George/Nick:Texan Charm #10

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blackflag thanks for pointing out the article. I somehow think that if one of the other actors hadn't said anything we wouldn't have found out. That is just the type of person George is.

George take care of yourself and all the best in your recovery :) and I hope it'll be a speedy and successful recovery.
Thank you for the news blackflag :)

So George finally had surgery... well I hope he's feeling better soon.

As I read the article I couldn't help myself but to wonder, why I didn't knew it earlier that George was playing the hero again :p Of course he acted like nothing happened... yeah Jacquie, that's our George :lol:

Good that he finally gets a break and if we're lucky he would be back on time for the beginning of the next season.

I really don't want to know how long he was keeoing his pain a secret... it must have been pretty bad at the end, if he ratted himself out... poor guy :(

Guess we all wish George a good recovery :D And please George do us a favor and take care of yourself, no playing THE GUY this time ;)
I'm glad to hear that George finally had his surgery. Hopefully now he won't be in agony.

If he needs any nurses for any reason...I'm sure any one of us would gladly volunteer.
Thanks for that blackflag!

So George has had surgery to his back? I hope he will have a untroubled recovery and that he will be back in fine form for SE 10!:thumbsup:

He sure is passionate about his job and giving us fans what we tune in every week to see by continuing working through all that pain, what a super trouper!:bolian:
Very much wishing George a speedy and full recovery. Thanks for sharing the news Susan! I really must look at those news items more often!
I think when we first heard of George's back problems were March 5 with this news item on the board and this was for Turn, Turn, Turn. And when you think back to the behind the scene pics we saw that was when we saw the apple crate. So figuring that was filmed the middle to end of January, that may have been the first time the crew knew about George's back problems. So If he kept his back problems quiet from the beginning of December until then that really is saying something about the kind of guy he is. Private and a real trooper.
When I read the interview with Hall all I could think was, "Gees..George..why do you have to be such a hero all the time."

Hope he's doing better..
I read RDH's interview before I came in here.

I'm glad that the surgery went fine and he's out of the hospital already. I hope he's feeling better soon and don't miss any of your therapy appointments, George!

Wow, to be in all that pain and not say anything, truly shows what type of man he is and his character. He definitely has a passion for what he does and, obviously, didn't want to let anyone down.

I figured he would wait until filming had wrapped to have the surgery, since he would have a couple months of surgery ahead of him. I hope it was a success and he won't be in pain anymore.

All of us wish you well, George! Take care of yourself and know that you are all in our thoughts!
Thanks for the alert, Blackflag! I had actually yesterday just emailed one of those celebrity Q&A people asking about this. Since it's already happened, maybe they'll be free to answer the question. Of course, I guess this answers it anyway.

Gosh, I hope the surgery works! My dad had back surgery several years ago and it seemed to have made things worse. Now he's afraid to have anything else done to it, so he's just in pain all the time. :(
Thanks for the alert, Blackflag! I had actually yesterday just emailed one of those celebrity Q&A people asking about this. Since it's already happened, maybe they'll be free to answer the question. Of course, I guess this answers it anyway.

Gosh, I hope the surgery works! My dad had back surgery several years ago and it seemed to have made things worse. Now he's afraid to have anything else done to it, so he's just in pain all the time. :(

Well I guess we need to keep our fingers crossed for him being his old active self again.

I hope George won't have problems with his back anymore...

I'm sorry to hear about your poor dad Smokey, he must be really suffering :(
Thank you Susan for letting us know about the interview and the news that George has had the surgery he needed to have done. I hope the worst part is over and the healing will be quick and much less painful than what he has been suffering through. When your back hurts, everything hurts.
Maybe he will have some free time and will come visit the ward.
That was a great interview. I'm glad George had the surgery - hope it went well and he is now pain free. Gotta have some running Nick next season.
When he cut his hair,I knew. Men do that before they have surgery...they don't want to deal with worrying about their appearance unlike women (most) who are just like "Deal with it!"

When I saw his hand tremors in If I had a Hammer,I knew he was sick,steroids will change the appearance of the face and can cause blood sugar first thought when I saw his hands,pale appearance and the dark circles under his eyes was that his back problems were not getting better..

George my prayers have been with you and will continue to be with you for a speedy and full recovery...God Bless!
George my prayers have been with you and will continue to be with you for a speedy and full recovery...God Bless!

Hey! What's Speedy got to do with his recovery, move over chickie..we're all gonna look after George..;):guffaw:

Gosh, that guy would have us waiting on him, hand and foot and elsewhere..;):lol:
George my prayers have been with you and will continue to be with you for a speedy and full recovery...God Bless!
Hey! What's Speedy got to do with his recovery, move over chickie..we're all gonna look after George..;):guffaw:

Gosh, that guy would have us waiting on him, hand and foot and elsewhere..;):lol:

Well,we do all know Speedy and her propensity for an ailing Nick! ;)

And yes we would be caring for all his needs...Medical needs Destiny,yes that is what I meant! I swear! I am a nurse sworn to uphold the oath of caring for those who are ailing! Fluff the pillow,empty the spit bucket and clean the snot off his nose.....:devil:...all the dirty deeds!
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