George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Thanks saffire161070. Here in the Ward on Georgeland it is also St George's day :) Passes gummy bears around to celebrate the official day
NSF2 I had Nick this weekend, so I will now hand him off to you so you can feel better! Anything for a fellow PBR fan! (did you watch the Billings MT coverage?? So close for poor Beau Hill!)
Jacquie...athis is a great day for George day since it is themost beautiful day in a very very...(did i say very) ...long time. So what can we do to make George day even better?

*takes gummy bears...looks around to make sure the principal isnt reading over her shoulder.....gummy bears*
OMG I had so much fun on Yahoo! (I put stars in the place of the other IMer, privacy reasons :p )
*****: btw
*****: giddy up :p
*****: :p
*****: hehe
*****: PONCHO!!!!
Me: XD i know :p
*****: :p
Me: Texan till the bitter end :p
*looks around*

it's very quiet here tonight.

*leaves a batch of freshly homemade triple chocolate cookies to see if it will bring out the girls from Georgeland dreamland*
*strolls in whistling innocently...and DIVES on the cookies!!!* Yummy!! Thanks Maryse!

I think we're all blinded by the big yellow thing glowing in the sky...I know I'm not used to seeing it!
I seem to miss Destiny when she visits! There is a lot of coughing going on in the Ward. Are we all coming down with a cold? I like the cherry flavored cough drops...sometimes the spearmint. :) Dang! I miss out on the good stuff! :lol: I must be going through my good phase. Wonder how long it will last?

No passports needed for Georgeland! Just bring your enthusiasam...did I spell that right or not....for George. It is early for this night bird and my brain hasn't got up to speed yet. It will after my dose of George talk!

I so have to get a alarm clock. Mine is not letting me set times. At first I thought it was me having technical difficulties of pressing buttons. But after investigating the problem, I was glad it was the clock's fault! Granted I go to bed in the morning but I need to have enough time to get up, wake up, grumble, eat, dress, gather my stuff and get to work. Oh..and decide what I want to listen to on my way to work. That is the hardest part! :D

Leave it to McStokes and Jacquie to keep things rolling. I was thinking of something dealing with... errr....hmmm....let's just handcuff that thought until... hmm....until it bursts out!

Hey pass those gummy bears around! *passes out white chocolate, chocolate chunk cookies* The strangest cravings I have!

Hmmm....George in a dark blue silk shirt! Now...there is something to get choked up about!
Wow... it's been way to long since I've been in here. This whole Georgeland thing sounds interesting. I must learn more...
SparkyGirl I'm glad you said no passports required for Georgeland. I'm filling out my application for my passport and we in Canada have to do it every 5 years :mad: it would make live easier if we could just renew it and not have to re-apply.
Jacquie ...soon we will only have to do it every 10 years but yes it is still a pain...

Do we have an idea for The georgeland flag yet??? it has to have a picture of him and his incrediable eyes and knockout smile....
Maryse with my luck the 10 year passport will be in effect next year after I've got my new 5 year one.

I suggested the following, with some help from McStokes, for the flag. The colour will be chocolate to match his loverly eyes and the design will change with whoever is the honourary deputy of the day/week. Somewhere in the flag, probably in a corner, we will have a Lone Star to represent the georgeous state of Texas :) And no I'm not just saying that because GE is from there. I really like the state :)
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