George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Sorry I couldn't play this round. :( I had to get the Signature Banner challenge up AND go to eat with my dad AND...well...write. ;)

Just thought I'd pop in here with a tiny bit of a promo pic...don't look if you don't want...but it's not a big spoiler. It's just that...well....looks like the belt buckle isn't the only new accessory this fall. :D
I didn't notice that. Good eyes. :) I like the old one better. :( New belt buckle is good though. :thumbsup:

Well, it's such a surprise for me to look at his hands, isn't it? :lol: Looking forward to many new hand and buckle (area) shots this fall! :D
Firstly, Smokey, I hadn't noticed the new ring on first glance.....his hair in that pic was distracting me.

Only four players this round, so on to it

NickyFan Such a cute scene

So that means that Raynn is the lucky lady with a great Nick and Warrick moment.

Thanks ladies and congrats Raynn.
Thanks Princess! Nick was rather surprised to arrive and find me NOT watching CSI for once.. but he'll recover, I hope. :D

For the next theme, I'm craving chocolate.
Up to 12 in 24. Happy hunting!
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Just thought I'd pop in here with a tiny bit of a promo pic...don't look if you don't want...but it's not a big spoiler. It's just that...well....looks like the belt buckle isn't the only new accessory this fall. :D

Hand it to Smokey to find new accessories :) I like the last few seasons ring as well as this new ring. This new ring could be more of commitment ring and as a way of showing this while filming switch the ring to his right hand. Also in some cultures they wear the wedding rings on their right hands. Anyway I'm probably reading way too much into this at 7am and I haven't even had my Tea yet :D :lol:

Congrats on winning Raynn :) and chocolate coming up

Just thought I'd pop in here with a tiny bit of a promo pic...don't look if you don't want...but it's not a big spoiler. It's just that...well....looks like the belt buckle isn't the only new accessory this fall. :D

Leave it to Smokey to notice something to do with his hands. :lol: It figures that the bigger ones come out once I'm on a computer that doesn't converse well with photobucket. :( (And Jacquie, they should be over at margamania and you'll have to snag them yourself this time :thumbsup:)

I know, I shouldn't be suprised. :lol: I was more focused on his smile (spoiler pic, cropped un-spoilerish). Hoping for more of those too!

I'm with you. Once I got one to come up (stupid computer! :scream:) I'm in love with the smile. :adore:

Congrats Raynn.

First set of chocolate:

Wish me luck! I've got to go shopping with Victoria. Anyone ever hear of a 15yr old girl that doesn't like shopping? :eek: This is going to be the trip from hell for me and my mom. :(

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Who doesn't love chocolate in the morning?

And Jacquie, I thought the same thing you did about the new ring. Or maybe George just wanted to change things up, he switched from the leather cuff to the sweatband type in season 9.

First set:

Just thought I'd pop in here with a tiny bit of a promo pic...don't look if you don't want...but it's not a big spoiler. It's just that...well....looks like the belt buckle isn't the only new accessory this fall. :D

Leave it to Smokey to notice something to do with his hands. :lol: It figures that the bigger ones come out once I'm on a computer that doesn't converse well with photobucket. :( (And Jacquie, they should be over at margamania and you'll have to snag them yourself this time :thumbsup:)

Got them :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: is it September 23rd yet :D Arms, open Nick, hands, a nice butt shot :drool: Gosh what more could a Ward Girl ask for :devil: :adore:

Wish me luck! I've got to go shopping with Victoria. Anyone ever hear of a 15yr old girl that doesn't like shopping? :eek: This is going to be the trip from hell for me and my mom. :(

Good Luck :) but just think of all the money you'll safe but Victoria not wanting all the latest in fashions and accessories :D

And my second set of chocolate

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