George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Hea guys, watched only halftime from the superbowl. I have one question, did they ever show a preview of CSI: Vegas? I saw the preview for Miami and NY, but didn't see one for Vegas. I only pay attention to Patriots (even though I'm from Texas, I'm not a Cowboy Fan):rolleyes:. Well, the only Cowboy I like is George :lol:.

Hea, I just noticed that I'm Level One Now YAY!
I didn't watch the whole game but I did see a commercial for CSI --it was just the same preview that they showed on Thursday after the episode. Still, it was nice to see even a little Nicky during the Super Bowl
Congrats on the promotion Nikky :). Since I didn't watch the Super Bore oh excuse me Bowl I have no idea if they showed the commericals. I did see clips for it on last week's show and Nick is in it :)
Every scene would be better, wouldn't it? :lol: Though we wouldn't get to see that lovely blue shirt anymore.. Or lab coats :lol: Imagine him in the lab without a shirt on.. :lol: :lol:
oh ive got you beat! -29 with the windchill (i think thats like -18 ferenheit) its been worse, its been -25 before the windchill before. i think we should all just huddle against nicky to keep warm. sounds good to me!
McStokes said:
Congrats on the promotion Nikky!

Morning all. is FREEZING here! It's only 6 degrees! :eek:

You had a heatwave down there McStokes. When the kids left for the bus it was 1 degree here (somewhere around -20 windchill). :eek: I'm glad I don't have to leave the house today.

Well, Vancouver is finally back to it's normal winter temps. We're about 8 degrees today. Oh, that's celsius, so that'd be... 46 F, I think?

I think that George should come back up here and film something. We haven't seen him in a while! :p
Come on, you Canadians and Northerns, shouldn't you be used to cold weather :lol: It was 13 F here (Washington DC) this morning, it's warmed up to 19 F now (with a wind chill bringing it down to 2 F). Tonight it's supposed to only be 5 F -- now that's a three dog - scratch that, make it a three NICK - night :)
No, not in Vancouver! Why do you think I moved here from Ontario? Besides the fact that it's gorgeous here, the winters are mild. We have rainforest here, for pete's sake! :lol:
Rainforest in Canada? Serious? Well, see, you learn something on the internet ;)
We had about 5° celsius today in Westphalia, Germany ;) And rain. And fog. And did I mention the rain?
:lol: yes, there's rainforest in Canada. Just not anywhere near where I live. Here, it's -27 C, which is about -16 F. I need Nicky to come keep me warm :devil:
Plus, it's obviously not tropical rainforest- it's temperate. ;) Still, it's rainforest... :lol:

Hmmm... just had a sudden image of George flying through the treetops in a loin cloth... Nice! Not as George of the Jungle, though! :lol: It's more of a sexy Tarzan kind of image. :)
Thanks for that image, Baba
I just spilled my juice all over the table :D
Hm, I'd like to be his Jane. Like in the old Tarzan movies with Johnny Weismueller? :lol: (No, I'm not THAT old, they were on TV...)
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