George/Nick:Texan Charm #10

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Princess the video takes a couple of seconds to load.

Thanks Smokey for posting that :) more insight into George's background.
Loved the video, and you're right Princess, good insight.

I have to agree with you Smokey, the commentary at the end is sad. No matter how bad life is, and trust me I've seen a fair share of bad, ya still haveta smell the roses. If the past years have taught me nothing's life is short, what was important yesterday doesn't matter today. Smell the roses, cherish the day at hand, and pray for more tomorrow's

That's the moment of Zen for the day.:guffaw:

That's all I got....

Thanks for the link. It finally worked. I remember watching that on youtube before. But I still can't make out if there's some kind of logo on George's hat. I hate those black on black hats.
Gerald McCullough (Bobby Dawson) has some Nick related clips on his website:

Click on "weblog & podcast", click on "click her to enter my weblog", at the bottom of that page, click on "go to archive". There are 4 "construction of a scene: Bobby & Nick" clips, but they are in Quicktime which I cannot view.

Can anyone save them in another format?
Awesome! Thanks for the info, Ctess! Too bad the scenes were from Season 6 tho. ;) It always amazes me how much is going on around them when they're filming a scene, and you can never tell it by watching the show.

Besides the 4 Nick and Bobby scenes he has another one up of Nick and Greg from that episode.

I like Gerald. He's got a pretty cool site there. :)
I can download them to my real player I believe, but shouldn't someone ask his permission first? If he was to say yes, I would do it and then post them here for ya.
I can download them to my real player I believe, but shouldn't someone ask his permission first? If he was to say yes, I would do it and then post them here for ya.

Considering that the videos flash "do not redistribute" every few seconds, I would say not. :lol:

Ctess, can you not download Quicktime? :confused:
Well, we've got a mention. (go down to sightings) Don't worry it's not spoilerish. It only mentions he was filming in Vegas on monday. I know it's not as good as a story but it's better than nothing. :lol:

I just said in the spoiler thread that I am glad to see that George is back to work. Hopefully he's no longer in any pain and doesn't need his little apple box anymore.
Well, we've got a mention. (go down to sightings) Don't worry it's not spoilerish. It only mentions he was filming in Vegas on monday. I know it's not as good as a story but it's better than nothing. :lol:


See??! I KNEW I could see him in Vegas and get his autograph tattooed on me somewhere!! :lol:
Thanks blackflag :) it's just good to hear that he's back and as you've all said hopefully the back is pain free :)
Well, we've got a mention. (go down to sightings) Don't worry it's not spoilerish. It only mentions he was filming in Vegas on monday. I know it's not as good as a story but it's better than nothing. :lol:


See??! I KNEW I could see him in Vegas and get his autograph tattooed on me somewhere!! :lol:

Dreams Smokey, sweet sweet dreams :guffaw:You know, I have one too but don't tell you where :p;)

I'm glad George is back. I hope that we'll see him back on full speed in season 10, I missed the running scenes :lol:
I just saw that little news item and was going to post it here and then I thought, I bet Blackflag already did. :p Sure enough she did. :wtf:

You know that's kind of getting annoying. :guffaw:

Thanks for posting it, anyways :rolleyes:, Blackflag! :lol:

Gee, I hope this means it's not a 'blink and you'll miss him moment'. :rolleyes:

It will be great to see him and see if we can tell that his back isn't bothering him anymore or nowhere as much. Now if someone could have just taken a dang picture of him and posted it, that would've been nice. :D
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