George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

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That's great, Julie! I still have to hate you by default :lol:, but it's great you got to meet him. I'm glad you shared your story with us. I always figured he was a Texan Gentleman, of course, his mom was there so he had better have been on his best behavior. :lol:

As for his girlfriend, she probably gets tired of girls coming up to him. :lol: I could understand that, but she has to remember, she gets to go home with him...we don't. :(

Yeah I have to agree with Speedy. It must be really tough to have to deal with all these girls eye balling him with dirty thoughts on their minds....oh wait..that's me..:lol:
If I were you, I wouldn't give the gay rumors another thought. You aren't the first person who has met him or seen him in person who didn't get the impression that he's gay. I read somewhere that George having these rumors is a way to know that he's made it in Hollywood. :lol:

My personal opinion, I don't care either way. He's sweet, a great actor and extremely good-looking.
One of the things we've learned over the years is not to discuss anything that has not been confirmed by an actor. With the way some people talk about George's private life no wonder he doesn't go on talk shows or let people write about it. One of the things I've always admired about George is his ability to keep his life private. And I think that is the way it should be. If George wants his fans to know something then he will let us know.
Getting way too personal in here. It's great to hear a firsthand account of getting to meet George, but let's stay respectful of him and his family, significant other, etc.

As for "rumors" and other personal issues, don't bring them in here. Only things that are public knowledge and have been confirmed or stated by the actor can be discussed.

And yes, this is an official "stop it now" post.
Wow. I meant no disrespect. Seems a bit stringent here. Makes me feel like I am on eggshells. Not fond of that feeling.

Don't feel that way. It's just that there's people from the show who have come on this board including George himself (we've suspected). It's just meant to create a safe environment for all visitors.

I personally prefer the rules because I've had problems on other boards that are not moderated. I feel very safe here thanks to great mods like Smokey and DJ Rideout. You know if there's a will be taken care of.

Wow. I meant no disrespect. Seems a bit stringent here. Makes me feel like I am on eggshells. Not fond of that feeling.

Don't feel that way. It's just that there's people from the show who have come on this board including George himself (we've suspected). It's just meant to create a safe environment for all visitors.

I personally prefer the rules because I've had problems on other boards that are not moderated. I feel very safe here thanks to great mods like Smokey and DJ Rideout. You know if there's a will be taken care of.

It's okay. Just seems like every other post of mine has had a least one "please don't..." - I don't mind if I am wrong but geez, no one loves the guy more than me so no need to protect him from his own fans. i didn't spend as much money as i did to meet him for nothing. I only wanted to share my excitement w/ other fans. I was new here. Anything else out of my mouth was never intended to be "too personal", "too critical", "too many posts", "bashing". whatever.
Anything I have said so far, aside from maybe the girlfriend comment - which is typical of girls so I'm sure she's used to it - was nothing terrible. Just sharing the love was all.
Wow. I meant no disrespect. Seems a bit stringent here. Makes me feel like I am on eggshells. Not fond of that feeling.

hellojulie, you are certainly welcome here and have no need to walk on eggshells. :) We don't put many restrictions on what can and can't be said, but we do draw the line at getting too personal about the actors themselves versus the characters.

That said, you might want to take a look at the Talk CSI guidelines and also the Help Guide for the Las Vegas forums just to get a feel for how things work. :)

We want to make this a great place and keep it fun for everyone, and we're certainly enjoying hearing about your experience. I hope you'll decide to stick around and join in on the discussions. :) If you have any questions, please feel free to post them.
Oh, and for the personal stuff ??? I'm gonna go on a limb here and say the man has heard that before! I was defending his honesty...not his sexuality. He said no and I tried to help cement it. simple as that. Seems a bit cliquish in here. May I add a rule of thumb? Don't be so quick to jump all over everything a newbie says. And make them feel a bit more welcome even if their not a part of your clique. just sayin.
Oh, and for the personal stuff ??? I'm gonna go on a limb here and say the man has heard that before! I was defending his honesty...not his sexuality. He said no and I tried to help cement it. simple as that. Seems a bit cliquish in here. May I add a rule of thumb? Don't be so quick to jump all over everything a newbie says. And make them feel a bit more welcome even if their not a part of your clique. just sayin.

Hey hellojulie:

I've been on the board for five years and can tell you that at times it can be but for the most part, it's not a clique.
Oh, and for the personal stuff ??? I'm gonna go on a limb here and say the man has heard that before! I was defending his honesty...not his sexuality. He said no and I tried to help cement it. simple as that. Seems a bit cliquish in here. May I add a rule of thumb? Don't be so quick to jump all over everything a newbie says. And make them feel a bit more welcome even if their not a part of your clique. just sayin.

Reading over the past posts, it appears you were made to feel very welcome and everyone liked your pictures and encouraged you to tell your story.

It's not a clique. It's a group of George/Nick fans and again, you are welcome here and everyone seems to have responded positively to your posts.

I'm sorry that I had to point out a few things that are not allowed here, but I'm one of the LV mods and it's what I'm here for. I realize that you are new, and that's why they were pointed out. You didn't know. So I had to let you know. It's just an FYI, not a problem. Please don't let it discourage you from participating.
Hey hellojulie:

I've been on the board for five years and can tell you that at times it can be but for the most part, it's not a clique.

Thank you. Maybe I used the wrong word (again) but I gotta tell ya that that "getting too personal" comment was over the top for me. I supported his honesty...never questioned his sexuality. If anything I validated what he himself has said.
Look, I'm a huge George/Nick fan and don't mean any ill will now or ever. I also am sure George Eads doesn't scour these boards looking for possible negative wording. But whatever. No hard feelings. Perhaps I'm too sensitive, but George doesn't need protection from a fan like me but, it's all good. It's just safer for me to have nothing more to say.:brickwall:
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Getting way too personal in here. It's great to hear a firsthand account of getting to meet George, but let's stay respectful of him and his family, significant other, etc.

As for "rumors" and other personal issues, don't bring them in here. Only things that are public knowledge and have been confirmed or stated by the actor can be discussed.

And yes, this is an official "stop it now" post.

And you wonder why I would feel like I am on eggshells? Nothing like jumping on a newbie with a "gentle reminder".... altho, even a reminder wasn't necessary as per the "rules"

When a star states publicly (via interview, official website, ect) things from marriage to children, divorce to dating, sexual origin, charities they help, their feelings on certain aspects that are happening in the world, etc, that is appropriate to discuss.

And I supported HIS statement. HOW WAS THAT NOT BEING RESPECTFUL???

Warnings by mods:
We usually give members a chance by giving three types of warning depending upon the severity of the problem, you might receive:
-A gentle reminder: Just as it states you will be reminded of the rules.
-Unofficial Warning: This will give you a second chance if we believe its warranted.
-Official Warning: This means you will be reported to the Admin from there it will be between you and them.

Miss a step there? Hmmm. Rules apply sometimes.
Newbies beware.
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