George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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kasey1964 said:
How about saving Cassie in Season 6? I would love to see him reunited with her in season 8.


yeah! i like that idea, he was so sure that he was going to save cute
It would be interesting to see Nick with Cassie as well as other people he's helped. See what the victims have done to get their lives in order.
We were in serious danger of slipping to the second page here :(

I'm making myself comfortable here beside SparkyGirl under Destiny's desk and it's amazing what you can find :) but I'm not telling. You'll have to get on the stache wagon and come see for yourself :) So do you think GE grew a stache for the summer so he could try and go around unrecognized :) What else do you think he has to do to be able to live as much a normal life as possible.
Maybe he shaved his head again, and then just grew a little patch across the front of his head that looks like a stache!

Ok...I need caffeine...or sleep!
McStokes I can always rely on you for a good chuckle. That would be an interesting pic to see.
Rachel I doubt we will see the shaved head this year. At least at the beginning of season 8. Don't forget we had a TBC at the end of season 7. It would be like GE growing the stache in the middle of A Bullet Runs Through It :lol: That would have been something to see :)
Jacquie said:
I'm making myself comfortable here beside SparkyGirl under Destiny's desk and it's amazing what you can find :) but I'm not telling. You'll have to get on the stache wagon and come see for yourself :)

Oh come on, Jacquie, I'm a curious girl! I give up, I give up. Stache is.. allright, I guess. It's why he had it that makes me melt. Just because he wanted people to look further than just his looks.
Now having never met GE I'm not really sure but I would say under those good looks is a guy that is sensitive, caring and funny. He's also dedicated to his work and very smart from what we've read :)

Marns besides SparkyGirl and myself you'll find nothing :) Destiny is a very good housekeeper :D
True indeed, Jacquie! Destiny does good in the housekeeping dept. Sometimes a crumb is a crumb! :D And a box is....worth many discoveries!!
There is room for more!!

As for the mental picture McStokes planted in our minds........that one is gonna take a little time to process. Maybe when George's hair was longer he might have been able to pull that off. Now..with his hair short... [my brain cells are scrambling to explain that mental picture brought us by McStokes] Okay McStokes?! What are you A. drinking, B. smokin, C.dreaming? This should be good! :lol: :D
I know this may be stretching things for the thread but a big virtual hug to McStokes and ever other police officer out there. The region I live in buried a police officer today that was killed in the line of duty last week :( So McStokes a big thank you to you and your fellow officers for keeping us safe. And George give your dad a hug for us for the job he did in putting the bad guys away.
I'll add my "ditto" to Jacquie's comments. My brother-in-law and all his brothers (and father) are patrol officers (in Wisconsin) and I have always had so much respect for what they do and am so thankful for all the people willing to risk their lives daily to ensure our safety.

On a less serious note - I'm still on vacation but finally have access to a computer (dial-up, ugh). We went to CSI:The Experience today and I'll write more about that when I get a chance (probably not until I get home on Monday, though). Anyway, just wanted to say that I thought of you guys, especially when I bought a pair of handcuffs! :lol:
OnlyTruth good to hear from you and I look forward to your review of CSI:The Experience. Unless it comes to Toronto I don't think I will be going to it. I'm sure those handcuffs will come in handy when the time is right :D
Now, where did I put the keys to those handcuffs??? They are just toy handcuffs, though. No where near as good as the ones that McStokes provides.

I also bought a cool CSI flashlight (and I am practicing holding it just like a real CSI), a temperature-sensitive coffee mug, a t-shirt, and some CSI pencils. Stopped before I reached $100 (US currency), so I was pretty proud of myself.

Lots of really cool video of Nick in the case I was working (apparently different CSI were the mentors for each of the three cases - I got super lucky and was assigned to the "Nick case"). Wish I could share that with you - he was super cute (and had good hair LOL)
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