George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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oh that´s soo nice :lol: McStokes don´t worry, when they sai wannabe, it´s the pure envy ;)
Welcome back McStokes. Sorry to hear about the week you had. I like your new NICKname :)Very appropriate
I was thinking...we still need proof that George is lurking. Worked well so far - dress shirts with open neck, the hair comes back...still I'm not convinced.
I think we need some more. Like Nick sucking on a lollipop :D
Ah...yes...our Nicky did look very, extremely, yummy in those shirts. I was like 'whoa....I've been crispied crittered'! Needless to say I was laughing over the crispy critter remark Nicky made! Yep...our Nicky is swinging on the emotional scale...happy, mad....pensive, excited..... wonder what will happen next?

Nick can get along with anyone. I sort of thought maybe he was gathering evidence, or should I say, observing Keppler. I thought it was very interesting that Nick and Catherine didn't cross paths. I'm sure Nick is still reeling from the betrayed event. Wonder if he still will when Grissom returns?

What would I give to see an un-shaven Nicky getting called into work. Oh...let me start the list! I wish I knew how Nicky did it....getting called in and looking oh so yummy when he gets to work. I must know his secret!

And as always...George looked :devil: Just one little nibble....just one!!! Please!!!! Am I begging or what!?!?!? :lol: *batting eyelashes and my ever so adorable green/brown eyes* Is it working?
softcake said:
I was thinking...we still need proof that George is lurking. Worked well so far - dress shirts with open neck, the hair comes back...still I'm not convinced.
I think we need some more. Like Nick sucking on a lollipop :D

oh ive had enough proof for me :D he wore exactly what i told him to at an event in october :lol:
no news yet on sending him a birthday project, not sure if we can get it done in time then :(
I remember, maple That brown suit with beige shirt, we were all excited :)
How long does it take from filming an episode until it airs? I swear I'll die squeeing when a lollipop appears :lol:
i think someone said before between filming, editing, and airing is about 6 weeks. so maybe in april he will have a lillipop :lol:
Or maybe he can say something about The Ward... as in "This guy belongs in the looney ward". That should be easy to work in.
AngelaG I think tptb should have Nick saying "these ladies belong in the looney Ward". But Nick we are all ready there :lol:

allmaple have you tried contacting George's people again to see what's going on. Or the people you've contacted whoever they are? I say since we aren't going to make his birthday we at least try and get it done whenever we can :)
Well, we could all do with another shirtless scene...or two, or...three. Heck, how 'bout he just does the whole rest of the season shirtless!

I want to see his house again. I'd really like to know if he moved since Nigel. Don't know why I'm so stuck on that, but anyway! :lol:
Oh heavens, I am so glad this forum is anonymous because if he was lurking, I would be mortified at being identified with some of the things I've said or pics I've posted. Just remember George, it's all in good fun. And we really see you as more than a georgeous specimen of manliness. We think you're a great actor and have great respect for you as a person. :)
OnlyTruth the funny thing is, only this morning I thought: what if I ever get to meet George in person, and he is indeed lurking here and finds out about my name here :lol: Would be one of the shortest meet-and-greets in history ;) Picture him, staring at me with eyes wide open and a hint of embarrassment and disgust before he runs away :lol: On the other hand - feel free to jump me, George *waves* :D Okay, just kidding ;)

I totally second the idea of him having a shirtless scene in every episode :)
OnlyTruth nice words :) i agree with you and *waves for you wonderful George
I would definitely have to lie about who I was. Although I am not sure which of you crazy people I would claim to be. :p
Oh, and I think that if we took a vote here, it would be unanimous - shirtless in every episode, if not every scene.
Well, ladies...I could always break out the trusty handcuffs and keep him in place so we can have a free-for-all!

*waves...Howdy GE!* Now you know if he met me and I told him my screename he'd get all bug-eyed and run screaming for the hills!! :D
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