George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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hey there,
I am completely new to this, I am from Austria and yes, we do have CSI on TV (and I am so glad about it).
My favourite guys are Nick Stokes and Tim Speedle.
One of my favourite scenes is from the fifth season/episode "snakes" when Nick has the headphones on and listens to the song of that band from the club .... I was just wandering - cause I couldn't find anything about that on the web - does anyone of you know which kind of music George likes to hear?
As I am new here and I haven't read all the pages yet, please excuse me if this question has been posted before.
welcome here lelaina nice guys really :D i remember to read that George to like Country but also Hip or Rep?

McStokes :devil: nice idea for us but i think George wasn´t delited of this poor Boy :lol: and no

:lol: what´s a name. Oh i´ve missed that so thanks :lol: McStokes and btw. what is a screen name?
McStokes said:
Well, ladies...I could always break out the trusty handcuffs and keep him in place so we can have a free-for-all!

*waves...Howdy GE!* Now you know if he met me and I told him my screename he'd get all bug-eyed and run screaming for the hills!! :D

Hmmm....handcuffs... :devil: ;)
Mmhm... handcuffs! :devil: McStokes that's a brilliant idea ;) I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks George would just run away :lol:

Stoky, Stokydream is your screen name just like softcake is mine ;)

Edited because I forgot to say "hi" to lelaina :) Welcome! Maybe you'd like to check out the Nick/George Syndrome Ward to drool with us :)
Welcome leilana! As you can see from the discussion, we are all a wee bit obsessed with our Texas cutie!

Ok, I'll make a note that when I go back to work I'll have to walk off with enough sets of handcuffs to outfit all the Ward girls...that way we can try and meet him in person as a group, all equipped with our lovely new "bracelets" we have for him!

Good lord...I am not well mentally! :lol:
Try to imagine George's face when there are about 20 Wardgirls waving their handcuffs at him :lol: I would feel sorry for him, but.. *waves with handcuffs* :D
Yeah, he'd make it about 2 steps into the room, take one look and probably leave skid marks from running so fast in the opposite direction!

*Be afraid!! Be very afraid!*
Softcake ;) thanks i´m really mazy (you get pm) :)

McStokes :lol: :lol: that´s so funny idea and i see his Face when he looks in.
If I were to meet George I would definetly have to change my name :)There are times like this where having a middle name would work.

Now onto the shirt. Or in this case off with the shirt :lol:. I think a shirtless scene once an episode would do and if that's not going to work George just keep wearing shirts like you did on Thursday's episode :devil:

George, if you are lurking here welcome. I really do admire you as an actor and I think you do a fantastic job on CSI. Keep up the good work :)

eta welcome lelaina[/b].
Ah McStokes with the handcuffs again :) The images that come to mind with 20 wardgirls dangling their new shiny bracelets :devil:. The thing is if George got 2 steps into the room he wouldn't be able to get out because one of us would be hiding behind the door to close it. 20 wardgirls in a locked room with George :devil:
Handcuffs do come in handy. (get your minds out of the gutter) I use them to threaten the kids. Everytime they start fighting, I threaten to cuff them together for 24 hours. Works everytime. :D
Thank you Stoky :D I was happy about the results to :D... oh and BAM! got you with a pillow!

I watched the episode... oh he looked good, he also seemed happy and fun too, but also ready to kick that guys but all the way to Nebraska! :lol:

Oh he's a cutie pie, love me some Nicky action, next week looks good too :D

but the episode was not as good a the last episode, but it was fine :)

I also had a George dream last night :devil: no not that :lol: I was watching tv and George came on, he was on a talk show or something, and he was talking, and wile he was I thought 'Wow, he really looks good' he grew his hair, he looked young, then I said 'so this must have been filmed now after all the shows were filmed'

I don't know, I rarely have dreams about my guys, and last night I did :)

I did the name thing:
A is for Animated
N is for Neglected
D is for Daring
E is for Enlightened
R is for Responsible
S is for Snarky
O is for Orderly
N is for Nerdy

Oddly it describes him to a tee :) my sister will be happy :D

I didn't do my name though, my mom doesn't want my name every where... she says I should trademark it :lol:
Jacquie sais
Ah McStokes with the handcuffs again The images that come to mind with 20 wardgirls dangling their new shiny bracelets . The thing is if George got 2 steps into the room he wouldn't be able to get out because one of us would be hiding behind the door to close it. 20 wardgirls in a locked room with George
:lol: ohhh it makes me crazy Jacquie i´ve dreamed about this ohh ohhh :lol:

Sorry and waves to you George forgive us crazy and naughty Ladys but you inspires us :lol: and where is my PM :lol:

*grab a big GE pillow and smacks Jacquie* :lol: how come when I threaten to do that to people (especially people we are arresting) they tend to start screaming about civil rights?! :lol:

I've suggested that we be allowed to have duct tape for people's mouths too...but sadly, I don't think they will ever let us use that.

Ah...George...Don't ya just love all us ladies here in the Ward?! :D Hey...GE...I'll make a deal with you...hire me to be your bodyguard and I'll protect you from the masses of crazed women!! I even know how to use a lasso while horseback riding, so I can rein them all in for you! :lol:
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