George/Nick:Texan Charm #10

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Favorite Nick episodes??? So many...

Grave Danger
Gum Drops
Turn, Turn, Turn
Nesting Dolls
Eleven Angry Jurors
Organ Grinder
I-15 Murders
For Gedda
For Warrick
The Grave Shift
Mea Culpa
Lying Down With Dogs
Who Are You?
Daddy's Little Girl
Leaving Las Vegas

Hope that aren't too much :eek: Just couldn't leave them out... and could post so many more...
No limit? This is hard!

Ending Happy
Turn Turn Turn
Nesting Dolls
Drops Out
For Warrick
Eleven Angry Jurors
Let the seller beware

Well that's a good start anyway
Look I think in categories of 12 even when not told to do so :D
The easier question is which episodes weren't my faves.

Grave Danger
Lying Down With Dogs
Poppin Tags
Turn Turn Turn
For Warrick
For Gedda
Who Are You?
Random Acts of Violence
Fur and Loathing
Toe Tags
Fallen Idols
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda (Mailbox baseball!)
Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

Grave Danger
Gum Drops
Turn, Turn, Turn
Eleven Angry Jurors
I-15 Murders
The Grave Shift
Lying Down With Dogs
Who Are You?
Daddy's Little Girl
Leaving Las Vegas

Last Laugh
Drops OUt
Poppin Tags
Look I think in categories of 12 even when not told to do so :D


Gum Drops tops my list, but then you all knew that. I would really have to sit down and watch them to rank the rest (wow, that would be a chore!), although Grave Danger, Turn, Turn, Turn, and Snakes are definitely stand-out episodes.
Okay, this thought occurred to me while I was looking at pics of George with his buzz and was thinking if George had let his hair grow out over the summer.

You know I'm reaching for stuff to talk about when his hair is a topic of conversation.
Okay, this thought occurred to me while I was looking at pics of George with his buzz and was thinking if George had let his hair grow out over the summer.

I was thinking the same thing earlier today :) even if George is letting the buzz grow out we'll get that lovely length between. I also wonder with the stress of the back injury and the surgery if we may see more grey in George's hair.

I'm also wondering if he may be at the Television Critics Tour this summer. One can only hope :)
I was thinking the same thing earlier today :) even if George is letting the buzz grow out we'll get that lovely length between. I also wonder with the stress of the back injury and the surgery if we may see more grey in George's hair.

I'm also wondering if he may be at the Television Critics Tour this summer. One can only hope :)

Quite honestly I can't decide if I want the buzz growing out or not! :p I love season 5 buzz or like it was in If I had a Hammer, but at the same time I loved his hair the way it was for the majority of last season. :shifty: If his dad's any indication I wouldn't mind a little bit of grey, though.

I'm dying for new pics so much so that I'm hoping CSI (and George of course) are doing the Television Critics Tour this summer. :D I don't think CSI took part in it at all last summer. :(

Hi All!

in all the hot guy threads I go to there talking about hair!!

I personaly liked the long hair, but we wont go there ;)

and my fave episode is of course 'Gum Drops', loved it, need more episodes like it, and I was upset about the finale, becouse Nick/George only got that one scene, I'm guessing becouse of his back.

so hopefully there is more of him next season :)

I'm also wondering if he may be at the Television Critics Tour this summer. One can only hope :)

We got a wait! :( They aren't starting til July 28th and CBS isn't til August 3rd & 4th. That's late this year usually they're closer to mid July. I don't know if I can wait that long for possible new pics. :eek:

TCA dates

Hi girls,

I would like to post a translation that I just did of a chat conversation that George had in France a few years ago with some of his fans. I am not as fluent in French so I do not guarantee that I got everything 100% right, but I loved the chat and thought you might too!


