George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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:lol: thanks McStokes for compliment hmm hope it sure, and i´ll work every day on it. And yes i´ll agree with Jacquie to the meaning the undersheriff ;)

Jacquie :( yes, 3 epis and than? when did start the 8. Season? oh men, but you´ve right, god thanks we have the Ward and many pics, we can help us.

Theme song hm? oh lot of them, think must be loveley country and western song, i´m sure McStokes know what a good song is? i´m right ;) I´ve a lot of country and westernsongs on my Player *omg* a favorite of mine at the moment is Mark Chessnut, he cames also from Texas and his songs are really nice. OK let us singing and shake the legs, happy dancing around with smashing pillows, pitch the gummibears and jingle with the handcuffs :lol:
The best country song that always reminds me of George is Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy :D! I think that says it best ;). My favorite country singer now is Dierks Bentley, he's really cute, but not as cute as our George :D. He has a really nice touching song out now called Long Trip Alone > Lyrics
Hy Nikky yes i know Dierks Bentley, so nice and thanks for this link :D i love to sing with the songs :) and sure it´s a good song really
I know, I don't normally listen to country music, so it takes a lot to get me to listen :) I loved tonight's episode, Nick was hot, as always, I loved the part with the drunk guy :lol: and the blue jeans :devil: don't even get me started :lol:
Oh last night's episode was just so darn good :). Nick had some really good screen time and even got the last line in :) The chair did it. I loved the scene with him searching the girls rooms and finding all the weapons. Those jeans should be declared a danger zone :devil: They fit oh sooooo well :D and combined with the t-shirt I just hope I wasn't drooling too much.
Maybe the "backside" of our flag for Georgeland can show GE's backside, clad in those lovely jeans! :devil:

I just love the way GE swaggers when he walks different from the Nicky of the first few seasons. He walks onto a scene like he owns the place now, chewing gum, shaking his what? Oh, sorry...I zoned out there for a second! :lol:

Simply could NOT stand the GSR moment though...made me gag as if overhearing a father and daughter have "the talk" about sex!

Love how Nicky's hair has grown in too!
Last nights episode was funny. I was trying not to laugh too loud too often. Loved when Nick told Binky that he'd be done when he was done. Don't think Nick is much of a people person any more. :lol: It was nice seeing him working the scene with someone other than Catherine and Warrick. I was getting the feeling in the first part of the season that they were split into 2 teams again (Nick,Warrick,Catherine and Greg,Sara,Grissom). I missed the little stoker the first time through, but caught it when I watched it the second time. :) (Hope someone gets a cap of it.) Almost woke my mother up with the "the lawn chair did it" line at the end. :lol:

Don't get me started on the jeans and t-shirt. Lets just say that my favorite scene was when he was walking away from the camera folowing the path of the arrow! :devil:

McStokes, leave his hair exactly like it is now and I'm fine with it. Personally I've decided that it's perfect in this ep. :D

No kidding...whereas once Nick would be all polite and considerate to people at crime scenes, now he's like "yeah, whatever...get outta my way!" Love how he slammed the door in the guys face too! I love snarky Nicky! (probably cuz I'm such a wiseass!)
hi ladies, remember me? can i come back? :p school is now over and my job hunt is leading me nowhere so i need some nicky lovin.

i think nick is still a people person, hes just always been kind of 'if youre going to waste my time im not going to give it to you' if that made sense...

there was a very short segment for csi on et last night, and george got about 5 seconds. looks like the hair is going to get a little longer but it looked oh so good. it made me happy :)

and when the commercial came on for the be a corpse contest, i got all excited and my mom said 'but you have to lie on that table naked!' and i told her 'but being naked in the same room as george eads is my life goal!' and she glared at me so i ran away. and now i think ill run away before D gets in... :lol:
:lol: That's the same reason I called and tried to enter... oh to be naked in the same room as George...;) Runs away, I feel Destiny coming close.
Ah I just finished watching Happy Ending again. It's just as good as the first time :) And without the hubby here I could actually drool over those lovely form fitting jeans. Oh man that man has such a nice........ :devil: Oh hi Destiny :) I like the fact that Nick is now being more assertive when out on a case. He is no longer the child wanting to please his parents. He is now a well respected member of the team :)

allmaple welcome back to the ward on Georgeland :) I had a very good chuckle at your lying on the table naked with GE comment. I would truly have loved to see your mom's face on that one :)

McStokes the back side of the flag being Nick's behind is an excellent idea :)When we get a nice breeze on the island we'll be able to stand and watch Nick twirl all day :)

Has any one else noticed that in the last few episodes GE has not been wearing rubber gloves at the crime scenes. Everyone is so I'm wondering if GE has developed an allergy to the rubber/latex ones. Just a passing comment :)
Jacquie I had noticed the gloves...they're a synthetic black pair instead of the latex. I thought of allergies too, but then I remembered the "advice" GE gave Liev Shreiber about how to get the latex gloves on quickly in a scene...he said something like "if you can get away with not trying to put them on, don't" since they are such a pain. Thought maybe that was why. Who knows...their similar to ones I wear (I have a major ick factor about touching anyone or anything on MY job!) that can be washed. I can't stand the way latex feels *cough* :devil: and how hot your HANDS get! (Get your minds outta that gutter!)

Welcome back Miss Maple! We missed you!

*Tosses green M&M's throughout the Ward since we all seem to be a little *cough* happy!* You know what they say about those green M&M's, right? ;)
Happy Ward :D and sure we missed you Allmaple ;) welcome back. Oh Nicky with the gloves oh yeah, i can feel also *erm* ... and the Jeans? men, i´ve been red face :lol: he has really so cute b... :devil: *erm* naughty thoughts i´ve. Lady´s it´s to hot for me my temperature is climb up *helps* Please McStokes i can´t remember with the green M&M´s? what does he say
LOL...the green M&M's are rumored to make you feel "somewhat more amorous/affectionate" if you get my meaning...?!
:lol: :lol: thanks McStokes oh yes now i understand this. Sit here in my chair and must laughing so loud oh you are too funny. Honest, i´ve so often M&M´s but i can´t remember that i´ve seen green in it :confused: damn buy tomorrow a big pack and look around :lol:
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