George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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OK, this is just my own personal theory here but... I think George is just a really private person, and as much as I'm certain he appreciates his fans, I'm sure that he (like a lot of stars) would really rather keep his distance from the public. I'm positive it's not intended to offend, but truthfully, he probably just wants to live his life as normally as possible. If anything, his keeping his head shaved b/c he's tired of people discussing his hair is a primo indicator of his state of mind.

Again, this is just my opinion. I realize you guys just think he's amazing (and I happen to agree) and want to sort of honour the guy, but understandably, he may prefer to keep a very professional distance from his fans.
Baba as much as it hurts me to say this I agree with what you are saying. We can only hope. We know he's already had one run in with a nut case so I'm not surprised if he doesn't want a load of wardgirls dropping things on him

I have tried to limit my comments about shaved vs not shaved because I am aware he's tired of people talking about his hair. I think he's doing a fantastic job this year and I would truly like to see him in something else.
Ok, I've solved the lurking mystery! BABA is really George Eads!! :lol:

Note to self: take March 1st off from work!
I agree. George has stated plainly that he doesn't like a stalker and will not put up with that kind of thing. Not that any of us would ever go that far. We may tease about things like handcufffs and special packages, but, come one, guys do this kind of thing all the time. It's all in good fun.

And as far as his birthday goes, March 1st is National Beer Day. :lol: No kidding. So if we celebrate that (or one of the other holidays for the minors) and just happen to toast George in the process...I don't think he'd complain. :)
i´ll agree with both of you, but i think a littlebit voice is ok, may naturaly not so much. And i love him as he he makes a good job and wish him so many success to get new Projects and film offers. He is an great actor.
You know, it's good to have this discussion every now and then to remind myself that there is an actual person who is George Eads -- it's easy to get caught up in the fun and forget that. But, if there is anything that should be obvious from our discussions here and in the Ward, it's that we think he's great whether he's acting in a horrible, cheesy movie (Crowned and Dangerous, anyone), or has a buzz cut, or long hair, or yes, even a moustache.
In the end we all just fool around, right? I mean I'd never ever even think of intruding George's privacy, with or without handcuffs ;) I just think he's adorable and a fantastic actor. And it's good to have a place like this with people who think the same and can take a joke once in a while.

So, girls, we all have an online-date now. March 1st. Maybe we could find a chatroom somewhere for this occasion :D
:D nice idea with chatroom, is it possible here on this board?
it´s an ask to Destiny maby she help us? *blinky innocent* ;)
Honestly, if I ever saw GE I'd probably only be able to give a shy hi and wave, and then walk rapidly away! We actually have quite a few celebrities in this area, but whenever I run into them it doesn't faze me...I leave them alone. I've seen what people can be like when they get crazed over a famous person, and it's not pretty!

I just want to tape the person and show it to them saying "do you SEE what a fool you made of yourself over this famous person!" :lol:
McStokes I guess those people just don't care as long as they can come close to "their" star.
I once had a friend who was totally in loooove with the holodoc from Star Trek Voyager. So we went to a Star Trek Convention where the actor appeared, and my friend paid 20 bucks to get her photo taken with him, and suddenly she clinged onto him, throwing her arms around his neck and started crying! :eek: I dragged her away from the poor guy who was just doing his job, and she wouldn't calm down for hours. Okay, the next day she told me he'd love her. She could sense it from the way he held her in his arms :rolleyes:

Well - I'd never behave like that. (Especially not with the holodoc :lol:)
Softcake such people are mental sick and it can be dangerous for a Star. I think nobobody from us like this and would be falling out.

But to enthuse of GE and making compliments that´s nice and i think he love this too :lol: it´s good for him.

eta: and when i would like him see original my reaction .. no word cames over my lips and i´ll standing and stearing perhaps a little smile and a hello and than hurry up and bye
or short *giddy up* :lol: i´m bashfully
I just finished dinner after working late tonight and it's so nice to read everyones comments about their respect for GE and his privacy :). I think I would be horribly tongued tied if I ever met GE. I know I would certainly not try to find where he lives cause I'm very respectful of people's need for a life. With that being said I don't think it is harmful to discuss things like handcuffs and such because as someone earlier commented the guys do it so why not the girls. :)
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