George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Uh oh, the Ward is going to be feeling the wrath
of mod Smokey with all these posts with 7 pic links in them.

I'd hide
, cover your computer equipment, and you might want to grab one of these
just in case. :p

How about a little chocolate in the meantime. :D
Sorry, I edited my post and now only have the correct six.....I counted them and everything and I counted I forgiven?
You know for your theme I would post 12 moustache pics... if I had any :guffaw:

I could supply you with some :D

Oh that's nice but I think will do without them :p:)

And besides that, they wouldn't win! :lol:

Uh oh, the Ward is going to be feeling the wrath
of mod Smokey with all these posts with 7 pic links in them.

I'd hide
, cover your computer equipment, and you might want to grab one of these
just in case. :p

How about a little chocolate in the meantime. :D

Nah...the hose is retired! And I haven't had a need to bring out the new equipment...yet. ;)

Sorry, I edited my post and now only have the correct six.....I counted them and everything and I counted I forgiven?

No worries! :)

Now, on to the main event! :D

Nick and I had a fine evening and an even better morning, but it's time to send him on his way. Where is he headed? Let's find out! :)

So here are your runners up! I really liked seeing the different variety this time from the usual pics. :)

Blackflag - :drool: I love that whole photo shoot!
Jacquie - Because I happen to LOVE the sideburns! :adore:
Princess - One of my favorite pics! Such pretty colors. :)
Raynn - Nice take on a popular scene! :devil:

And so the lucky winner tonight is Nickyfan! Because I laughed out loud at your comments that went along with Nick's face in these pics. He looks so upset that you can't post profiles and so perturbed that you can't post neck pics. :lol: A well earned win! Have fun with Nick!
Aww thank you, Mom for sending Nick my way :D

We sure will have a great day together :)

And you ladies need a theme... hmm... how about a thoughts theme? Let me know what Nick (and only Nick) is thinking :)

Up to 12 pics in 24 hours please :D

Happy hunting, ladies!
Smokey, I saw in the papers that the Colts lost to the Bills :eek: Not a good way to start the season :eek:

Yeah, but that was just pre-season. ;) We never do well then...just fooling around, getting our feet wet. :lol: The real fun starts in a few weeks! :D

Too pooped at the end of a long day to think, so I believe I'll sit this round out. Hope you're enjoying your Nicky time tho, Stef! :)
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