George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Well McStokes the parts that you do mess up will just make me kiss them more to make them feel better :devil: It will be a tough to kiss those boo boos to make them feel better but I think I can handle the job :D
McStokes all I can say is Yup you did :) Now Nick were is that next boo boo you needed looking after :D
ladies, i hope you havent minded the absence of nick over the last two weeks, but i really needed my lotion boy in florida... :devil: :lol:

ok, odd topic of conversation coming at you, so be warned! including my nick addiction i am also a celebrity gossip addict (thank goodness our george is well behaved!) my fav is lainey gossip (not going to link because while she is the tamest one sometimes there is some crudeness) and on her website you can vote for your 'freebie five'. now, the point of the freebie five is that they are five celebrities that you get for one night (what you do i shall leave to your imagination ;)) without worrying about your own significant other.

now, when i was voting for my freebie five she had george as an option. but i got to thinking, would i put george there or is he an all-timer? i thought if george has the personality of nick (which, although i hope he does, we can never know for sure) he is definitely all time. but, in the end i decided to put him on the freebie five. hoping that maybe enough girls would do the same and hed make it onto the list for the site :lol: so, my question to all of you, would you put george on the freebie five?
if, by some weird freak of nature, this were a real choice, the answer would be no. Definitely would want more than a freebie.

I'm willing to add him to my five for the purposes of getting him on the list, though.
I'm not sure I could handle for just one night! :rolleyes: I think I'd do it for the purpose of getting him on the list.

I just used a gift card for Barnes and Noble that I got almost a year ago (forgot about it for awhile! :rolleyes:). I got the CSI Companion and CSI: The Ultimate Guide. Still waiting on my Ultimate Guide, it has to come cross-country. But I thought you might be interested in what The Companion said about Stalker (looked it up since it was on last night).

George Eads volunteered to be the stalkers victim. The first scene they filmed was him pulling the Crimestalker article off and he was having second thoughts about it so he was really angry when he did it. An on-set chat with both Gary and Jorja got him to change his mind and go with it. He was also encouraged when they got Doug Hutchinson to play Nigel Crane because of working on the pilot for Skip Chasers (which never got aired) together.

Too bad The Companion only goes through season 3. There are some episodes in season 4 (like 11 Angry Jurors) I'd like to know some of this behind the scenes stuff from. :)

I think I want more than one night. Maybe a weekend and then you would at least get to know GE better.

blackflag thanks for sharing that Stalker tip with us. CSI Companion is one book I'd like to get even if it only goes up to season 3. I think I may have to order it online one of these days.
i really liked reading CSI Companion. it was cool (because i was camping with no tv :( ) because it was good summaries, and then the kinda behind the scenes/pages thing i thought was really neat! :D
i have also ordered those 2 books. Cant wait to read more about the show. i really like the behind the scene stuff. like on the dvd when they narate some of the episode, like the one in season six with George,.
Okay you are all going to think I'm nuts, but I really wish they'd have an episode where Nick walks in, and Billy Squier The Stroke song is playing. Its just to close to Stokes ;)
I've been wondering if we've ever put together a list of all the things that have happened to Nick, good, bad or indifferent over the years.

Season 1

-Had a fling with a hooker and then was almost accused of her murder
-had a gun pointed at him
-was shirtless :)

Season 2
-was stalked, thrown out a window and was held at gunpoint
-reveled to Catherine his abuse as child
-gave Maverick a hug :)

Season 3
-was topless and went swimming in pool with a dead body in it

Season 4
-was in the dog house for talking about a case to an 'old college' buddy
-got to show up Grissom

Season 5
-was buried alive
-had extra buttons undone :p
-rocked in Snakes

Season 6
-never got a conclusion to being buried :mad:
-grew the famous stache
-had a bad hair day
-was shirtless again
-lost his truck

Season 7
-punched K-Fed :)
-got annoyed with Catherine but it never got resolved :mad:
-wore some very lovely jeans in Happy Ending :)

So what have I missed? I know I didn't get everything. What do you think will happen in season 8. Remember No Spoilers!
Watch your head when you get under the desk, Jacquie I've knocked myself silly a few times...hmm...I'm already silly. :p Excellent list!! Funny how stuff with Nick is never resolved. If it were up to us...we would help in resolving it!!

As for the kissing and making things better, just remember that the whole Ward would have to help!!! Bet Nick wouldn't mind getting a few more bruises and scrapes! :D Don't worry McStokes. All of us have set ourselves up at one time or another. Besides....we tend to forget those things....especially when we think of how we would have season 8 treat Nick. Oh the writers should talk to us!!!

Going back to work was memorable. The truck wouldn't start. Nothing. Nadda. Zilch. Had to use mom's car. Took the tow truck guy 20 minutes to get enough 'juice' into the battery in order to get the truck out of gear. Not to mention the battery cables 'popping' off the battery and my fear that the guy was going to fry my truck. The truck is 6 months old! Had to wait a day, battery had to be ordered. Luckily I didn't have to pay for the towing or the battery. I almost strung crime scene tape around the truck!!

Now. Early Saturday morning...started coming down with a cold. Now I'm sneezing, runny nose and coughing. I love surprises! I think I'm gonna hide in Nick's locker for a bit.

Gotta work tonight. Luckily we have face masks!!! :lol:
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