George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Poor Nicky....I'm liking his slight anger this season. He needs to vent a bit, poor love. :(

As for the dress shirts, yum. And even some tight tshirts, the wardrobe department are doing well for us this year. :)

And I have changed the subject title back, it's very confusing when it is changed to something different from the overall thread.
Leader Nick

Jacquie said:
Ah yes the angry Nick is definetly a side I'm enjoying this year.

Not only angry Nick, but also a leader Nick, isn't he? I feel like he has emancipated a lot, he is making decisions, not only following. I like that.
Yep, he does make a great leader. I have always thought that he would be a good supervisor one day.

Please don't change the subject title, it gets a bit confusing and Destiny will just end up changing it back. ;)
Re: Leader Nick

Yes Dalnabe Nick is very much the leader this year. I think he's leading more than Grissom is. Hmmm future Supervisor for the night shift???
Elsie, thanks for the hint, I am used of changing the titles from a subthread, but hey, it's not that important. :)

And Jacquie, there you go, I just had this imagination. He has the competence, knowlegde and person wise, so let's see, when it will be rewarded.
No problem Dalnabe, thanks for changing it back. :)

And welcome to the Nick threads, it's nice to have you here. We all love looking at Nick/George, talking about Nick/George, and generally obsessing like fangirls about him! :lol: Although, we do have intelligent discussions as well of course. ;)
Welcome Dalnabe and here are your Ward Girl handcuffs...tee hee! Hope you have been reading our past posting, otherwise you'll think I'm as mental as the others do!
Elsie, McStokes, and all you other crazy girls (and maybe some guys), thanks for the welcome! Indeed, I have been reading this thread for the past two weeks, observed - like a CSI ;) - and now jumped into. I was wondering, whether I should go ahead and behave like a 14-year-old alter ego ... but, someone had it in his signature: Get old, but never grow up. So, yeah, I am here. Thanks for the handcuffs *puts them away quickly*, I will stay a bit longer. :devil:
McStokes we never think of you as mental just Nick crazy like the rest of us. :lol: You should add keeper of the ward handcuffs to your signature :lol:

Welcome Dalnabe. For some more fun you should take a long peak at the ward thread :) Bring plenty of drool buckets :lol:
Welcome Dalnabe -- some of us are well over "14" but it's no fun to act your age.

I'm a little late adding to the wardrobe discussion -- but jeans and the fitting t-shirts are my wardrobe choice for GE/Nick.
Yup. Definately older than 14. But, hey...with all I see and deal with on a daily basis, I need to act out a bit! You all are my sanity! :eek:

Jacquie thanks for the signature suggestion!
SparkyGirl said:
Yes George! We all are very harmless. We are a melting Ward of humor and understanding. Sometimes the crazies take over and we have to let it out! It is nice to know a place where everybody knows your name! :)

Hmmm....interesting thought Baba! Could it be our George is making us sweat it out with not doing any interviews? Maybe he is waiting for the right one? Or if the weather is as crazy here as it is there, maybe he is working on his eskimo study. I'm sure we all can give tips on how to stay warm! :devil:

If George were to be swinging around on a vine in this part of OH in a loin cloth...lets just say the brass monkey would be missing some vital parts! :lol: I can handle cold, but not this kind of cold! Not the 0 degree temp and wind chill at -29F. This kind of cold is really kicking my butt! Not to mention the static electricity! I've got a few cats who are looking frazzled if not fried! :D Thank the maker for Static Gard!!

allmaple!!!! You have returned! I kept wondering where the saucy minx went to....after this weather I'm sure you left for warmer parts of the country! Hmmm....thaw out. I'm saying late March or early April for us....we will return George to you at that time!!! :D

If the fans could pick out George's wardrobe for CSI, what would they choose for him? Clothes...not lack of! :)

It was bloody cold here in Ontario!!! I need George to keep me toasty!!!

I wanna move to BC!!!
McStokes and OnlyTruth I think strangely enough you'll find most of us well over the age 14 :)but it's fun being here and being a fangirl where age doesn't matter :)

myfuturecsi even though it's nice and cold here in good old Ontario I think I'll stay put. Vancouver has too many rain days and I don't like the damp even if it's a few degrees warmer.

McStokes thanks for the signature comment :)
Ah, say what you will but I'll take the warm rain over the cold and snow any day! And we're green year round, so you can poopoo our weather all you want, but you'll never be as pretty as we are! :p

Trust me, I grew up in Ontario. I'm over the deep, bonechilling cold. :lol:

I'm still impressed George got through a March in Markham (Ontario). I can't think of a browner, more dismal month to be in Ontario. At least in April you can see the green coming out in spurts and spats but March is just... grey and brown. Then again, I'm sure he'll go where they tell him when a paycheque is involved! :lol:
^Oh you ain't kiddin' about March in Ontario. Not only March in Ontario stinks, but so does January, February and November. November is grey and dull, and the others are just cold, cold and cold.

George survived a month here one March. Brave soul. He really loves his craft.

But I bet he was glad to get back to sunny time I'm hiding in his luggage.
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