George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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I'm glad to hear that i can snag your great picts. I will definatly keep your signatures on them.

Okay so about uploading into my album, how exactly do you do that? :alienblush:

once you have the pictures stored to you computer click on the 'upload images and video' tab on photobucket. If you're only going to upload one picture double click on the picture you want to upload. Once the pic has uploaded you can put a description on it. If you want to upload more than one pic single click on the first pic, then go to the last pic you want to upload, hold the shift key and single click on the last pic. Then click on open and the pics will upload to your photobucket. Photobucket also has a help option and in the frequently asked questions is info on uploading pics. I hope this helps you :)

Also like everyone else has said feel free to use my pics as long as you leave my name on them :)

Congrats on winning Princess :) nice pic by the way :)
Thanks Yoshi. We're supposed to be getting some nasty weather here tonight so I was glad Nick got here before it all get started.

So, theme...what about a porn theme? But what kind of porn?

Let's go with some good 'ol arm porn. At least 12 in 24 or so.

Happy hunting.
Good Morning y'all :)

I love being one of the first to post! Especially since its been so long since I've joined a theme :D
Congrats Princess!

we've notice you've been AWOL for the Ward :)

Congrats Princess. What a way to brighten up another wet day! :(
yup we're a little on the wet side as well here blackflag. At least it's not the fluffy white stuff :shifty: yet :shifty:

Arm Porn coming up

Gotta love the weather around here...
Tuesday morning it was 26 degrees - it's 66 degrees out right now. :wtf:
At 6:30 this morning it was absolutly pouring out - 2 hours later the sun shone. :wtf:
Like they always say in New England - if you don't like the weather wait a minute, it will change. :thumbsup:

Second set of theme pics:
arm porn #7
arm porn #8 (remember - Arm Porn!) :rolleyes:
arm porn #9
arm porn #10
arm porn #11
arm porn #12

Again no new Nick this week???!!! :eek: That really sucks :(

Well then we should post as many Nick pics as we can, new and old :D

Second set:

Most likely a dupe
same here
not that much an arm porn pic :(
arm porn #10
arm porn #11
arm porn #12

Man, my sets are so lame this time...

No there are never lame. You like everyone else have excellent pic

from you speedy we'd be disappointed if you didn't post something from your favourite theme when possible :D
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