George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Be careful don't go too far into the "spoiler talk" I am trying to be as spoiler free as I can, and I know some others are too. Maybe change the topic to "what changes would we like to see"
That's why I'm tip-toeing around the subject! :D

I'd like to see more of Nick at home this season...I'm dying to know if TPTB moved him since the Nigel Crane incident!
McStokes said:I'd like to see more of Nick at home this season...I'm dying to know if TPTB moved him since the Nigel Crane incident!
I know I'd move after something like that! I mean, the guy was living in his attic! *shudders*
Not to mention, there was a big hole in his ceiling.

Just going by what we have seen this season, Nick is getting angrier and more "fed up" with alot of things.
hmm i don´t know how Nicky lives in the season 7, have not seen an epi until know, here in germany is the begins of season 6. Most of you knowing more than us german people *pity* but little videoclips we can see, that´s all.
I say bring back the moustache! :p

KIDDING! I'm just KIDDING! :lol:

Sorry, I hate Monday mornings so I'm trying to keep myself entertained to stay in a good mood. :)
BabaOReilly :lol: monday is a bad day but please don´t bring back the moustache NO!!! :lol:
hey, as bad as it was, the moustache had more personality than Keppler! :lol:

*yup...I'm supposed to be working...whistles and looks around the room...* :D
damn who is Keppler? is he from season 7? :lol: the name comes here so often and i don´t know him.

*grabs a big pillow and thwacks McStokes you don´t looking and whistling :lol: you must be working*
McStokes said:
I'd like to see more of Nick at home this season...I'm dying to know if TPTB moved him since the Nigel Crane incident!

yes now, but that would be continuity. and the writers dont seem to be big fans of continuity unless your name is *not going to say it but you all know anyways* :lol: :p

is it just my personal bias or do nicks storylines get dropped faster than anyone elses? except maybe warrick... but they bring in all these circumstances and events that should have long term consequences for the character, but after that episode we never hear about it again. weve seen with other characters, it only takes a minute to address the issue and move on, so you cant convince me there was no time last year for nicks post burial issues.

its already started this year, with nick being in angry moods saying vegas is such a bad place. then next episode hes happy as a clam again.

or am i just crazy and paying too close attention? :lol: thats possible too
Sorry Stoky Keppler is from Season 7. He's that actor Liev Schreiber that's 'filling in' while Billy Peterson is out.

Maple I agree...They just drop his stories left and right. I'm still wondering what the consequences were after Rashomama! (I tend to obsess over's my job. I just don't let people get off that easy if I feel there are large holes in their stories!)
thanks for explain McStokes damn we must wait so long to see season 7 *hmmm* but is good here we get many informations :)
Sorry, I have to disagree. I actually really like Keppler and so there's no way I'd take the dastardly 'stache over him! :eek:

I wouldn't mind Nick growing his hair out a little more again. Something like season 3 or 4 would be nice. I'm kind of getting tired of the shaved head. Although, if he keps it I wouldn't really mind that much either! :lol: Ah, I guess I'm not too picky when it comes to George.

It's funny- I just loaned my season 1 CSI DVD set to a woman I work with, and she and her teenaged daughter just got through all the episodes. One of her comments was, "Now I really see why you like Nick so much." And she wasn't even referring specifically to the whole Who Are You episode or anything. She just had an overall good impression of him from season 1. Cool, huh? :)
Too cool.

I want him to grow his hair too if it means he'll stop wearing those Evel and/or Cartman (from South Park) looking sunglassing he's been seen in lately! Their ugly! :lol:

ETA: Oh, and Baba it's not that I don't like Kepp-man, it's just in my nature to not warm up to a person immediately. I like to "feel them out" for a bit...ok, insert joke here!
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