George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Well ladies another fine round has come to an end and that means Nick will be on his merry way to a new location. But where?

Runners up:

Stokes4Me You can't go wrong with a little Evel
blackflag Love the hint of arm and wristband and sunnies

And now the winner and lucky gal: Yoshi New assistant supervisor goodness

Congrats Yoshi. You'll be receiving a very delicious gift soon. Enjoy! :devil:
Good Morning y'all :)

Tis another fine morning here in Toronto. The high today is suppose to reach 18C :eek: I just finished making my morning run for my tea refill and I went without my coat. The coat is safely stored in the car for when I actually do need it this year, which the way the weather and me are going at the moment it could be sometime later this month or early next month :lol:

Congrats on winning Yoshi :)

So what will our new theme be? Will it be some nose flairs, buzz, arm porn, death by chocolate, neck porn or god only knows and Nick's not telling :lol:
Oh my.

I got me a visitor :adore:

It is bitterly cold here and very foggy - the drive home from work was scarey - couldn't see five metres in front of the car :shifty:

So to remind me of warmer days (and nights :p ), I'd like a Nick/George/OC in sunnies please.

Up to 12 pics in around 24 hours please.

I have to warm myself up now :D
Jacquie, You should have warned me about possible chocolate overdose with Monte Walsh! I only got through half of it before we had to take Thomas to the vet but... :drool: :drool: :drool:

Yes the chocolate is excellent isn't it :drool: I hope Thomas is OK :)

I need to say I don't have many sunnies caps, which might be because I like seeing his eyes :D

time to snag some from others then :)

Sunnies coming up :)

confuzzled sunnies
funny faced sunnies
some buzzed sunnies
arm porn sunnies
neck sunnies
hot looking Nick sunnies
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Jacquie, You should have warned me about possible chocolate overdose with Monte Walsh! I only got through half of it before we had to take Thomas to the vet but... :drool: :drool: :drool:

Yes the chocolate is excellent isn't it :drool:

Very nice! :devil: And might I say Shorty at 8:30 in the morning. :drool:

I hope Thomas is OK :)

It was just his 3 month checkup. They say he's doing great. We go back in another 3 months and he never seems to get used to it! :lol:

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