George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Well, OMG! A wonderful day just got even better! :eek: Nick seemed a bit stunned finding himself in Sweden and it not raining :eek:!!!

Thanks ever so much for sending Nick my way Jacquie!:)

I had a great night last night performing with my choir, we brought the house down!;) Tonight I am off to watch my eldest son play soccer/football, so I'm on the move all the time it seems.

And that's how I came up with my theme...I want pics of movement. Nick/George/OC either moving or someone/something in the background being in motion, or however you interpret movement. If you find this theme too much of a challenge feel free to go I spy of things beginning with M :thumbsup:.

Up to 12 pics in about 26 hrs please!

Oh mercy, mercy goodlooking Texan is waiting to entertain me for the duration of at least 26 hrs...Magnificent :adore:!
Thanks for sharing those pics Smokey! And congrats on getting your diploma!

Well, the rain
finally started falling here in Sweden making Nick and I quite wet :devil: having to resort to going inside and taking all our clothes off get dried...and while they are hanging on the clothes line I'll announce the runner's up and winner of the movement theme ;)!

I have to applaud you all
for your absolutely amazing pics! You've all done a splendid job!

Princess - lots of movement in here and besides, I adore Nick in that puffy vest!:drool:
Jacquie - oh goodness gracious! I find Nick so incredibly sexy in a turtleneck and when he's working those muscles as well...

blackflag - poetry in motion...what else is there to say?:adore: but it was hard to choose with you posting this too :eek:

and that leaves
NickyFan as the winner with this fantastic cap
! I love it, love it, love it!

Congratulations on having an overnight guest! I hope it's ok him coming to stay with you? You usually state when it's not appropriate for you to have a visitor so....:confused:...ah well...I guess that's why there are runner's up too, isn't it?:lol:
Awww man I'm so sorry ladies :( My internet wanted to make me angry again and I couldn't be online for the last three hours... I had my post finished for you and then I couldn't post it :( Now I need to write it again, hopefully it works this time.

Thank you so much for sending Nick my way, Stokes4Me :D And that on a Friday :) Don't worry... I would have said if I wouldn't be there over weekend because I don't want to leave you guys hanging.

So a theme... well... I think I need to 'think' about it :) Yup, that'll be my theme :D I would like to see Nick/George/etc. thinking. Show me pics where one can see the wheels turning in his head :)

Now I have to take care of my guest :devil: Thank god he arrived dry because it isn't raining in Germany today :)

A maximum of 12 pics in 24 hours :D

Happy hunting ladies :)

And Mom, I'm so happy you're back *hugs* and I'm glad you had fun in Vegas :D One day I'll come with you.

Awww where are my manners??? Welcome back Speedy and Bookgirl as well :D I bet Vegas was a trip worth :)
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Glad to have you back Smokey, Speedy & Bookgirl. Looks like you all had fun. :thumbsup: You obviously didn't get a choice of who signed your diploma. :lol:

My kind of thinking theme - not too much thinking on my part. :lol:

First set of theme pics:
thinking Nick #1
thinking Nick #2
thinking Nick #3
thinking Shorty
thinking Gus
thinking Evel

Wasn't sure I was going to find one of Evel. He's more impulsive and less thinking. :lol:

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