George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

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What did we talk about? Do you want the long version or the short? Either way I would be thrilled to share it. Once you hear you will understand why he was happy to see me later in the night. i definitely uplifted his ego...which he doesn't seem to have a big one to begin with...ego, I mean:lol:

I love that man.

Umm...okay..I'm all ears..:vulcan:
Have you read the new issue of TV GUide yet? TBTB better ask George back. If they don't, I won't be watching anymore.

Have you all seen this? I believe this is what Ctess is referring to.

From TV Guide new issue (May 17-23) CSI:WHO WILL BE BACK by William Keck

George Eads: " And I also have to decide if I want to come back, it's been 10 years -over 230 episodes of playing the same character -and I've still yet to do a feature film and see what other opportunities might be out there. In negotiations, you have to be willing to walk away, and that's something I'm willing to do if I don't feel the contract is pleasing to me and fair."
"His notion of fair means getting paid comparably to Helgenberger, who earns a reported $390,000 an episode and Laurence Fishburne, who came on as Petersen's replacement in 2009 for a reported $350,000 per episode. "There can't really be a hierarchy when it comes to salaries any more", maintains Eads. "I feel I deserve to sit at the table with the adults, and we'll see what happens."
Have you read the new issue of TV GUide yet? TBTB better ask George back. If they don't, I won't be watching anymore.

Have you all seen this? I believe this is what Ctess is referring to.

From TV Guide new issue (May 17-23) CSI:WHO WILL BE BACK by William Keck

George Eads: " And I also have to decide if I want to come back, it's been 10 years -over 230 episodes of playing the same character -and I've still yet to do a feature film and see what other opportunities might be out there. In negotiations, you have to be willing to walk away, and that's something I'm willing to do if I don't feel the contract is pleasing to me and fair."
"His notion of fair means getting paid comparably to Helgenberger, who earns a reported $390,000 an episode and Laurence Fishburne, who came on as Petersen's replacement in 2009 for a reported $350,000 per episode. "There can't really be a hierarchy when it comes to salaries any more", maintains Eads. "I feel I deserve to sit at the table with the adults, and we'll see what happens."

Yeah, we've seen that. I don't think he'll walk away. However, George is consider a lead on the show now and he should be paid the same or close to it.

He says he'll be in it to the end and I think he will and he's right he deserves it. He's been the biggest supporter of the show and his characters has taken taken leaps and bounds. David Rambo said it himself.

Though when I read anything, I take some of it with a grain of salt, because what is printed and what was actually said could be two different things. Many celebs have been misquoted or something they said left out, either intentionally or because of space constraints".

And this is, I hope, a publicity stunt anyways. Obviously, they have made George happy otherwise he wouldn't have signed on this long. Besides the paid Petersen $600,000 per episode and paying Fishburne about half of that doesn't seem fair, now does it?
Thanks so much for sharing, hellojulie!! I'm grinning from ear to ear right now! I could always tell that he's a down to earth guy. I've heard that from people who've interviewed him over the years and now to hear that he's the same way with his fans just warms me up from my head all the way to my little toes.

I loved your take on his mom, "...she gave the world George Eads." I couldn't agree more. :)
Whoa, uh oh, it sounds like George is ready to leave. I hadn't read that. Made me a little scared, I gotta say. Does anyone know how much he makes and episode now?

This is for everyone who wanted to know what happened the night I met George Eads.

Ok, I was out of my mind knowing he would be at this Greek Scholarship fund raiser. It was like a big Greek wedding. Round tables and a dance floor in the middle. When he was introduced I thought I would fall off my chair. When he was finished speaking, I watched where he went to sit back down, as only a good stalker would. Now, armed w/ the knowledge of knowing his seat, I knew I was only several tables away & I took solace knowing I was in the same room w/ my man.

And then, I just couldn't accept only being in the same room w/ him. Suddenly, I get up & my best friend says "WHERE are you going?" I said something like, "Shut up, I can't take it. I gotta go be alone" or something like that. Then, as if I was drawn like a magnet, I walked calmly to the front, weave in & around other tables & I WENT TO HIS TABLE...DIRECTLY TO HIM SITTING AT HIS TABLE!!!! (WHO do I think I am????) There was no security. I just walked right up to him like he was my date. I touched his shoulder, his suit was SO soft. I couldn't believe my hand was actually moving and tapping him. He looked up & I apologized for disturbing him BUT.... I explained how much I admire his work blah blah blah & I will probably get thrown out of this place for coming over here but I just had to let him know. He TOOK MY HAND with both of his & said, "Thank you...Thank YOU!" in his thick, thick southern accent. "Naw, I'm happy you did, wow, thank you so much...that's really nice to hear."
His smile = priceless.

