George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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Stephen King would talk George into a remake of The Shining telling him he would do a great "Hereeeere's Johnny!!"

myfuturecsi said:
Matt Groening-the guy who created the Simpsons.

King and Groening could collaborate on a spoof - a live-action version of The Shinning (which hard-core Simpsons fans like me have seen :D)
The Simpsons rock! Love the cat lady.

Damn it would be so nice if George voiced a character on that show.

I think George did a voice over for the Justice League cartoon...don't ask me which character but i think you could do a search and find it.

If I could I've love to add two more to my party: Ben Browder and Amanda Tapping. Both are from Stargate SG-1
The Simpsons rock! Love the cat lady.

Damn it would be so nice if George voiced a character on that show.

I think George did a voice over for the Justice League cartoon...don't ask me which character but i think you could do a search and find it.

You're right. He was the voice for Captain Atom on the episode titled Initiation in 2004. :) I used to have a better cap but this is all I have left. I miss (They were the only ones with caps from Justice League.)

(3 times the charm! I'm having trouble spelling this morning! :alienblush:)
There's a lot of mention of this in other threads, especially regarding the waitress in the season finale, and also in fanfics, but I'm going to put it here to keep it just among us. ;)

What is the deal with Nick and redheads? As far as I know, the only reference to it on the show was one time from Nigel Crane. Please refresh my memory if there were more, but man, if it was just that one reference then people are really running away with it.
Well as far as I know about the redheads, the only mention is in Stalker. Nick's prom date was a redhead which is why Nigel Crane did the victims hair red. Other than that I've no idea why everyone picks redheads for Nick. I personally think he should be involved with a brunette that has smatterings of grey in her hair :)
Well, the redheaded waitress was a bit of a firestorm not because of her hair but because she's young enough to be GE's daughter.

As for Nick's fondness for redheads-Nigel did say to him that he died the victim's hair red because he knows 'how much he loves red heads'.

Personally, I've picked Nick's woman already-Mandy!!!

And can someone explain why George always has tongue sticking out? It's funny because my daughter does it to and I ask her why she does it and she looks me and says, "I don't tongue just does don't embarrass me mom!!"
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Well, the redheaded waitress was a bit of a firestorm not because of her hair but because she's young enough to be GE's daughter.

As for Nick's fondness for redheads-Nigel did say to him that he died the victim's hair red because he knows 'how much he loves red heads'.

Personally, I've picked Nick's woman already-Mandy!!!

And can someone explain why George always has tongue sticking out? It's funny because my daughter does it to and I ask her why she does it and she looks me and says, "I don't tongue just does don't embarrass me mom!!"

myfuturecsi I think we've heard plenty of times that you're not happy with the age difference between Nick and this waitress. There is nothing we can do about it. If you don't like it please complain to the people that can do something about it. Complain to the people that produce the show not the fans that watch it.
That's what I thought...that there was just the one mention. So it's funny to me that people take that one line from 8 seasons and suddenly it's simply a fact. Nick likes redheads.

We've seen him on the show with two blondes and a brunette too, sooo...:shifty:

And MyFutureCSI...not sure why he does that...habit, I guess, but we sure like trying to catch the Li'l Stoker in our caps. :lol:
About the tongue thing.....I notice a lot of athletes do it. Michael Jordan was famous for doing it And from listening to the Evel Knievel commentary, George was an athlete in his younger days
i never understood the big fuss over the waitress thing? she never had a line and i never gave a second thought that we would ever see her again. but it turned into this huge big thing...

i wonder if the tongue thing could be a nervous habit. like twitching or fiddling or something. ive noticed other actors and actresses doing it as well. but they arent as frequent and obvious as george so i didnt start noticing until after csi
Nick's nostrils flare a lot, too - I think this is because of George Eads' acting style - he puts a lot into his facial expressions. I never thought much of it, other than it being a quirk. A cute one we like to drool over, but just a qurik :D

About the redheaded thing - I think it's cute. Consider that we get very little from TPTB about a lot of the characters in the show, so one little thing like a guy liking redheads has the potential to get out of hand simply because it's all we have. I've seen whole fics based on the one comment that he preferred lace, too.

As for who we've seen him on the show with - if you wanted to you could get completely out of hand and suppose that after the whole Nigel Crane incident he purposely avoided redheads because it creeped him out. That might be taking it a little too far, though.
i just went to the cbs website to watch the better quality season 9 trailer, but surprise surprise, since i am not longer in north america it didnt work :( so, i decided to poke around. on georges bio they credited two of his movies by the wrong name :rolleyes: just a walk in the park became the dog walker, and crowned and dangerous became the crown. i thought it was kind of funny. there was also a movie listed called 'the ultimate lie'. anyone heard of it? i havent, and it is indeed on his imdb page but i dont remember seeing it when i looked before so thought id ask here if anyone knew about that movie.
allmaple I've never seen or heard of The Ultimate Lie. At one point Just A Walk In the Park was suppose to be called Dog Walker. I don't know why the name change. I would love to have a walk in the park with George whether he's walking Maverick or not :)
About the tongue thing.....I notice a lot of athletes do it. Michael Jordan was famous for doing it And from listening to the Evel Knievel commentary, George was an athlete in his younger days

It's something my sister does as does her eldest son. It's become a bit of a family joke, cos when she's concentrating particularly hard she goes a bit like this ---> :p all the time :lol:

I like the nostril flaring Jacqui......way too much :alienblush:
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