George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Now here's a thought on the stache that should please everyone. GE can have a stache on half his lip and the other half can be clean shaved :lol: :lol:
There is still room available under Destiny's desk for the seceret stach meetings!!! I've brought peach, lemom, berry and plain ice tea. Got some cookies..and icecream sandwhiches!!!

Either way...George just looks...WOW!!!! For me it is kinda hard not to like his style! know. Like his grows....those wonderful laugh lines around those chocolately brown eyes..... :D

I'm going back to work. Due to the financial issues and the fact that insurance companies can fill the blank in. Not to mention I haven't been sleeping the last couple of weeks and just worring in general. Mom is looking for a place to bury me in the backyard!!! :lol:

Almost done with Season Six!! Wow! I just think George looks hot with that long hair! *see above re: stache* He just looks so..........ahhhhhh!!!!! I melt into a puddle of goo!!!

This moment is interrupted for a confession! I was all gooey over Greg/Eric! He looked good too!!!

No...I've not been smoking McStokes's handcuffing notes! I could...I've got em memorized!!! :)

Jacquie you are brilliant!!! Thank the smile of George that you are here!!! Something tells me that George would do it just for the kick of it!!!

Okay....gotta get some sleep!
SparkyGirl, do you know that you always make me laugh? :lol: You're totally right about the stache, though. It can look good. And I'm not just saying this because you have icecream sandwiches. :D George is hot.
SparkyGirl I'm glad to hear you're going back to work but how's your back doing? And yes those laugh lines around the eyes do enhance those lovely pools of chocolate. I don't know of another actor that I like that seems to have expressive eyes like GE does. His eyes can say so much just looking at them :)
Greetings all!
Been lurking in and out when I have a moment and need a laugh. Y'all make my day with your comments, and of course, looking at GE does a body good.

Sparky you stealing my handcuffin' duties from me?! :lol:
:lol: Good to know Marns that I'm not only liked for my ice cream sandwhiches!! ;) Imagine if George had ice cream sandwhiches!! :D On second thought... :devil:

Me?!?! How could I steal handcuffing duties from the handcuffing queen of the Ward, McStokes? Besides I'm the one who would either handcuff herself or accidentally handcuff George to his car door!! :lol: Now that I have a chance to think about it....I might stay out of trouble with handcuffs! :D

My back. Urgh! Degenerative Disc Disease-early stages. Bulging disc L3/L4-mild, bulging disc L4/L5-extreme, pressing on L5 nerve root. Non surgical of course. Therapy. It was suggested I change my profession. I started to show 'sparks' on that one. Sorry, Doc. But I will be kicking and screaming before I work in a doctors office. Everything I'm learning as a nurse is in long term care. I'm a doer, I'm hands on. Just gotta change ways I do things. Admit that I have limits. That is not easy for me! I'm independant, stubborn, hard-headed and....sometimes a pain in someone's rear! :lol: :lol:

In general, I'm giving others the excuse to take a vacation! :lol:

This question popped into my mind..okay...stop giggling ya'll!!!

What does George have in his trailor on the set? Other than the bed, places to set, bathroom, windows......

Here is what came to my mind...
-x-box or Wii (probably borrowed some of Eric's games)
-coffee pot
-post it notes
-lap top
-copy of the Wards requests (I just had to!)
-video camera (gotta capture those precious moments :devil:)
-extra set of car keys
-to do list
-working alarm clock (runs under Destiny's desk)
-golf clubs (impromtu putting session between takes)
-extra clothes (makes one wonder what Eric has in his wardrobe?)

Okay..I've been thinking too hard!!

Oh..this so cracked me up! I have a truck. (you can imagine the looks I get from guys) It is registered as a station wagon! Actually it is an SUV and the state of Ohio does not have any registration codes for SUV's. So sometimes I feel like I'm driving a station waggon!! Gotta love Ohio!
Here are some more things GE may have in his trailer

-Gummy Bears
-an endless supply of chocolate, besides his eyes
-handcuffs in case the ward girls stop by :D
I never thought about free weights! Good one OnlyTruth!

Handcuffs? :devil: I was thinking it Jacquie but decided to try being good for a change! :lol: Like that will last...... :D

More trailor stuff......

*multiple sunglasses. (I lose mine all the time!!!)

*sissors. (sometimes that shrink wrap on things needs a little help!)

*a golf cart. (Gotta have fun! Chase people, run into things!)

Okay...I've gone off the deep end....of my chair!

-thinks about handcuffs, golf carts, pillows, gummy bears and George!-
Hey guys I got something to ask - I saw this video & there's a part when they show Nick lying on a hospital bed. In which episode did this happen? (I wanna look for screencaps to drool over :D ). Thanks! :)
Hea gals :) Like the lists of stuff we might find in George's trailer :D

I guess I'll add:

- Some nice bluejeans ;)
- Razors
- Some good music
- Ice Cream and Whipped Cream ;)
- Gum
- A computer to see what kind of trouble we're getting into :lol:
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