I have no knowledge of what else I said but somehow the fact that I'm a former school teacher was discussed & his face lit up & he said, "I taught for a couple years too! Wow, that's awesome." He said it in thee thickest southern drawl you ever heard. Loved it. He thanked me several times & then some Ivana Trump wanna be, washed up, rich witch next to him (she was some big wig's wife) said, "Uh excuse me...we're trying to listen to the awards!" I said "I'm sorry" and George said, "Naw, naw it's alll riiite, hey, maybe we can take a picture together later?" I said ok and then said "my apologies" to the washed up woman next to him & calmly walked away. Got back to my table, whispered to my best friend to GET UP & she, my other friend, and I went outside & flipped out secretly.

LATER, my girlfriend saw him at the front of the dance floor, found me & the 3 of us high tailed it through the crowd & there he was again. Lauren had gotten to him first and said, "Would you take a picture with my friend? And he said Sure! When he looked over to see who it would be he saw it was ME...the same person who talked to him at his table. His smile...priceless. My best friend happen to snap the pic of shot!
We spoke more. I asked him how his back was, he told me it still hurts him & he told me about his surgery (as if I didn't know - I pretended i didn't! LOL). My friend takes a pic & we put our arms around each others waists, I leaned in & felt him lean over too, making my head nuzzle into his neck where suddenly all was right with the world!!! Sigh.

Saw him again outside the ballroom. Only a couple of people were there. He was with his fiance - Who is mediocre at best (*VERY surprised at George, he could do better; she was like a boring dishrag. Pretty but boring.) This time I left him alone and watched quietly. :eek:) Later we saw George Eads' mom & stepfather sitting at the table next to the dance floor. Of course I knew who she was, he looks just like her...and trust me, I know who she is. She watched us & smiled wide at how much fun we were having dancing. I smiled back at how she gave the world George Eads.

Only disappointments were his hair - I hate when he wears it like that.
He left earlier than I think he should have (he stayed until after dinner) altho everyone said they all do that.
And lastly, I forgot all the things I wanted to say. Pissed at myself for that.

About his looks: He had a sunburn. He has a lot of wrinkles (sorry but it;s true..still lickable). He is much, much, smaller in real life. He is very thin which is surprising since he can look heavy on CSI. He's not. He has a boyish personality. Very down to earth and adorable. Nothing cocky or snobbish about him. He is so so so sweet and absolutely awesome.

Colour me JEALOUS!!:lol:

Actually, his girlfriend has done stand up comedy and comedians tend to be very shy when they're not on stage....
You are sooooo lucky! I never would have made it to his table. :lol:

I remember reading a whole bunch of old interviews (back when the Texan Charm site still existed :() where the interviewer would end by saying that he was one actor that wasn't 'Hollywood'. That he was still Texan. :lol: From the sounds of it - he's still 100% Texan. (and I love listening to his interviews because that's when you really get the accent :lol:) :adore:

I'm just sorry his back still hurts. :( He does seem a lot happier than he was in the second half of last season so hopefully that means the pain isn't anywhere near as bad. :)

Holy crap! :eek: That's I love it! :D There's no way I could have done it, at least I don't think so, know, when you know you're in a once in a lifetime situation, sometimes you just have to go for it! So maybe I would. :)

That's not my favorite hairstyle either, but maybe it's just for the summer. :) And the lines on his face? Around here, we call those "crinkles" and we love them. :adore:

Congratulations again! Bet you're still on cloud 9! :)

Just one thing tho...please be careful here with negative remarks about real people (the actors, their significant others, etc.). Thanks! :)

"CSI Files: Of all the CSIs on the show, which one do you think has changed the most in the seven years you’ve been with CSI?

Rambo: Great question. They’ve all developed and grown. I’d have to say, though, that Nick is the one who’s come the greatest distance. He’s confronted fears, ghosts, and torture and come through it stronger and more compassionate. He’s a leader who knows how to listen, and a follower who knows how to speak up."

Awesome! I want that as my signature! And so true! I'm glad some of TPTB recognize this like we do!
i love the guy need to defend him for every minutely small, innocent comment or opinions. Your not the only one who loves him, ya know?
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Ooo ur right. It slipped out. Those of you who have my original post in their response, PLEASE delete it. I have edited mine to not be rude. except to that witch sitting next to George who slammed my conversation down flat.

Hey..his girlfriend stood by him during a horrendous time in his life. She deserves kudos for that.:thumbsup::bolian:
I can't not say I don't hate his hair that way, even though it's negative, but I really do and I wish he didn't have that way...sorry.

You can say you hate his hair, but it will probably make him grow it longer! :lol: Word is that's why he did it show he was more than a pretty face with nice hair. :)

And anyway, I hate the Season 6 porn-stache! ;)
That's great, Julie! I still have to hate you by default :lol:, but it's great you got to meet him. I'm glad you shared your story with us. I always figured he was a Texan Gentleman, of course, his mom was there so he had better have been on his best behavior. :lol:

As for his girlfriend, she probably gets tired of girls coming up to him. :lol: I could understand that, but she has to remember, she gets to go home with him...we don't. :(

Oh, I really don't hate you. :) That's the green-eyed monster talking. :lol:
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