George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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oooh, look at me, im Baba, i have positive temperatures :p im sorry to inform you that george is busy in the frozen parts of the country keeping his fangirls here from dying of hypothermia. once it warms up you may have access to him again. but, knowing ontario that could be like... may! :p :lol:

i was nearly blown off to oz leaving my class! its too damn cold and windy to do my dog walking so i have sought out shelter in the library and intend to thaw out over nick pics. if youll excuse me im heading off to the ward
Yes George! We all are very harmless. We are a melting Ward of humor and understanding. Sometimes the crazies take over and we have to let it out! It is nice to know a place where everybody knows your name! :)

Hmmm....interesting thought Baba! Could it be our George is making us sweat it out with not doing any interviews? Maybe he is waiting for the right one? Or if the weather is as crazy here as it is there, maybe he is working on his eskimo study. I'm sure we all can give tips on how to stay warm! :devil:

If George were to be swinging around on a vine in this part of OH in a loin cloth...lets just say the brass monkey would be missing some vital parts! :lol: I can handle cold, but not this kind of cold! Not the 0 degree temp and wind chill at -29F. This kind of cold is really kicking my butt! Not to mention the static electricity! I've got a few cats who are looking frazzled if not fried! :D Thank the maker for Static Gard!!

allmaple!!!! You have returned! I kept wondering where the saucy minx went to....after this weather I'm sure you left for warmer parts of the country! Hmmm....thaw out. I'm saying late March or early April for us....we will return George to you at that time!!! :D

If the fans could pick out George's wardrobe for CSI, what would they choose for him? Clothes...not lack of! :)
I would like to inform you that the real Nick has been huddled with me all day. He has asked me to inform you that he's not leaving Markham for a day or two or three or four :) ;)
Hey OnlyTruth, this is only Massachusetts. We were routinely in the 60's early January, I admit very mild for us. Today our low was 1 and our high (which we already reached) was 12. It's currently 9. Our wind chill hasn't been above 0 all day. This is considered below normal for us.

Well, I think it's about time to clone him so every girl gets a fair share :) The world needs more of this beauty anyway :)

Sorry, Sparky you asked a question :) I would pick tight jeans and even tighter shirts for him. The kind of shirts that look as if they're painted on. *drools* I'm shallow, I know :lol: Once in a while I'd say he should wear a nice tight dress shirt, so tight that the buttons scream "open me finally" :devil:
How 'bout another suit? Or, since we saw Griss in a tux, how bout Nick?

Other than that...tight jeans, cowboy boots, and those nice, soft looking shirts he wears that appear painted on would be quite yummy too! (wonder if he even owns cowboy boots?!)
Cowboy boots! :eek: Of course he has one pair at least, hidden in his closet because he doesn't want the others to pick on him. Occasionally he drags them out and puts them on before having a barbeque outside in his backyard :lol:
Somehow I see leather chaps involved....

And please don't say things like "Nick in a tux" because that'd kill me :D
It's never over ...

Okay guys, I was just watching Stalker (got the DVD today) and the end was giving me the creeps. Nigel in the intergoration room, the whole team on the other side, Sara's saying: "25 years to live, Nick. It's over." Nick replying: "It's not over for me. ... It's over for Jane Galoway."

Is this ringing any bells, when we are thinking about Daddy's Little Girl and Grissom telling him, it is over? The people staying alive have to deal with the consequences.

(Sorry, when this had been mentioned before, but I just had to put my thoughts down.)
SparkyGirl, season 5 wardrobe did real good for me. Jeans and tight t-shirts (long or short sleeved), or dress shirts look just fine on him. Also more bright blue (royal blue) and less dark. I just love him in blue or white shirts. :lol:

Where did you get the name SparkyGirl. I'm a NASCAR fan and my favorite driver's nickname is Sparky (because first initial S and last name Park). That's what I always think of when I see your name. :lol:

Re: It's never over ...

Dalnabe unfortunately we all know TPTB are not very fond of continuing storylines. Nick is a trouble magnet, but they just don't care about this. It's like "Okay, he was stalked and buried alive and almost killed, but what the heck! Nick is an easy going guy, so he'll deal"
Don't know if you have seen some of Season 7 yet, but he has changed :)
Re: It's never over ...

softcake, yes I am keeping up with the 7th season. Started sometime back with Season 3 up to 7 and where now catching up with Season 1 and 2. I found the choice of words so ... matching.

Hm. I wonder if this whole Grave Danger things wasn't a plan of Nigel Crane. If he is in prison he could nevertheless try to get information about Nick, contact a father who was "betrayed" by the CSIs and use his anger, instrumentalize him to do serious harm to Nick. What did Grissom say, either Nigel has to die or Nick ... *lost in mind an wild speculations*

And yes, Nick's character has somewhat changed throughout the seasons, but you can always catch some few moments where he is the same season 1/2 guy - vulnerable.
Re: It's never over ...

I don't think Nigel Crane had anything to do with what happened in Grave Danger, Dalnabe After all, it was a flip of the coin that decided who'd go to the "crime scene". It could have been Warrick. Or anybody.

Yes - there are still some hints of "old" Nick that show up, like in "Toe tags" when he almost cried... or in "Redrum" when he couldn't let got.. *sighs* Bless him. But I also like the new (and improved?) angry Nick *drools* Sorry. Fangirling ;)
Re: It's never over ...

softcake said:
I don't think Nigel Crane had anything to do with what happened in Grave Danger, Dalnabe After all, it was a flip of the coin that decided who'd go to the "crime scene". It could have been Warrick. Or anybody.

Evil softcake, you just blew my whole speculation. Shame on you. ;) I am just desperately trying to see a continuity, am I? *sigh* Of course, he wasn't looking for a particular CSI, else he wouldn't have said "Hi CSI guy ..." on the tape.
Re: It's never over ...

Dalnabe said:
Evil softcake, you just blew my whole speculation. Shame on you. ;) I am just desperately trying to see a continuity, am I? *sigh* Of course, he wasn't looking for a particular CSI, else he wouldn't have said "Hi CSI guy ..." on the tape.

Sorry! :D
Re: It's never over ...

Ah yes the angry Nick is definetly a side I'm enjoying this year. I like the calm Nick sprinkled in though.

And as for the clothes well it's probably no surprise to anyone but I like the shirts with 2 buttons undone :D The shirts Nick's been wearing with the designs on them are nice. They look like there dress shirts until you look at them close up. Very yummy looking. I have also liked the painted on t-shirts he's been wearing this year. Very revealing :D
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