had this look on his face that said, "Oh man did I just say that!?"

Another Nick "Dazed and Confused" moment came in "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom" when he recognized the sign on the sex store-we're not sure how he knows but you could tell he knew the store very well and when he finally admitted it-the team looked at him as if to say "And how would you know about this place Nick?". He sheepishly tries and tell them that the font is very unique-but they didn't but it.

And of course another favourite Dazed and Confused moment was from XX when he walked through the women's prison and all the women were catcalling and whistling at him. The writers totally had that set up so that
George would be subjected to that.

Okay don't let me hog this conversation...
So I really don't know why I'm posting this, but what the heck.

So on another board a girl posted that she had the best temp in the world. Let me tell ya, she does.

She was working at a Post-Production company. Anyways, Friday afternoon in walked this hot Texan wearing a hat, maroon shirt and jeans. He did some voice over worked and then left, though he did say good-bye to her and she had to help him when he first came in.

Someone asked if he looked the same off screen as he does on, and she said yes.

This company must do some voice over stuff for CSI, because he wasn't the only she'd seen from CSI. Though she didn't say who the others were.

And a Dazed and Confused story: "Let The Sellar Beware" when him and Grissom are standing at the pool and Nick says that the police cleared the pool, Grissom said, "does that pool look clear?" Nick kind of shakes his head and says "No".
And a Dazed and Confused story: "Let The Sellar Beware" when him and Grissom are standing at the pool and Nick says that the police cleared the pool, Grissom said, "does that pool look clear?" Nick kind of shakes his head and says "No".

I like when he does that. :) Another one is in "Suckers" when Grissom asks him if he's ever listened to Gilbert & Sullivan and he nods while saying, "Mmmm no".

I also love his reaction in that one when his tape lifts the finish off of the sword. :lol:
A Dazed and Confused moment:

Crash and Burn when Lockwood tells him that unvented space heaters and improperly maintained chimneys are the 2 most common causes of CO poisoning. You can just read his face as 'how the hell does he know that?'.:lol:

That just comes to mind because we got people wanting to clean our chimney when we've never used the fireplace (and had the chimney cleaned right after moving in 9 years ago). :rolleyes:

A woobie is a security blanket, some as children have that special doll, teddy bear, blanket that you just can not get them to let go of, because it makes them feel safe, that would be a woobie. If you read the comics "peanuts" you will see the one character always has his blanket again that would be his woobie, his security. ;)

And here I thought that was a Texas term for nukkie (aka binkie, pacifier, etc). :lol:

The "moment" that comes to mind for me is after Grissom gets him to say that cows drink milk, he tries the same thing on Catherine - "Hey, Catherine, say silk, silk, silk." And she does, so he asks, "What do cows drink?"

"Water, why?"

He looks crushed as he says, "Never mind."

Grissom said, "does that pool look clear?" Nick kind of shakes his head and says "No".

Mmm . . . and then he takes off his shirt :drool:
I was watching Bite Me and the scene with Brass and Nick comes up where their interviewing the dentist who unbuttons her shirt in front of them.

The look on Nick's face-he stares at her chest, then her eyes and then recovers and hands her the mold and says, "Bite this!"

So a dazed and confused Nick recovers fast..but the look on his face was so precous like he'd never seen women's..ahem...chest..before..
What else is funny about that scene is when Nick can't remember the guy's name and Brass helps him out with it. Those guys crack me up in that scene! :guffaw:
That was so funny. Nicks' going "Uh..."

I swear they did a "Basic Instinct" scene with that chick who was checking Nick. Unfortunately, for her Nick was scared to death of her because he'd already seen that video of her biting that guy and so his interest in her was -0.

And she looked like she wanted to eat him alive...poor guy..first the this psychotic dentist..guy never gets a break!
If you were to have a dinner party and invite five people, besides George who else would you invite?

