George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Good day everyone :)

What can I say but a night with Nick was :devil: but alas his bags are packed and ready to head on to the next Ward Girls place.

I'm sorry I made this a difficult theme for some of you but the ones that did play had some very good 'interruptions' :)

Smokey best interpretation of the theme :devil: :lol:
blackflag damn those media people :D
blackflag and those cops :lol:
Raynn Nick sort of wakes up like this when he's trying to remember where he is :devil: :lol:
Raynn yup that was not nice of Greg to usurp Nick's victory

So it looks like Nick is head to NickyFan's for the next bit. Rain certainly can interrupt things but I had to have a good :guffaw:with the caption you put for this cap :guffaw:We do like our Nicky in plaid and that usually means open Nick as well :drool: anyway congrats on winning NickyFan :) Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Oh my!!! Nick is here!!! Thank you, Jacquie :D

I really can use the helping hand today and tomorrow! I just got the info that I have to move into a new students flat tomorrow :(

With Nick's help I don't have to carry my stuff all alone!

And after we moved my stuff... he can help me sweep and mop the floors
and then he can help me clean my new room and wash all the dishes

And after we're done with that (which will take ages) we'll have a drink and relax

Before I'm off to take all my posters and postcards of the walls I have to give you ladies a theme... and since Nick is helping me with moving all my stuff to the other place I'd like you to post pics of what Nick might be carrying into my new place :) Should be easy :p

Happy hunting, ladies :)

I'll go pack now :(

PS: Nick doesn't have to really carry anything in the pics. Important is that whatever he has to bring into my new flat is in the pic ;)
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Aww I'm exhausted and Nick is too but I have to send him on his way before we could get any rest :(

Now I'm setteled in my new flat with all my stuff and Juri but it's not quiete homey yet... lot's of cleaning still to do :rolleyes:

Anyway... you ladies want to know where Nick is headed to, so here we go...

The runners up:

Jacquie would it be strange if I said I have none? ;)
blackflag that was a hard one :lol: Nick had to carry my tv, made somewhere in the 80's :guffaw: The thing is so heavy and so big!
Raynn this one made me laugh :lol: I want one! :(
Jacquie :drool: is all I can do when I see this pic :adore:
blackflag actually I carried him myself... but he didn't seem to like it... now he is hiding under my new bed because he is scared and everything is new for him :(

and the winner is Mom because she is so thoughtful and let Nick carry my soccer ball :D Very, very thoughtful indeed :)

Nick should be at your place when you come home... make sure he gets something to eat and plenty of rest, he needs it :devil:
Oh boy! :D What a treat to come home to Nick waiting for me! Thank you, Stef! :)

So, next theme...let's see pics where you can see any of Nick's rings or wrist cuffs.

Now, lest you think this an excuse to get hand porn, let me assure you that you can use non-closeups for both items. :) Have fun! I know I will! :lol:
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