George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Now McStokes I hope us sane wardgirls are not included in your masses of crazed women. How much more sane can we be by staying the day in the ward :D Just because we talk about shirtlessness, handcuffs and shirts that are ripe for tearing off... :devil: I mean how much more sane do you want us to be :lol:
:lol: Jacquie i think McStokes mean all of us that´s artful, first she talks over handcuffs :lol: and make the ward crazy and mistled us and than she will a deal with GE. McStokes that´s not the fine english kind :lol:
Has anybody seen any recent interviews with George anyway? he seems to be on some sort of interview hiatus! No paper interviews, no TV ones... Oh George, wherefor art thou? :eek:

BabaOReilly said:
Has anybody seen any recent interviews with George anyway? he seems to be on some sort of interview hiatus! No paper interviews, no TV ones... Oh George, wherefor art thou? :eek:

I think he's hiding from us. :rolleyes: We just have to convince him that we're all real nice people, sanity challenged, but nice. :D

Baba I check the news papers tv listings everyday and alas no George :(. Come on George as blackflag said we are harmless :) We don't need to know every detail but just let us know you're still out there :). George you could always do a question and answer session on talkcsi. We have 100's of questions we would to ask you :)
I noticed the lack of interviews, too :( I have a google news alert with "George Eads" but the only messages I get are about the EADS company that builds aeroplanes :rolleyes:

Alrighty, George, don't be afraid of us. We won't handcuff you, promised. Or we will, if you insist :devil:
We're nice girls :)
no no George ;) please don´t be afraid we are all harmless and very friendly :) we are not to do things, what you are not like. And crazy oh yes :lol: who is not crazy. Give us news we all adore you and need news from you ;) Nice when you are come in here and talk a littlebit with us, i´m sure all of us are very disciplined when we´re ask you. :)
softcake said:
I noticed the lack of interviews, too :( I have a google news alert with "George Eads" but the only messages I get are about the EADS company that builds aeroplanes :rolleyes:

Softcake, when I do a yahoo search I usually type in George Eads CSI and it usually cuts out the company.

I haven't hear anything about interviews or TV appearances, but I do know that Friday, Feb. 9, those of us state-side can see GE on ER on TNT! They will be showing the epi "Do You See What I See" at 11am. So set your TiVo's!
Woo! AngelaG Thanks for that info! I was actually going to just break down and rent the episodes he was in as I can't ever seem to catch them on tv.

Ok...GE...I promise not to throw you up against the wall and make you spread 'em..well......that is, unless you like it that way :devil:!

*whistles innocently, adjust halo and exits the Ward quietly before D comes in!*
I rented those 3 episodes and those 3 alone when I was in Tokyo a few years ago... it was nice to watch English TV, but english tv with George (and shirtless George, to boot!) was quite nice! :D
BabaOReilly said:
Has anybody seen any recent interviews with George anyway? he seems to be on some sort of interview hiatus! No paper interviews, no TV ones... Oh George, wherefor art thou? :eek:


Sorry I noticed that too.

I think with all the hoopla about Grey's Anatomy and their constant 'foot-in-mouth', CSI is pretty much overshadowed right now.
McStokes said:

Ok...GE...I promise not to throw you up against the wall and make you spread 'em..well......that is, unless you like it that way :devil:!

i bet he does :devil:

george was great in er, even if it was only a small part. i think the producers of er were thinking 'hmmm, we need a beefcake to walk around shirtless and stir up trouble in george clooneys love life...' it was still entertaining though :D
Aw :D George isn't afraid of us :lol: I do hope they enterview him soon, maybe when the season finale comes up we'll get him :)
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