George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Hello, ladies :)

It's time to send Nick on his way again :(

We had a great relaxing day today because it's a holiday and I didn't have to work :D

Thanks for all the lovely profile pics you posted :adore: I love his profile!

The runners up:

Smokey good gawd :drool:
blackflag such a cutie :)
Raynn *sigh* look at those lashes! :drool:
Ladybronco I love when he looks like that :adore:

And that means that Nick is going to visit Jacquie today! Because she posted one of the cutest profile pics ever :adore::luvlove: and because she posted this very hot one :drool:

Enjoy your Nick time, Jacquie! :D

Thanks for all the lovely profiles, ladies :)
And that means that Nick is going to visit Jacquie today! Because she posted one of the cutest profile pics ever :adore::luvlove: and because she posted this very hot one :drool:

Enjoy your Nick time, Jacquie! :D

Thanks NickyFan :) Nick arrived a while ago but I needed to finish putting stock away. I think we've all won with the Lost and Found Pic :adore: and the Bittersweet one has won a few times already :)

So new theme :) Since it's Wednesday and we get New Nick tonight :) lets do an I Spy with 'New CSI Nick' plus 2 bonus pics :) 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy hunting while I go and see to Nick
Congrats Jacquie!

Thinking huh? If I don't get a set in now, I may not have a chance at a second one :lol:

I'm going to post totally blind, and not very original probably :lol:
I don't have time to check them all for now, so enjoy the lovely scenery if I dupe :adore:

N - Newbie
E - Evidence
W - Warrick

C - Charlie
S - Sara
I - Irritated
Warrick (darn you ladybronco, posting while I'm being slow, and making me change this one! :p)

I was actually scrolling the page with a different pic in mind when I saw this one, and changed my mind :lol:

Posting late, as I still can't sleep yet after the shocker tonight!
Saw a bunch of capworthy pics tonight too! :adore:
And his hair is growing out a teensy bit on the sides :drool:

Second set:

N - Nick
I - Indigestion
C - Confuzzled
K - Kicking the door in

Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Good afternoon everyone :)

I'll have you know I've gone to great expense to post these pics. We have no internet at home at the moment so I came in to the store, on my day off :) to post these. So if I disappear later you know what's happened.

It's a little on the chilly side here today so Nick is hoping that wherever he's heading it will be sunny and Warm :)

NickyFan going with an oldie but a classic here :)
blackflag :guffaw: I jsut love the look on Nick's face here :guffaw:
Smokey another oldie. I did like this episode with Nick and Warrick :)
Raynn even if you got beat by your original Warrick pic this is good too :)

but Nick is head off to hopefully Sunny and Warm California to visit ladybronco :) Lunch anyone and one from last week's show. I did like the scene at night with Nick and Brass :) So congrats on winning ladybronco :) Nick should be there shortly. Enjoy your Nick time :devil: I know I did ;)
Afternoon ladies!

Thanks Jacquie! I'll enjoy my Nick time, seems he can use a little consoling right at this moment.

Nick was waiting when I finished my messaging and let him in, had to send D.B. home though :guffaw:

I was unprepared for a theme, so since I'm still a little sad too, and Nick/George has had a rough time lately, let have 12 of your best Sad Nicky/OC pics. You guys pick the ones that will most make me want to make him feel better :devil:

Winner in the next 24 hours! Happy, or should I say sad, hunting :lol:

ETA: Now that I have some room for a couple extra pics, here are two more from last night.
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