George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Jacquie i am so glad to see i am not the only one in the *like to watch csi without hubby around* situation. whenever i watch it and he is around he bugs me everytime nick in on. It gets very very annoying.

another annoying thisn...that made me very very angry ....i couldnt register for that contest...seems the show doesnt like people in my province.... :mad: so since i cant even get a chance to win it....i am going to eat some of those gren M&M...
Jacquie said:
Has any one else noticed that in the last few episodes GE has not been wearing rubber gloves at the crime scenes. Everyone is so I'm wondering if GE has developed an allergy to the rubber/latex ones. Just a passing comment :)

I have been noticing this for the last couple of seasons. I think he really decreased his use of latex gloves sometime in the fifth season. I even thought of writing to the prop department recommending the new 'nitrile' gloves that a lot of EMS is switching to and the hospital that I work at switched to. I had to be sure that there was not some forensic reason that they could not be used, but there isn't. I haven't written to them though.

As for this episode: I laughed so much, I think more than any other episode. It was so funny that they would think that something was the cause of death, then find out that it was not, then another thing would come up, and it was not that either. That one of the "attempts" actually saved his life. I really liked the "timeline" scene the end. Nick...looked good last night...that is all I am going to say about that.
I don't know about anyone else, I almost thought Nick was going to start quoting poetry to the old man, I was kind of surprised that he did not, it looked almost like he was, then thought better of it then left. It reminded me of the episode "suckers" when Grissom asked Nick if he was familiar with the "Mikado" and he started to nod his head, then when he noticed that Sara was looking at him he shook his head "no" instead.

I guess I got a little long winded on that one.

Is it just me, or does it not seem to anyone else that the "episode thread" starts out about the episode, then turns into talking only about the GSR? I so wish that would end.

Back on good...the hair.......(I will be a good girl...I will be a good girl...I will be a good girl...)thanks for all the encouragement :lol:
Maryse my hubby and I enjoy watching the show together :) If I want extra drool I'll watch it again on my own :) And last nights show was so worth the extra drool time :D
Jacquie my hubby works in the evening so i always watch it first alone and then i watch it again on the weekend with him...and yes...last night's epi was.....well it cheered me up!!!! he looked so hot in his light blue shirt at the end....
Maryse, George looks good in any episode, in any clothing. I'm sure if he dressed up like a clown, we'd still love him, as long as you're not afraid of clowns :D!
Nikky i´ll agree with you, whatever he dressed i love them all, sure, thight shirt and thigt jeans *erm* :devil: that makes me too crazy and i love to see this on him.

McStokes have buy a big pack M&M´s, no green in it? :lol: that´s a cheat.

Hy and welcome back Amy777 and yes this epi was really funny, the 1000 death´s of the boxer, every time when Bress think he has the murder, doc is calling him :lol: and it was again the manner of death, also Nicky with the old man, his look at him so funny. I´ll agree with you
Is it just me, or does it not seem to anyone else that the "episode thread" starts out about the episode, then turns into talking only about the GSR? I so wish that would end.
oh yes ;)
My husband doesn't like the show, but at this point the poor man could probably quote them better than anyone since I subject him to reruns as much as possible!

I had a guy at work tell me that he thinks GE looks old and hasn't aged well...I gasped so loud at his "blaspheming" that everyone thought I had gotten hurt! Imagine the eye rolls that occurred when they realized the real reason!

I proceeded to show him ample photobucket-inspired evidence that, indeed, GE is NOT getting old looking, and is aging quite well! My Sarge thinks I should switch careers and become a lawyer!
I'd hire you as a lawyer, McStokes :lol: That is, if I ever needed a lawyer, and were an american citizen :lol:

I don't have a husband to watch CSI with, but I do watch it with my sister. And my best friend, when she's in town. I like having someone to share theories with... during the comercials, of course.
O/T Hey McStokes, I know you work at the police. I got to ask you something, can you read lips or not? This person wrote something about Grissom can read lips on other board, not here. She said, Grissom shouldn't read lips if he can hear. I see some people can read lips and they not hearing Impairment.

Nick looks good in every clothes he got on. He looks hot and looks good without ages old.
:lol: oh now, i hire not, no, you are my lawyer ;)
McStokes and yes, i have and know some people which sai GE looks old :mad: that´s so unfair, i sai them, no he looks better than all the time he is more mature and he looks sooo good ;) i love his face really. What can a Lacy to get to know each other better of him? *sigh* i would to be something for this don´t worry

*and big waves to you George, really you are so nice man, please PM me :D - i´m not a bad lady really and i don´t bite *

*grab a big Pillow and smacks around here* :D
She said, Grissom shouldn't read lips if he can hear. I see some people can read lips and they not hearing Impairment.
People can read lips if they can hear. My best friend is almost completely deaf in her left ear. If you stand on her right side, she can hear you just fine. If you're on her left, not so much. Standing right in front of her, facing you, she can hear you, but she also reads lips at the same time, to help.
McStokes said:
My husband doesn't like the show, but at this point the poor man could probably quote them better than anyone since I subject him to reruns as much as possible!

i know what you mean, i have done the same thing to my husband....he likes to screm "here's nicky" everytime he is on....too many reruns....or i watch them on dvd's him crazy... :devil:
Here we go!!!!

Okay...Sinful. Totally sinful is how Nick looked last week. Oh I was checkin' out the clothing...and! GE has some really nice gluteus not to mention abs and biceps!! He looks incredidible!!! GE looks good, regardless of how old he is! :D

McStokes!!! Don't change jobs!!! Who else is gonna teach us how to use handcuffs safely and how to protect Georgeland?!?! Frisky would be a good word to use in the describing of green M&M's!!! :lol:

allmaple....hmmm.....I seem to remember her. Crazy..funny....and seriously missing in action!!! Glad you are back!! Do you know how hard it is to keep the Ward in line!?!?!? :D I'm telling is just crazy!
:) :lol:

What are we gonna do when the season is overwith? What will George do? Guess we will have to think of something!! :devil:

My mind is totally fried, boiled, baked, sauted, stir-fried and other kinds of fried I don't know about. I need....beep.......beep......-this sentence has been interupted due to the content to ensure that the integrity of the Ward stays clean. Thank You for understanding.- Who knows? Anything can happen! :)
Hy Sparky :devil: and what you sais
What are we gonna do when the season is overwith? What will George do? Guess we will have to think of something!!
*sigh* yes what can we do? i musn´t thing about that

Night you´ll
What will we do? We'll probably sit and post hundreds of pictures of him in the Ward and talk about how hot he is on here. Night
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