George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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My Monte Walsh was shipped yesterday. :D

Nick thought it was bad enough being here constantly when it rains in the summer. He's decided he wants to leave now! :( He doesn't like our snow and we're supposed to get 3 to 5 inches of it before it stops. All the polls have proven that Massachusetts has some of the worse drivers on the road and he doesn't want to experience that. :lol: Oh, well! At least it's not an ice storm like it was last year. :shifty:

Winner Time:

Your runners up:
ChristmasCookie - chocolate cookies? :p
Stokes4Me - I think that's the brightest shirt he's ever worn (probably why he has a sweater on :lol:)
St Nick - Fantastic profile and just a hint of the little guy. :lol:
Princess - comming dangerously close to getting Nicky back.:drool:



Snowkey - an absolutely fantastic profile shot. :drool: And the sunnies and sunshine are something we're not seeing today! Have a good time with Nick Snowkey. He's a little tired after making peanutbutter cookies :eek: (that neither one of us will eat! :wtf:), doing the laundry, and bringing up some boxes of Christmas decorations from the garage. :thumbsup:

Congrats Mom :D

Have fun with your guest :devil: But you won't forget Little One, will you??? ;)

And just so you know I have no odd fascination with 'that creepy gnome thing'... it's just... well... what would you do if you had only two capped epis od season 1 and Facelift is one of it??? It was the first episode I ever capped and the gnome scene caps are the best ones of my first try :rolleyes::lol:
And just so you know I have no odd fascination with 'that creepy gnome thing'... it's just... well... what would you do if you had only two capped epis od season 1 and Facelift is one of it??? It was the first episode I ever capped and the gnome scene caps are the best ones of my first try :rolleyes::lol:

It's okay. :) It just reminds me of Yoshi's birthday gift theme with the Rapper in a Box, and this was the Bestest Creepiest Gift of All. :lol:

Snowkey - an absolutely fantastic profile shot. :drool: And the sunnies and sunshine are something we're not seeing today! Have a good time with Nick Snowkey. He's a little tired after making peanutbutter cookies :eek: (that neither one of us will eat! :wtf:), doing the laundry, and bringing up some boxes of Christmas decorations from the garage. :thumbsup:

Awww...thanks! That's one of my favorite pics/scenes/outfits. :D I think I'll let Nick just relax tonight then since he worked so hard at your place. We can take it easy. ;) a theme is what we need. You know, after all that work Nick did, he didn't have time to shave. :lol: And it looks so rrrrrrrrrawr! So I'd like some scruffy pics...but no moustache! :lol: Actual scruff is good, but I also like it when you can just sort of see it, like here and here. :adore: Maximum of 12 in 24 hours.
Well, I lied about letting Nick take it easy this weekend. I made him help me move stuff around on the ol' Farmtown homestead this afternoon. :) But don't worry...he had a nice evening. ;)

You all did very well with the theme! me some scruff! :D

So let's get to it....

Princess - be still, my heart! Nice one! :)
Nickyfan - so close I can feel it! :devil:
Blackflag - lots of crinkles to boot! :luvlove:
Jacquie - ooooo...another reach out and touch moment! :adore:

And for adding in a beloved turtleneck sweater...*swoon*...the winner is Americanstalker with this little beauty! He'll be packing up lots of those sweaters for his trip up north. Hope you enjoy them...and him! :D
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