George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Good afternoon ladies!

I don't know my Celsius, is 16 warm Jacquie?
Sorry you're so cold NickyFan, and I hope you get your streets get cleaned up soon Blackflag, that's a bummer!

We're up to 60-F here today, no jackets yet, just long sleeves (hee, hee).
I'm going on a last ride this afternoon with my friend, before she heads back to Washington tomorrow. I'm sad to see her go, it's been a lot of fun having her and her horse here!

Sorry in advance if I dupe, my mind is boggled after waiting at the doctors office for almost 2 hours this morning, but the good news is the hubby does not have bronchitis! Yay!

Second set of long sleeves:

Good afternoon ladies!

I don't know my Celsius, is 16 warm Jacquie?
Sorry you're so cold NickyFan, and I hope you get your streets get cleaned up soon Blackflag, that's a bummer!

We're up to 60-F here today, no jackets yet, just long sleeves (hee, hee).
I'm going on a last ride this afternoon with my friend, before she heads back to Washington tomorrow. I'm sad to see her go, it's been a lot of fun having her and her horse here!

Sorry in advance if I dupe, my mind is boggled after waiting at the doctors office for almost 2 hours this morning, but the good news is the hubby does not have bronchitis! Yay! pics/12x5-46.jpg

Well... we only use Celsius here but I looked Fahrenheit up:

16 C is like 60,8 F and -3 C is like 26,6 F :) I think it's fun to hear how the weather is a few states away from here :D

A few Nick caps I made yesterday :)
I don't know my Celsius, is 16 warm Jacquie?

as NickyFan, said it's about 60F. Now that may not sound warm for some but normal temps this time of year are about 5C or 6C. Here is a conversion chart that shows some of the temps. You may need to scroll down a bit to see the actual chart :)
Good evening everyone! We had warm weather here last night and today too with lots of wind. Even had a storm tonight and tornado warnings. I guess it's summer's way of saying goodbye for now. :)

Thanks for all of the yummy Nick goodness! Let's get to the runners up:

Ladybronco- I was expecting this one! :lol: He looks soooo snuggly! :adore:
Jacquie - One of my favorite Nickisodes and shirts! :)
Blackflag - Mmmmm yeah! :D
Raynn - Love this shirt/look too! :drool:

And the lucky winner tonight is NickyFan! You got this beauty in just before Blackflag did. :) And as if that weren't the winner anyway, this bonus non-theme pic didn't hurt any. :adore: Congratulations! And since it's cold there you'd better snuggle up with him. :)
Thanks for sending Nick my way, Mom! :)

Sorry for letting you all wait this long but I had a long day at work and didn't get to go home as early as I liked :(

So I'll make this short and sweet :D Since I need some Nick goodness right now I choose one of my favorites... profile porn :lol: The closer the better :D

Up to 12 in 24 hours, like always! Happy hunting, ladies :)

I'm sure Nick and I will have a nice evening on the couch :devil:
Good morning ladies!

Jacquie, thanks for the link about conversions! I knew they'd be out there somewhere, if I just took the time to google :lol:

Congrats NickyFan! I know Nick will keep you warm and snuggly! :devil:

First set of Profiles

Gosh! I just realized how much I love profile pics of our favorite Texan! :adore: Every pic could be the winning pic for me :eek: Will be a hard task to choose just one :(
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