George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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*Walks into the thread* No hose this time guys, sorry but lets scale it back a bit okay, you guys are mighty close to that line and the fact that you try to tone each other down or point out a waving hi to me shows that you know how close you are to it.

Lets remember there are minors that are on and read this board, and scale back the insinuations please. Thank you. ;)
Yup Nikky never enough of Nick for us wardgirls but oh what we got was good. I thought he was going to be a victim when that car came towards him and Officer Mitchell. Boy some tense Nick moments there. It's nice to see one of the writers hasn't forgotten how cynical he was at the beginning of the season.

Oh can I have Nick and Warrick show up for my next birthday as strippers. Oh it would be my dream come true at least having Nick show up :) Just the thoughts :devil: The scenes with Nick and Warrick were excellent as always :)
Be honest now - Who knew something was going to happen when they went back to Nick at the scene, and jumped anyways? I knew they wouldn't have gone back if something wasn't going to happen, but when the drunk hit the radio car I still jumped.

Decent amount of Nick time. It is still never enough. :D And before you ask Jacquie little stoker was out just before he told Warrick how many white cabs.

I have to admit that I even liked the case with Lady Heather. They did say this was going to be her last appearance and now we find out how. She's not in business anymore because she wanted Zoe's baby. (Never knew they found the baby.)

I must say I really liked that epi. The only thing that irked me was the cheese factor surrounding the western theme...that would only have been better if we got to see NICK in the hat and chaps! :devil:

Lots of Nick, and what we saw had me sitting there with a big 'ol grin on my face. Love it when he and Rick work together. Who else immediately shot back to a certain dark alley a la Grave Danger when they went back to the scene with Nick and Officer Mitchell? :eek: I sat right up and went "oh...come on...not again!!"

Then there is the snarky Hodges! Love him! And I love watching him and Nick together. Nick is either gonna haul off and deck him one of these days, or give him a big 'ol kiss! :lol:

Oh...and I looovved how Sara got a sort of mental "smack down" as well!! Woo hoo!
McStokes said:

Who else immediately shot back to a certain dark alley a la Grave Danger when they went back to the scene with Nick and Officer Mitchell? :eek: I sat right up and went "oh...come on...not again!!"

i thought about it to...i was thinking that the police officer better stay very close to our man or the ward girls would get very very angry with him.. :lol:
Hey y'all,
this is like my first time posting in here, though I have posted around the boards other places. Anyway, I was very pleased that we got a good amount of Nick in this last episode and wasn't he lookin' good? I am with you guys about that scene when he's there with that officer on the street and you get the feeling that somethin' was gonna happen...
My husband actually said, out loud, "DON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE."
LOL. He beat me to it.
I liked the "Gentlemen don't get hit with purses," comment. That was great. It was so, off the cuff, ya know. So snarky. Love it! And the comment to Hodges after he explained the paint chips to Nick and Nick says, "I'm glad I figured that out," with that cocky grin on his face. Gotta love him! Boy that accent of his seems strong lately... or is it me? It seems to have gotten thicker like he's been around/talking to someone from back home or something... a lot.

Howdy y´all :lol: and very welcome here CleverNicky you´ve made a good posting and sure we all love this snarky from him ;) and come also in, in the stokes syndrom :D there a lot of soooo nice Nicky pics. Before i can more talk of the new epi i must now looking that :D but that i´ll doing now.

Oh Ladys and what have i read here :lol: Destiny comes :lol: oh but ok, i have also feeling how much of you ;)

see y´all later
Once again I've missed the Destiny moment! Dern! I'm getting used to this being good stuff! :lol:

Thanks, Jacquie! I'll take a closer look. For some reason I didn't think Nick would ever wear jeans with low pockets. Well...he did have a gun put in his face twice, he was tossed out of a window, stalked and buried alive. Guess my taste in clothing would change too! :D

Interesting info, McStokes! These are the times I wish I didn't carry a purse made out of SUV seat belts. :lol: Sort of baffles the mind of a female how a man can carry such a small piece of material that takes up one pocket and yet the rest of the pockets are empty. How do they do it!?!?

Okay....I loved the episode!!! I was totally rolling over the lady in the cab co. who thought Nick and Warrick were male strippers or something. The look on Nick's face was one to be added to the priceless moments. I'm sure the outtakes were something! I wonder if GE didn't blush a few times or bust out laughing! I know I would!! I'm sure GE and GD had a few takes to get it right.

*prays to TPTB...please...please.....find it in the kindness of your wonderful thoughts to grace us with outtakes. Laughter is good for the soul. Thank you.*

I'm sooooooooo tired. I finally get my MRI for my back! Got into the doc and doc caused me pain by moving and bending in certain ways. Says he needs pictures! Then he gave me a toradol shot for pain. Now...this one hurts and I was veryclosetoyellingchoicewords! My gluteus is still sore! But the pain went away...for 8hrs. night at work I've had in a long time!

Now I'm having strange images of field mice that look like Greg and Nick. Hmmm...guess I'd better get some sleep. 7hrs of sleep in a 48hr period is really messing with my mind!

*grabs pillows, gummy bears, welcomes CleverNicky with a greeting swap of a soft GE pillow and gummy bears and settles in for a much needed sleep with dreams of Nicky, mouse ears and Greg...the field mouse.........*
*puts a nice warm GE blanket on SparkyGirl..good night
i so loved last night epi...he looks so good....he always does
going to go do the same as aprky girl....have some nice nicky dreams...
Out of all the things to stare at last night, my eyes couldn't make it past his belt buckle. Being from Texas, I see them everyday :D
Yes that belt buckle does draw you eyes to a certain location :D. I went back and watched the episode last night and oh watching that drunk driver scene is still scary. Why do tptb do this to us and to poor Nick.

McStokes when re-watching the show I didn't see any continuity problems with the shirt that got messed up in the accident. I could be convinced to go watch it a third time :D

blackflag thanks for pointing out little stoker. He was very subtle in the show. I did miss it the first time through.
I missed it the first time through too Jacquie. But by the time I come on here the next day I've seen it at least 3 time (usually more). I caught it the second time through.

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