George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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^^March is a very good month. It's comes after February which just seems to drag on and on and it's right before April when everything starts to come alive.

When was George here for a month in March? I know he's been here twice. Are you talking Evel or Second String. I thought Evel was later in the spring early summer
March is a WONDERFUL month, cuz that's when GE was born, yeah? :D

And I think March 2nd is Texas Independence Day too.

Anyway, thanks to all you lovely Canadians for being so kind as to share your frickin' cold weather with us here in the states! :lol:
March is beautifull i love the spring month :) and March yes it is nice to say 2. Independence Day McStokes
George is a lucky Man ;) think all spring child´s are lucky

Here in germany it begins with frosty and it is cold but sunny weather :D like that.
Well, Stoky in my part of Germany it's cold and rainy ;)
I'm looking forward to the Ward's party on George's birthday. We should all take a day off and spent 24 hours in front of the computer :lol:
softcake said:

I'm looking forward to the Ward's party on George's birthday. We should all take a day off and spent 24 hours in front of the computer :lol:

softcake I love the idea and since I make up the schedule for our staff I shouldn't have any problems getting the day off :):lol:

McStokes have you forgotten that Alaska is up north. How do you know that the Artic Chill you are receiving came from Canada and not Alaska :lol:
Softcake :lol: that´s true and btw.

Jacquie some news with the birthday gift for George? :) the time is running and i´m afraid i misse the connection :lol:
No Stoky allmaple has had no news of our fan project. Come on George we know you lurk here. Get your people on side here. We really are harmless and we want to show you how much we appreciate you :)
See, my weather man here keeps calling it an "Alberta Clipper," not and "Anchorage Clipper!!" :lol:

I remember going skiing in Montreal one year and everytime I blinked I could hear my eyelashes clinking together. Not to mention how NO cars/buses would start, and it HURT to breather! Yikes!
Please George give us a chance :) look the Ladys soooo nice words come in and i swear it´s funny and we admire you with or without handcuffs :devil:
McStokes Montreal is alot colder than Toronto. It's further north than we are :lol:

and George we won't ask you to assume the position either. Unless you want to :devil:

We better watch it I think Destiny was going to be loading her hose up with cookie dough. Chocolate chip I hope :lol: Thanks softcake :)
Stoky said:

Jacquie some news with the birthday gift for George? :) the time is running and i´m afraid i misse the connection :lol:

so far none of his reps are willing to pass something on :( oh well, it was worth a shot.

if nicky would wear jeans, dress shirts (with the top button undone of course) with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows i would be incredibly happy. i know he did things with his hair becuase people talked so much about it, but do you think that one episode with the extra button done up was a message to us? it just looked so silly, and then the next scene it was open again :lol:

and Jacquie you must have one convincing nick clone, because the real one has been securely handcuffed to my headboard for the last couple of days :devil:
Jacquie said:
We better watch it I think Destiny was going to be loading her hose up with cookie dough. Chocolate chip I hope :lol: Thanks softcake :)
I have been surprised that this group hasn't been hosed down lately -- she just warned the Ward and I didn't think the Ward was being that inappropriate :D

I'm willing to spend most of the day here (or the Ward) on March 1st -- I'll be sure to "work from home" that day :devil:
allmaple do the reps say why they won't pass our fan project on? I hope they realize we are really and truly harmless and what goes on here will likely not go on with our fan project.

and allmaple I've got the real Nick clone since Elsie gave him to me on Sunday morning :D

eta I think we should call March 1 International George Eads Take the Day Off Work Birthday Celebrations Day :)
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