Good afternoon. George Eads is with us and you can post your questions.

caroline840: CSI takes place in Las Vegas. What is the most beautiful city in the world for you?
GE : Paris is the one city that impressed me the most. I rarely travel, but this is certainly one city that I love very much. I haven’t even been to New York, ever. In Paris, everything is magnificent. The architecture, the art – these are the things I am very susceptible to. In Texas you just have big Superstores.

hirondelle: Good afternoon, do you have other projects besides CSI ? You are very cute, so maybe a romantic comedy? Thank you!
GE: I think that romantic comedies are mostly artificial/phoney. It is always the same scenario. The last romantic comedy that I really appreciated was “When Harry met Sally”.
In any case, I do not have the time to chose other projects right now.

quentin: What do you think about the two spin-offs ?
GE: What ?

quentin: What was it like to film with Quentin Tarantino ?
GE: It is very important to me that the people in France are such fans of the show. In the US, the show is a big success and there are plenty of other shows. It is not often that we get invited to big events across the pond. Filming with Quentin is like being coached by the Master. He is a big fan of the show and he allowed us to push our limits.

Vane4: How did you come to look so beautiful?
GE: Thanks to Mom. She is an amazing woman!

Jessie: During filming,did you grow as close to your crew members as your character did on the show?
GE: We all have our limits, but we all respect each other’s personality and character and there is certainly no distrust since we know each other so well. If I ask one of them a favour, I know how to thank them. For example, I let Greg stay with me for two months, because he had nowhere to live. I have spent a lot of time talking to the other actors about our problems that we may have. Besides, we all have to live with being famous now, which is a special situation and we share that together. [This was very hard to translate, I may have made a few mistakes here.]

corinne: I would love to know if it is difficult to make a show like CSI, which is dealing with things that really happen in life and to show how crimes are being committed. Thank you and I applaud your talent!
GE: When you see me hunched over a dead body you don’t see the whole crew in front and beside of me. I do not smell the odours of death, do not feel the sorrow… It is easy to be tough on television. And I think keeping it real deserves credit. If the fans show their gratitude/appreciation to the show, they also show their respect to the police and the people who are really doing that kind of work.

ludivined: In CSI, will Nick finally fall in love Sarah Sidle?
GE: If people want to see romance, they have to watch another show. If Nick should fall in love on the show, it should only be with a woman whom he truly loves. Nick should be in love with her inner beauty instead of her appearance. I also speak for myself personally here too, of course.
I would love to have a say when it comes to choosing my future love. In season 6, there will only be a love interest for Warrick. But I do understand your craving for a little romance for Nick.

Vegas: Good afternoon George, what do you love doing most during your time off? Stay cool and beautiful!
GE: That’s the motto! I have a very close relationship with Maverick, my Golden Retriever. I love walking with him; I appreciate the quiet and silent moments with him.

g.eads-fan: You are a very good actor. Do you plan to be in another show or movie some time?
GE: After CSI, I would love to make movies. On TV, the pace is very fast.

TonyDanza: Hi George, who are your favourite actors? Who do you consider role models?
GE: Matt Damon, because he is so immersed in his work. I also admire George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and De Nire. I do not have a favourite actor, but there are certain roles that I love. I really love the “Jason Borne” movies. The importance is to really immerse into the role. My definition of a great actor is an actor who is exactly the same on film as he is in real life.

Lafie: Do you still have the reputation of being a ladies-man?
GE: This image does not concern me all too much.

Sus: You earned your first big role for Savannah in 1996. Did you have to work hard for that?
GE: After I left Texas I sold copy machines and to get an audition I had to work really hard. I worked at a gym too for some time. Finally, Aaron Spelling offered me the part of Travis.

Sus: And when do you think you became famous?
GE: I have also had a part in Emergency Room. One day I went to a Burger Place and a girl approached me and said: I recognise you, you are the guy who kissed Juliana Margulies on ER.

Thank you so much George.
GE: Thank you! See you soon !

Comment on the chat by someone: This is a very humble interview with George. It just really bothered me how one fan asked him to explain, how he looks so beautiful. How stupid!
stefkay, thanks for translating that interview. Job well done :) and yes some people do ask stupid questions.
Thanks for posting that interview stefkay

Comment on the chat by someone: This is a very humble interview with George. It just really bothered me how one fan asked him to explain, how he looks so beautiful. How stupid!
I'm sure George is used to it by now and recognizes his looks have played a signficant role in his career.
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Thanks for posting that interview, Stefkay!

I have to give George credit for speaking his mind and being honest, like how he felt about romantic comedies.

I love his answer when the one person asked him how he felt about the spin-offs! "What?" :lol:
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