George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Next course: How to wear Jeans and Shirts that results in drooling. Instructor: Nick Stokes

Basics: Know what to look for when jeans/shirts being worn. Learn how to get more mileage, and look good when dressing for crime scenes.

Jeans: Know how to find them and wear them. Comfort is a good thing, so is looking edi...good. Know which pockets will work for you. Todays jeans have so many styles, choose the style that works for you.

Shirts: Just knowing what shirts work is half the battle. The other half of the battle is color. T-shirts are the best for showing arms. Utilize them! They certainly make a statement! Form fitting seem to be the best way to go!
Button down shirts are popular as well. Nothing wrong with looking good and feeling relaxed. Never..never button a shirt up to the neck. This can cause shortness of breath, funny looking neck and many women just itching to unbutton a few buttons.

Color. Not all can pull off wearing certain colors. Nick Stokes is an exception. Learn how to wear the color for you.

Jacquie you can sign up in the Ward's pillow room. Make sure you read the fine print about side effects than can result from studying Nick Stokes's classes. Nothing too harmful! :D

Next course: Questioning the Instructor.

Oh..I'm so wrong! :lol:

I watched last weeks epi agian. What can I say? I love the white shrit with stripes. Nick can certainly wear white! All angels can wear white! :D

Okay...gotta get some sleep! Visions of colors of t-shirts dancing in my head!
SparkyGirl, where do I sign up for these. :D I gotta get in on some of these courses. They sound a lot better than some of the courses I took in college.

Marns said:
Oh, SparkyGirl, I would go to any college course Nick would teach! :D And that one sounds pretty cool to me! :lol:

who in the ward would not attend any class Nick would give...even if he gave one on how to peal an orange :lol:
I'm just going to audit the class. I don't want to be graded. That way, I can let my mind wander to wherever it wants to go during class :devil: and not worry about taking notes :D
OnlyTruth brought up a point. Why be graded on something we all know way too well?? Besides wondering minds are a plus! Though we must *block* some of those :devil: thoughts. *think Destiny* Notes!?!? I'm poor at hand/eye coordination and there would be no way I'd could watch the instructor and take notes at the same time! Video camera maybe???? :D

Okay....short brief thoughts!

Weekend off was bad

Health Ins. denied my MRI (several choice words, intentions of calling Ins. co. and asking to see one of their doctors.)

Work last night bummed. Resident fell. Nurse called off. Paper work out of my ears, nose get it!

But...Nothing like visiting the Ward in the early morning hours and having a smile before getting some sleep.

Erp! Gotta book! Can't work in jammies and have to get this semi-plastered look off my face! Avitars have me smiling!
I think I would be too distracted by the instructor to take notes. I think we should only need to bring a drool bucket with us and of course an apple for the teacher :)

Sparky take Nick for you next day/evening of sleep and see if he will help your back. I hope you get your insurance company sorted out. You could always ask Destiny for her fully loaded hose and spray them with whatever she has in it at the moment :lol:
SparkyGirl i know how you feel...just hurt my back big time while working out at the gym only to find out that it would have happened anywhere anytime...aww this sucks...have to take millions of pill (and i hate pills) and physiotherapy and all that crap before i can start working out again.....i am just so mad at my back

weather: we are waiting for 4 inches of rain in 24 hours....means flooding

School students are majorly moronic today

i need to be admitted to a intensive GE care unit now before i go nuts...having GE as a physiotherapist would be great too
:D After he gives you a massage send him over to me, I'm pregnant again And my feet are killing me :lol: *but this time I get to keep the baby* We finally decided it was time to have one of our own.
Nikky congratulations on the wonderful news. Another ward baby :) I hope you and the baby are doing fine. How are the twins doing?
Congratz, Nikky!

I finally watched Ending Happy's end. And the beginning, too.. :lol: 'Looks like we have to play Find The Bullet.' :D It made me smile for 3 hours. I love him even more now.
Hey Jacquie...never thought of asking Destiny if I could use her super duty hose! Trust me...I'm really thinking about it! :) Besides...I'm gonna call and find out what they say. Hopefully I can remain civil! :p

Maryse, I feel your pain! It is a pain! I'm not big on taking pills either and would rather play through the pain as long as I can handle it. I know my limits and others know my grouchy murmur!! My ever running fear is that I'm going to bend down or sneeze and I'm going to be flat on my back, arms and legs in the air waiting for the squad!!

I like the GE Intensive Care Unit!! Now I wouldn't mind that one bit!!! We can be room mates!! Makes me wonder if Destiny will visit? :devil: :D

Congrats Nikky!!! Sure I will send GE over as soon as he is done!

We all need GE therapy! After Thursday...I'm sure we are going to need even more!! Hiatus!!! Ahh....summer is gonna be long......very long..........

Cool encounter the other morning while moving the pillows off of my bed. A medium black sized spider was waiting for me! I was thrilled to say the least. I knew me and spidey were not going to be getting he had to go! Hopefully I can get spidey stains off of my bed spread!

Nick???? Nicky?????? Can you take care of this spider for me please? Just tell Grissom that spidey became physcially aggressive and I was defending myself!! Thanks, Peanut!!!
SparkyGirl said:
I like the GE Intensive Care Unit!! Now I wouldn't mind that one bit!!! We can be room mates!!

that is definelty a very ggod idea...seems lately ...amny of us are in need of an intensive care unit...there should absolutly be one in Georgeland!!
I think an intensive care unit on Georgeland is a very good idea. With Nick in charge we'll have to make it a long term care unit because none of us will want to leave :lol:
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