George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #43

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Nick has come to help us finish getting ready for Irene tomorrow. :) I think I'm at the point that I want her to go farther inland as I'm on the east side of the predicted tracks already.

So that means Nick has got his swim fins ready and is heading to the Hurricane Zone to visit blackflag :) I loved the expression on Nick in this one :lol: but the look and Open Nick on this one :drool: :devil: Hello there handsome :devil: So congrats on winning blackflag :) Enjoy your Nick time :devil:

I almost didn't put that Disarmed and Dangerous pic in there. I was originally going to put another Snakes one in. :lol:

New theme...

Let's see. What do I want? How about up to 12 of your best full body shots. :drool: After all he is one big fetish. ;) Winner may be in under 24 hours as I might try to get Nick out before conditions get too bad. If you don't hear from me in a reasonable amount of time someone else may have to pick the winner.

Think I'll get my second set in early, I'm hoping to spend some time capping and uploading some newer pics. We've recently had some themes that I've been lacking in and I've also saved a whole bunch from you ladies that deserve to be in my rotation :drool:

Second set of full body:

Seven (Do cut off feet count?) :lol:
Let's see. What do I want? How about up to 12 of your best full body shots. :drool: After all he is one big fetish. ;) Winner may be in under 24 hours as I might try to get Nick out before conditions get too bad. If you don't hear from me in a reasonable amount of time someone else may have to pick the winner.


I'm sure one of us can help out :)

Good luck with everything. Hopefully Mother Nature will send the storm somewhere else.

my first set of full body shots

Even tho Irene is still down in the North Carolina/Virginia area it's time to send Nick on his way. :(

You girls were all really trying for Nick weren't you! :thumbsup:

Your runners up:
Jacquie - one of the best scene's in all of season 10. ;)
Ladybronco - somehow I had a feeling you were going to post this one. :lol:
Raynn - :devil: :devil: :devil:
Smokey - The reason for the theme. :p The minute I saw it I loved it.
Raynn - :devil: :devil: :devil:


Ladybronco - Season 7 is one of only two seasons I don't own! This pic has everything! :drool: :drool: :drool: Hopefully Nick can get on a cross country flight out of here and be there in short order. :)

Ladybronco - somehow I had a feeling you were going to post this one. :lol:


Ladybronco - Season 7 is one of only two seasons I don't own! This pic has everything! :drool: :drool: :drool: Hopefully Nick can get on a cross country flight out of here and be there in short order. :)


Thanks so much Blackflag, I can really use Nick to cheer me up!! :adore:
Our 60% chance of thunderstorms never showed up, at least at my house anyway, and I've been so hot it's hard not to be crabby :lol:

Yep, I do love that pic! The only thing better would be to have no shades on so I could see the lovely chocolate :devil:
I found the Fannysmackin' photo on a Google hunt recently, can't believe it never showed up before, and it's now a current fave of mine too :drool: Thanks to Spike currently airing Season 5, I'm becoming even more in love with the buzz if that's possible, and am sort of hoping he shaves it again this season, and then lets it grow out as the season progresses.

I was trying to decide between a thinking theme or one I passed over last time, so here goes. Since it's near the end of August, and it's a special month for me, I'll give you ladies a choice. I-Spy with the letters in AUGUST if you're feeling up to it, and it's not too hot to think OR, you can do the Plaid theme inspired by our discussion of the plaid shirt in that recent pic of George with the young girl.

Happy Hunting ladies, while I try to get cool in the house with Nick! :devil:
Congrats, ladybronco! :) Hope you are enjoying your Nick time. We have a beautiful day here today.

Those thinking themes make my head hurt. :lol: So I think I'll go with plaid, even tho it's not my favorite thing. :p

Woohoo - I get to play!

We got rain in sheets! :eek: It was like someone just dumped the bucket out over us. And the wind was blowing the trees almost sideways. We have a bunch of branches down in our front yard but nothing in the back. All the telephone, electrical, and cable lines go through in the back so we kept it all. There are some power outages and some flooded roads in the city but not around here.

I hope Princess is good. Connecticut may have gotten hit worse than Massachusetts.

Since I'm not in the mood for I'Spy - I just want to see Nick - I'll go with the plaid. :D


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