George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Aww man I have to make it short and send Nick away now to help my aunt with the laundry :rolleyes:

We will see who is lucky to get Nick on a Saturday :)

The runners up:

Jacquie Nick and animals :luvlove:
blackflag you know, I would rather have Nick standing in my garden than this gnome :lol:
Princess lovely neck and back :)
Raynn you were so close to win! I love his profile :adore:

So far so good... and now I have to pick a winner... well... since my aunt is already calling I'll make it short... the winner is...uhm... it's so hard... it's blackflag because of this one :adore: I don't know what it is but I love it :luvlove: Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :)

Thank you all for playing, ladies :) Have a great Saturday, you all!
Getting around in this city today!!!
Just getting to the public library took 15 minutes longer because they have every street around City Hall blocked off for some festival.

Even tho we had trouble getting around I did come home from Best Buy with tonight's viewing pleasure - with commentary of course. :D

it's blackflag because of this one :adore: I don't know what it is but I love it :luvlove: Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :)
I could be for any number of things. The profile. The fact he's obviously deep in thought. The nice strong shoulders. :thumbsup:

Guess I should get on to the next theme...

I'll go nice and simple on y'all. Since I just bought it I want anything and everything Nick/George during season 9. :) And if you find it hard deciding what to post I'll leave a bowl by the door for your photobucket keys. ;) Up to 12 in 24 hours or so. :p

Sadly my time with Nick has come to an end. :( I have to send him off in the rain (which seems to have lightened up for the moment!)

Your runners up:
Raynn - his birthday message from Grissom. :)
Jacquie - You're right, I can't ignore this one entirely :lol:
Smokey - they are the most :drool: arms
Raynn - a most nibbleable neck! :devil:
Jacquie - I watched all the extra's after Turn, Turn, Turn in preperation for capping them :thumbsup:


Princess - can't wait for more Nick & Brass comedy. :lol: Besides, I love the way the sun is shining on his head (and I want to rub his head! :alienblush:) :p

And the rains picking up. He's going to be good and wet when he gets there!
Thanks blackflag. Nick arrived a short time ago miraculously with all this rain we're getting. So.....with that in mind.....

I'd like at least 12 mode of transportation in 24 hours or so please.

Have fun ladies.
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