George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Good morning (or afternoon). :)

Nick slept in a bit this morning, so he's well-rested for his next hostess.. :)

So many good pics.. honorable mentions to Jacquie and NickyFan for "Oh Mandy" :D

blackflag - I'm going to miss Wendy :(
Princess - cute smile :adore:
NickyFan - I like the lighting here - and cute expression :luvlove:
Jacquie - love the smile and the eyes!

Smokey - and how could I not pick this one? :devil:
Smokey - and how could I not pick this one? :devil:

Ooooooooo...thanks! I couldn't believe nothing from that scene had been posted before me. :lol: And I always think of George saying "It's just skin" when asked about all the fans that are hot for him. :lol: Oh's just skin...but it's so beautifully arranged! :D

I'm going to make it easy on you...sort of! Post your favorite pics that are NOT predictable for you. That is, post pics you love but that you don't often post.

So for me that would mean that I would have to post something other than this one or this one or this one because I always post them as my favorites. :)

Got it? Maximum of 12 in 24 hours! :)
Easy on us? :wtf: :eek:

If I have it I love it. Guess that means I remove all the ones that I would look to post first and then I can post anything that's left. :p

Theme pics set #1:
I just got them recently so they can't be predictable yet! :lol:
because I snagged this for a wallpaper and just can't get rid of it :lol:
don't think any of us post last years summer press tour that much
surprisingly I don't post this much! :alienblush:
not my usual from Internal Combustion
not my usual from Lost and Found

Congrats on winning Smokey

I'm going to make it easy on you...sort of! Post your favorite pics that are NOT predictable for you. That is, post pics you love but that you don't often post.

Got it? Maximum of 12 in 24 hours! :)

and this is easy :rolleyes:

Like blackflag said everything in my collection is my favourite :) but I'll see what I can do :)

There is a different CSI with Nick
I usually post the one where Nick is looking up
I like this pose but for some reason I don't post it that often. Great hand pic :)
I like the one in the layout room more
I like the one with Catherine a little more
again with a different CSI

and this time I only posted 6 :)
I'm trying to figure out if this should be easy for me or not.. I haven't been here as long, so I don't have many that I've posted "often" - but it's still hard, since everything is a favorite! :confused:

First set:

One (I seem to have a thing for "just skin" today
Six (because Jacquie can't :lol:)
Six (because Jacquie can't :lol:)

Yup you do know me well :)

You know for your theme I would post 12 moustache pics... if I had any :guffaw:

I could supply you with some :D

I'll come by later and post my second set of pics :)

and that later time is now :)

cause blackflag can't post it (borrowing a page from Raynn here :D
I don't really like the sideburns
I prefer the buzz or Nick's usual style
It's not an open Nick
Adam has clothes on :D
I don't like invading on George's private life
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