My first response is- if you have George coming over for dinner why the crap are you inviting other people?!! You're just going to have to kick them out later on so you can have some good ol' quality George time.
But I'll be nice since myfuturecsi is trying to save the thread from bottoming out (hee).

A serious answer is going to take some thought. Do i want the eye candy dinner party? The intellectual conversation dinner party? The holy-crap-I-can't-believe-they're-in-my-house dinner party? Cause George could fit into any of those categories IMHO
So I really don't know why I'm posting this, but what the heck.

So on another board a girl posted that she had the best temp in the world. Let me tell ya, she does.

She was working at a Post-Production company. Anyways, Friday afternoon in walked this hot Texan wearing a hat, maroon shirt and jeans. He did some voice over worked and then left, though he did say good-bye to her and she had to help him when he first came in.

Someone asked if he looked the same off screen as he does on, and she said yes.

This company must do some voice over stuff for CSI, because he wasn't the only she'd seen from CSI. Though she didn't say who the others were.

Chee! That's so hot! She's really lucky! I'll bet that post-production place is in LA, no doubt about that
If you were to have a dinner party and invite five people, besides George who else would you invite?

My first response is- if you have George coming over for dinner why the crap are you inviting other people?!! You're just going to have to kick them out later on so you can have some good ol' quality George time.
But I'll be nice since myfuturecsi is trying to save the thread from bottoming out (hee).

A serious answer is going to take some thought. Do i want the eye candy dinner party? The intellectual conversation dinner party? The holy-crap-I-can't-believe-they're-in-my-house dinner party? Cause George could fit into any of those categories IMHO

Yeah, but I like stimulating conversations and I'm a lady:devil:and would never throw myself at George..:devil: and my daughter would be there I'd have to set a good example for her..and besides she's already got her eyes on George..even though he might be 'so old he'd be dead' by the time she's old enough to marry him.

But it would be interesting at my house because I'd have

Bono from U2
The Dog Whisperer, Ceasar Milan
Jane Goodall
Matt Groening-the guy who created the Simpsons.

that would be an interesting evening. Matt would Simponsize George, the Dog Whisperer would talk about ways for George to keep Maverick (who is invited as well) happy; Jane Goodall would do Gorilla noises; and Bono would sing and then try and talk George into advocacy work-which I personally think he should be doing.

I'd seve em all drinks and vegatarian food (sorry George) and then Bono and my musical daughter can sing..for us..and then do a hip hop number.

And you guys can come too, but please..control yourselves around George..or I'll have to ask the Dog Whisperer to bring his mutts form the Dog Psychology centre to guard poor George..or have Bono whisk him off to Africa right away.
I'd probably invite the rest of the CSI cast to join us. Or here are a few others:

Dale Earnhardt, Jr - NASCAR driver

James Roday - Actor, Psych

John Mayer - musician

James is hilarious so he'd have us all laughing. The only way I'd ever get to meet Junior is if he was my guest. And John......for the entertainment.
Yeah, but I like stimulating conversations and I'm a lady:devil:and would never throw myself at George..:devil:

I'd do the throwing after the stimulating conversation. I have scruples! :lol:

I'd invite John Mayer (singer/songwriter), Nichole Nordeman (singer/songwriter), Aaron Sorkin (screenwriter/producer), and Stephen King (writer). See a theme there? I didn't till i was writing them out. :)
Those four and George constitute my I-can't-believe-they're-in-my-house list.

I'd also have to invite my best friend, so I have someone to kick under the table and say "Holy crap" to. After a delicious dinner of take out chinese (my specialty) I'd make sure Sorkin had cast George in his latest movie, Mayer and Nordeman would provide musical interludes, King would spin a spine tingling tale (during which I would cling to GE of course)

All Ward girls also have an open invitation to my dinner party!
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But then I couldn't watch it! That movie scares the bejesus out of me. The book does too of course, but I can handle the book.
If George is gonna remake a Stephen King based movie it's gotta be Shawshank Redemption! love that movie
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